Saturday 20 February 2021

#System auto Shutdown -Home use case

Is it time to use a Bluetooth  or WiFi or via cpu port or via WiFi router NMS to Shutdown the computer automatically when power goes off using a relay in the cpu driven through network protocols or via Software hardware interface for safe shutdown of the pc,monitor, laptop and so on....?  The auto shut off feature could consider the ups backups capabilities provided via it's registration with computer through discovery protocol's connected through Bluetooth or via WiFi or via hardware to hardware connection via a port using USB cable or other special type of bus cable, capability detection,sharing of capability info, storage of the info, intelligence to auto Shutdown the computer accordingly though direct hardware communication, via bus or network driven through software, Bluetooth, network, WiFi router embedded NMS,or WiFi networks,?

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

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