The online platform or portal from NIC for property taxes to be paid online shall include the following user cases,
Search property by Full Name, Mobile or Phone number, Individual Identity number, Tax identification number
Retrieve all property records from the repective corporation's or all States
The user selects all the records for which taxes are due
The user is requested for profile login using mobile or individual Identity number or via Tax identification number authentication
The user's can configure profile settings via mobile number or email id based login.
The selected records along with respective due amounts would be prepared for payment when the users clicks or select Pay Property Tax.
The user would be asked for confirmation of the properties information, the total amount due, select the payment gateway and proceed with payment steps
The successful completion of payment shall send a message to the users mobile of the successful payment, display online HTML or PDF or open document format read only receipt file in Locale language or regional language along with English or any other language as per users preferences or choice. The language choice could attract extra charges.
The subsequent login or search of properties Details would indicate the taxes paid or dues accordingly for all properties in the users name.
The users shall or can configure to store their receipts in online storage drive's like Digilocker, Google drive, Microsoft Drop box of their choice etc.
The users would be able to query properties records or receipts or dues online.
The receipts could be a consolidated report of properties taxes paid until the current financial year.
The receipts could also be a regular detailed report of properties taxes for each property as a Page (s) and shall display or the users could view or they could downloads on need to transfer to another system as the need may be.
The taxes due or option to pay via any payment gateway like GPay. The GPay shall provide flexibility to store or fetch the details and auto pay or manual pay using its app.
The user doesn't have to key in the properties information's again and again....
The payment apps or the portal shall consider Fexibility, ease of use and anytime, anywhere access, complete payment in 5 minutes, and the receipts are stored and available for ever in the Data store or online cloud storage platform or driver's.
The properties Details can also be queries on behalf of family members based on Individual Identity number personal profile details to query common ancestral or family members properties to pay taxes online. This could involve extra authentication steps.
The properties once sold to a buyer then the properties Details ownership of the seller would indicate property sold or transferred or gifted.
The portal shall provide a feature to share users experience or feedback or comments or suggestions or ideas through a online workflow or via a email ID.
These features are so common across all villages or counties, district's and hence the portal should be able to provide common framework or SDK for the district's or States to collect taxes uniformly.
The taxes paid online would be transferred to the village panchayats account or to the district's corporation account based on the address of the property(taluk, ward number, village name or address).
The query texts, search results, payment, payment gateways information, passwords, pins in language specific numerical keys like Roman letters, reports, receipts all shall consider i18N, display of numerics as per locale language numerical pads, multilingual, users preferences based or on demand choice of languages, Calendar and date time as per locale language or regional language...
The receipts or reports mandatorily would include headers and footers. That includes Property I'd, owner name, masked IIN, masked Tax identification number, masked mobile or phone number and so on...
The portal shall include a user or family specific or family ancestral dashboard for viewing, querying, payments, buying, selling, registrar registry entries, dues, legal status, historical records, get encumbrance, share encumbrance, change workflows on property for property development or extension or modifications to property in terms of additional floors and so on....
Hopefully, the NIC considers the above requirements or suggestions as well.
They could further enhance the feature considering the users perspective.