Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Covid 19 Personalized labelled embroidery, designer masks

Is it time to build a webportal cloud platform, mobile app, desktop app that includes a workflow for selecting Mask type,RGB colour, facewidth, to embroid a each person usage at home with named labels, the labels are specified as input along with all the other parameters ( thread type, RGB colour,label fore colour,logo, face width specifications, and so on..) for customized and personalized masks?

This portals also provides GUI widgets and services through which orders can be placed from any other ecommerce website like Amazon, Flipkart...

Also, we can think of 3D printing of clothes to instantly stitching Mask and sell it online.  The 3D stitching or printing device could also be a offline device that could support informal vendor's road side or shops.

How do we reach offline customer's constraints, offline market, offline people or business thrown out of job and online market, could be basis or constraints that the portal could address?

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion,?

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Remote pairing with device's - AC,TV,other Electronics devices

Is it time for manufacturer's of electronics devices to allow pairing of remotes with the electronic device where the pair or pairing is established with MacId internally and with serial numbers externally to identify remotes easily with their mapped device in case same type, model,make is used in a premise.

The serial numbers are displayed in the display for ease of identification.  The paired device displays it's serial number - the host device serial number. For example the remotes could display the serial number of Remote and serial number of the device to which it is connected or paired. Also, the paired device names can be displayed in the remote as well in the device that is being interacted with the remote.

What do we think or say about this feature or idea?

Use Cranes to install the Window grills in high raise apartments precisely

Is it time to install window grills using special Cranes for precision installation?

The precision window installers would be interfaced with cloud computing platform for value add services, logs, Bill of material invoice, location of installation, date and time of installation, all applicable taxes like TDS certificate, transaction tax, GST, crasnes usage logs, and so on.

what do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Monday, 29 March 2021

Find my remote at home

Can we not search or locate a device(car keys, bike keys, remotes, water bottles, petrol cans, cooker whistle,vessels,books, notebooks, spectacles)... And so on or remote that indicates the exact location at home through receiver, transmitter, via bluetooth, using gps co-ordinates to indicate the room,shelf, bed, beneath the bed, kitchen or any place in the house,  including our own pockets and that information is alerted in our mobile, or family member's mobile, tv, any Electronics device at home as texts, or voice or as video location guidance map,by alert beeps,by flashing LED lights?

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Medicinal Care, cure, treatment, surgery and The Hospitals entire Operational is aw complaint, adopts various regulatory rules,guidelines and A Software SDK, Framework platform for instanciation for commanality, and variations in Medicinal practice line Allopathy, Ayurvedic,Siddha,Homoepathy,

In the future a hospital management could be a instantiation of a Platform for a particular type of Medical care that automatically addresses the following operational illities,

1. The infrastructure - Building, Modalities, labs facilities, 
2. The ability to understand the present state of patient - MedQL, 
3. The ease of understanding of a patients medical records, past health States, the present state - Views or viewer, Viewing Format's
4. Ability to collate every aspect of data for cure
5. The availability of patients complete life line data is only possible iff the information is  exchanged as per standard or regulatory recommendations are  stored in common could database(MedicalDB a polthotdb, scalable, available, reliable) or queryable in standard form irrespective of which Medicinal hospitals or institution's that the patient might have visited any where across globe or planets at any point in time of their life line or life period
6. Ability to investigate,query.research, clinical practice trails research, ability to customize vaccines or orals or intakes to suit each patients present health State
7. The Recipe of medicines, the health of medicine at the time of manufacturing  as per the quality of raw materials, the present quality state of medicine while admistering medication, clinical trials data details, the ability to address any new form of disease or pandemic on premise in hospitals or cinilcal trial research labs near by.
And so on...

