Saturday, 3 October 2020

Milk Abhishegam

In Hinduism in temples milk Abhishegam are performed as rituals on a daily basis, periodically on Auspicious days, during special Pooja and so on.

The cows in Hinduism are revered as gomatha or Auspicious mother as she feeds milk not only to her calf but also for the entire human race. 

How do we address the following rational questions?

1. In today's scenarios the calfs are not given enough milk Whereas it is lavishly used for Pooja
2. The cow's milk is also used in many other rituals like final ceremony of Deceased person and so on.
3. The cinema stars are revered or their cut outs, are poured or performed with milk Abhishegam, how do we have to see or view or approach this as a society? As, there are still many people who struggle on a day to day basis without milk.


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