Thursday 31 December 2020

Chart Paper, Flipping chart paper, Flipping board

Is it time to create chart papers, Flipping chart papers, Flipping boards that enable inclusion of Creator or user information or Manufacturer information or Drawer information in the header, footer, bookmarks, water marks printed through printer's at home via Brand Printer cloud platform or vendor Neutral wokfkow platform?

The same can be adopted for Notebooks, Books, homework sheets, graph sheets, blueprints, Electrical diagram sheets, trace paper sheets, plumbing diagram sheets, Software design sheets like use case diagram, State diagrams, flow charts, component diagram, class diagrams, fishbone diagrams, process diagrans business process diagrams, hardware circuit diagrams, etc that enables printing of books at home, via provider's like whatever, plantuml,... Through special printers or printing algorithms. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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