The following Domain variations are addressed with their commonality, variations, with portability, medicinal Care continuity between different types of Medical care (Including dental) from the perspective of patient, data's availability on arrival as OP or IP, the exchange of data, the standards like HL7, DICOM from Allopathy perspective, other standards of exchanging information in other Medicinal practice like ayurvedha which kind of addresses the 3 fundamental elements வாதம், பித்தம், கபம் as basis, the tests to say what type you are with dsta, the composition data for வாதம், பித்தம், கபம், the present state in your lifeline and so on...

The intent of this idea is that every Medicinal practice has fundamentals, the platform should be able to capture every single parameters to understand the present state of patient and past medical care histories irrespective medicinal practice, the current and the cured state.

The Medical care parameters on a patient data's at any point of time the doctor's could understand the state of patient only can be understood iff every bit of information with respect to the patients data's is available in various format's, the history of treatments undergone, family lineage medical fundamental parameters data,

1. Body mass
2. BP
3. Height and weight
4. Preventive vaccinations
5. Details of Medicinal vacinations
6. Details Oral tablet's,drops,solids or லேகியம்,oil extracts, powders, soups, 
7. DNA,RNA composition - cell composition
8. Blood profile composition
9. Brain state or composition, nerve state
10. Blood state,it's ,type, rh factors at every stage of life, composition
10. Blood state as per lipid profile, other blood tests
11. metabolism and the effectiveness of medicine on patients DNA,RNA state, the illness state, the present state and the cured state, a comparison of health as per DNA, RNA composition at infant state, various growth stage state, to present state cured state - a Healthiness indexed value that indicates the internal health of a patient or a person at any point of time in their life line.
The Medicinal cure on a patient can it be identified through Metabolism at any point in time. In my opinion, Yes.  The ability of medicines on a patient over a period to bring their metabolism to the Infant state or brith state or to a best state for that person's health or a best possible state. 

A Software Medicinal SDK Framework platform  along with ERP that provides such abilities could be handy for Hospitals to be in compliance with Medicinal practice standards, tax compliance, Bill of material best practice for accounting transactions, staff's, the education infrastructure, the research facilities, the crm, and so on... 

A platform like this could it take medicinal Care, cure, treatment, surgery, to next level?

What do we think or say about this idea?

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Dual internet from two different ISPS

Are we going to see a dual internet with redundancy where in we subscribers chooses two different providers  for latency, redundancy, fault tolerance, fail safe, availability of the internet?  

The modem provided could host internet from two different ISPs or same service provider with two different paths totally for redundancy.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestions?

Hilton Honors

I have stayed in Hilton Homewood suites, Hilton hotel and found them to be very comfortable for business trip stay.

Please, add these part of your packages or offerings or services to the customers may be as part of hotel stay Bill or as additional facilities or stay charges,

1. Book a rental car on premise on arrival
2. Hotel stay itinerary could include pick up and drop taxies from airports,train station, ports and so on
3. Weekend pleasure trips or weekend sports trips, weekend shopping trips packages booking via hiton on premise kiosk or proxy server(wifi router flashed intranet access website) or local hosting offerings or online platform booking options
4. Pay as you use laundries bookings
5. Local tour guides
6. A trip to casino, churches, shopping malls
7. Pay as you use pools, pay as you use lifts , 
8. Buy stay insurance on arrival / or part of booking itinerary
9. A visit museums, parks,... And so on...
10. A visit to a bar or night clubs and so on...
11. Enroll a bowling sports stay linked discounted weekly sports package
12. Enroll a stay linked discounted any sports facilities near by
13. A visit to waterfalls, a visit to trekking, a visit to local markets 
14. Book a movie
15. Sking package
16. Pay as you use lifts discounted in the invoice for guests registered. 

And so on...

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestions?

