Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Tax Register and Balance Sheet for individuals, Entity's and so on

A manual daily tax log Registry book is need of the hour, Monthly Balance sheet, weekly balance sheet, bi weekly balance sheet, daily balance sheet, hourly balance sheets are required for us to plan our tax obligations to the County, City, district, region, State or union territory, country, association of countries, Continent's, and the planet Earth.

A online or offline Software package that includes or enables us to be tax complaint on a daily basis, hourly basis, every second or any part of seconds, minutes, weekly, Monthly, quarterly, half yearly, three months once, four months once, 2 months once and annually.

The context is to ensure apart from our salary, we can maintain a log of all types of income like interests, discounts, party foods, exchanges, coupons, redemption and so on...
