Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Insurance Portability, coverage region and upgrades

The insurance scheme's can be specific to village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...

For example crop insurance, property insurance can be specific to the location of the Field and Property where in the insured amount can be upgraded based on value of the property, extension to the property, purchase of new properties, type's of crop sowed and so on... Such insurance would support Portability as per sale deed registration and. ownership changes..

The motor insurance can cover the regions driven by the driver or owner of the car as per Justdrive billings (metered billings, metered tax) could be monthly or annual.  The premium billings would be a percentage based on the path navigated.  The premium can be a formula based on the region types covered like village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...

The health insurance portability could be to support change in family member's due to divorce, widow,remarriage and so on.  The health insurance scheme would allow upgrades to increase or decrease the coverage amount to include more family members as per the given data.  The insurance premiums could be billed based on claims, the region type of claim like village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...  The premiums would be dynamic as per every visit as out patient, in patient services and so on for every hopitization or every visit based on policies or policy type purchased.

The policy details would include Names,IINs,PANs,TINs,TANs, place of issue, region of issue, region type,terrain type, service branch location,service branch region,service branch region type, service branch region could be same as place or region of issue, insurance provider region location,insurance provider region type and so on...

And so on....

What do we think or say about this idea?

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