#Theatre Contextual Content Delivery Platform - Video or Movie Mirrors

In the future we might see a change in  theatres, the screens could be total electronics like a TV at home while the screen could be protected with Gorilla glass and even could roll itself up or down or stationary.  The movies could be streamed from a local mirrors that is a local proxy with cache, security,on premise and streamed from a local server node(stub) in the vicinity. Every new release would be an update to the local vicinity servers(Private area network nodes or theaters or local proxies at theatres ,  the PAN could be district wise for easy distribution, connected to state PAN, connected to Country wide PAN / CDS connected to international or continent wise PAN or CDS network or providers like Amazon, Google, Whatever and other potential Content Delivery Systems platform providers who could set up  such a network of theatres that addresses these important aspects of theatre distribution rights, accountability, timely release, availability, production House rights, distribution rights, distribution and theaters booking accountability. The screen could be a hybrid screen where in movies can be streamed as we watch at home on TV and also for fail safe switch over the operating mode switches to the present generation projector mode.

1. Piracy
2. BIill of materials invoice
3. Movie Distribution rights accountability, audit trail, tax compliance, County taxes, transaction charges and taxes, distribution region(s) rights taxes, state taxes, DTAA double taxation avoidance agreement, streaming taxes, country taxes, continental taxes,UN taxes and so on...
4. The CDS providers would take care of the necessary backbone network through local and remote proxy data centers
5. The screens would be automatically upgraded by CDS
6. The complete taxation of distribution rights would be handled by CDS
7. The theatre seats would be lighted with seating arrangements as per booking information that includes the Names of the viewers being displayed on the seat, on arrival for every show, it provides colour coding seating arrangements.
8. The booking would only be allowed as per the viewers discretion or censor certificate via Individual Identity authentication or via booking platform's user profile settings with OTP authentication.
9. The users could validate online(eAuthentication, digital certificate) or offline via their identity cards.
10. The profit and loss accountability or statements of importance from the perspective audit, tax laws for each party involved in the Theatre Content Delivery Platform to be provided by the tech giant's like Amazon, Google, Whatever, Microsoft, Netflix, YouTube and so on...
11. Book a or any movie corporate special outing bookings.
12. Book a or any movie from any social or societies or place of worship.
13. Movie release, distribution, theatre, CDS network nodes, network, bandwidth, Speed, the earnings from the movie all is insured by CDS for loss.
14. The fail safe, fault tolerance, recoverable, availability so much importance to ensure 99% or 99.99% availability.  The CDS network nodes,redundancy network, bandwidth, Speed, streaming consistency so well precise they meet at least 98% availability in the Electronics mode or TV mode. 
15. Modes of screening could be Streaming local Proxy, Streaming remote proxy, Projector mode traditional screening, Digital projector mode Screening, Digital screens and so on...

An idea worth a business consideration.

Number of theatres in India, by State

Primarily a more appropriate data,

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

பல்லாங்குழி மற்றும் தாயம் விளையாட்டு

It's to implement a digital version of பல்லாங்குழி மற்றும் தாயம் விளையாட்டு that shall enable us to play digital offline game (physical game boards) and also a online muti user interactive online game with scorecards to make the game interesting.

I intend to write a online version of the game for sure, before a probable option to construct a offline game.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestions?

15 Number Puzzle - What if we extend or adopt this for alphabets of all known languages in planet Earth?

Is it time to inherit or extend the 15 Number's Puzzle game that lets player to arrange the juggled numbers in order?

Similarly, can we extend or adopt the same concept for Songs Basics or notes for rythm and thalas to arrange when they are jumbled as a way to learn, play and have fun.

Similarly, can we extend or adopt the same concept for English alphabets, தமிழ் உயிர் எழுதிக்கள் and மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் to arrange then in sequence when jumbled as a way to learn, teach kids in schools, play and have fun.

Similarly, we adopt the same gaming concept for teaching, learning all languages of World as a puzzle games to sequence them in order.  The game could simply and randomly unsquence or jumble the alphabets,vowels,consonents and the players arrange them.

 The world languages fundamental alphabets, vowels, and consonants can be taught as Puzzle games along with songs ryms that helps kids to learn.

