Saturday, 20 February 2021

Age of tree , age of animals , age of person or humans, What's my age?

The age of a tree is calculated by the rings in the trunks, similarly for certain animals their paws 🐾 are referred to determine the age, for us humans how to we calculate through a cell, dna sample,or paws, eye's, nails, unique pattern of whorls and lines in their body, apart from carbon dating of the bones...

Is there a method presently that determines the age of a person or animals or plants or trees right from the date and time of sprouting of seed or right from conceived datetime of ovary through sperm to this datetime?

Yes, may be for certain animals, trees? How about other animals like snake? How about flora's and faunas? How about insect's?

Please, give a reference. Time for me read or learn or uncover this knowledge.

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