Friday, 30 October 2020

Funerals Services Portal

The Funeral Service's in the future could be Religion, caste, languages, species type (water animal's, sea animal's, bird's, land animal's,), and various types of factors impacting and that imapcted the human lively hood in the world in the Present Moment, in the Present incarnation and possible future incarnations. 

The person's DNA type, DNA, Gene type, qualities, etc shall be ascertained for burails, letting body for natural burails, preserved burials, burials in water bodies like sea, rivers or ocean, letting the body for natural decays, for carnivores and so on.

The ritual processes based on caste, creed, religion, language, species kind, holy Water's, flavoured flower extracts, flavour extracts from different natural leaves, flower's or fruits, Mantras or thithi process and so on

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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