Just like rubix cube the Number Puzzle game can be a matrix of 2*2,3*3,5*4,5*5,6*6,7*7,8*8,9*9,10*10 and so on....

This game can be extended for periodic table,  Factorials,Prime number's, Fibonacci, squarer oots, log values,cube roots, special number sequences and so on...

I am planning write these games in my own for sure very soon....

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestions?

Amazon prime video movies counts by language

Please include a feature to provide the county of movies by language in the movies by language menu for overall view.  Please also give a menu view for movies by year preferably the most recent year. For example The தமிழ் icon can be followed with (771) count to indicate the movies in the Library or in Amazon's CDS.  The overall counts along with category wise or group by language movies counts could be good indicators.  The movies watched, yet to be watched, in the playlist or wishlist, movies requested by viewer all could be another way to sort organize or provide ease of use feature or imroves user experience.  Please include a feature to copy the texts typed into text boxes be copied to the clipboard automatically, so it helps the user in recoverYing the feedback texts in case the feedback form view or apps doesn't respond.

What do we think or say about this idea?

Monday, 22 March 2021

VoiceToText boxes or VoiceToText editor's in GUI Frameworks

Please include a Feature to Voice your comments though the VoiceToText text boxes.  These VoiceToText text boxes dhall be multilingual allowing the user to speak in a language while converting the comment in another language. Like Tamil to English.  Also, provide a Translate icon or button or a visual clue next to the recorded comments to convert the comment text to a desired language as opted or chosen by the users.  Please enable this in YouTube, YouTube songs or music.

Also, include such text boxes VoiceToText editors or recorder's or boxes in all kind of GUI Frameworks for all kind of inputs like free text, list, combo box, text editor's, rich text box and so on... to help physically handicapped people to work.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Google Search - Books, Songs, Video's

total number of movies group by language order by language

Is the query i typed in Google, unfortunately it doesn't give a great matching result set as it considers it as SQL query while not understanding the meaning of the search.

This query could search the Global Movies Repository Store like IMDB (replicated around the globe) for results and these stores are replicated across the globe.  Similarly, international book 📖 data base also be replicated around the globe for access, analysis, storage, and so on.

total number of Songs worldwide group by language order by language

A similar query like could search a global songs repository store like IMDB or Intern national Songs Data Store and these stores are replicated across the globe.

The crawl function of Google could include searching or collecting meta from Content creators or from Content delivery platforms through which the index for such query can be answered.

Google Search could extend search by text, by grapheets, by query,by audio or video, and so on...  The query could be in  simplest form to search the titles, indexed meta data provided by the content creators , it could also allow full text search ,image content, songs by any part of lyrics, videos by any part of dialogue or lyrics or by casts or by crews or by scene or by interests or by category of film or by category of Viewership discretion or by sensor board certificate's or by Frames.

Multilingual Search text and results set.  


What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

VideoTo or Video / Audio Casting Host Platform's on Mobile Vehicles

Please include a feature set to configure the subscription for multiple user's in the family with their date of birth for watching movies as per age of the individual who has logged to view the movie. The sensor boards certificate, recommendation is honoured automatically via the users date of birth, authenticate viewing of every book.. There could also be a audit log in the users profile on the CDS platform

A use case to authenticate the  users identification for every login and for every movie searched, viewed, revieed.  Please also support use case to use the subscription multiple TV devices. For example some of the family could be living in different cities, state's or countries. Hence such feature include local taxes, county taxes, city taxes, state taxes, countries taxes taken care automatically.  

The subscription should Allow for scaling of user's, viewers, devices (mobile, tv, laptop's, system and other video devices.  ) Please provide a feature to cast movies from your on subscription during Travel in buses,tvs, flights and so on... This could include cast YouTube songs subscription as well or for that matter video apps subscribed and linked with Amazon.  The operator's of the buses, train's, Flights need to provide basic features or platform's for casting movies on the panel's provided in the bus through individual's subscription to Amazon prime video, net flix, YouTube songs and other source's of CDS or content provider's including watching live sports, festivals, place of worship event's,... Using MoviesTo or VideosTo via CastTo protocols.

The MoviesTo Protocols shall ensure the giftTo is validated from the set or list of movies to match the receiver's age as per the censor board certificate or as per viewers discretion and the preferences are matched for purchase, package and for the movies to be sent to the receiver's account.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion or feedback 😉🙂💯🌹☁️💄?

Amazon Prime Video Features enhancement that i would like or long or love

Please provide features to use the app, the catalogue of movies, search, settings , multilingual keyboard for wider access and in their comfortable languages known to them like Tamizh.  Also, provide a text box or message box or Editor in your app to comment or rate the movies as per viewers.  The editor's could support multilingual symbols, smileys, icons,grapheet,teeets, share features to share with your friends on Facebook's or through any social medias.

The entire set of Features should be language neutral, timezone neutral, calendar neutral.  The recommend movie could be a feature to share a movie or movie set with colleagues, friend's, family members and they could these as gift movies paid by sharer (ShareTo).  The gift movies could also be linked to personal important dates like birthday, anniversary, the movies gift can be by a organisation where they work.... The gift movies along with charges has to include gift taxes,tds and transaction taxes.  The corporates could gift their training programs, motivational movie's as part of their training programs as per each brand's or company's policy to gift movies via mobie via MovieTo protocol to their employees by sourcing their subscription id or account number or via email or via phone number or through linkedin professional social platform's as well.  The MoviesTo Protocols shall ensure the giftTo is validated from the set or list of movies to match the receiver's age as per the censor board certificate or as per viewers discretion and are preference are matched for purchase, package and for the movies to be sent to the receiver's account.

The trainings program video's could be interactive, a puzzle to grade for greater understanding of the course based on the answers, response and could change the frames to be played next for reunderstanding of the concept in case of wrong answer.  In case of correct answer the further process or suggestion or questions would be to test a greater understanding of the concept further.  This way the frames need not be played sequentially rather they are scripted though video scripting language with contextual strategies, switch cases, if blocks, repeat blocks, change Video human object to suit the program progress based on different contexts, the substitution or replacement of the person's in the video to suit a target goal or culture or course switch context or to suit to jump to another linked course or another programs for interactive video's via audio or textual questions and answers.


What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Friday, 19 March 2021

Print out in colours

We need to start printing billing addresses, bills other information in colours other than black colours.  The regular invoices given in stores, service center's, schools, colleges, billing addresses for shipping or for door delivery could be in multicolour printouts.  

For easier standard identification of  certain information through visualization via colours.

What do we think of this suggestion?

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Introduce deed types

The sale deed registration should include type of deed mentioned in the deed document docket itself that clearly outlines the most important properties listed with its values, amounts, taxes, as Index.  Each of the deed types may have commonalities and variations accordingly there could be commonalities docklets and variations specific docklets.  Similarly, the tools bars, viewer, status bar,menu bar, tool boxes can be configured for commonalities and variations.

The deed types could be
Land purchase / sale deed
Home purchase / sale  deed
Apartment purchase / sale deed
Commercial land / home / apartment / office space purchase deed
And so on...

The deed transaction type could be, (Multilingual, language requested, appropriate charges as per deed types, transaction amount, languages, docket type, docklets customisation, docklet books)

Outright purchase
Long term lease
Short term lease
Loan deed with loan provider as third party
Transfer of ownership to another buyer.
Transfer of ownership to self from loan provider's
Inheritance deed to immediate family members
Gift deed to Family members
Gift deed to Societies like Place of worship,trusts, Associations
Gift deed to non Family members or any individuals or multiple ownership title
Buyer type -   Individual, Joint, Society, Company, Organisations,Trust,Undivided Family, Government, Government organisation and so on.
Seller type -   Individual, Joint, Society, Company, Organisations,Trust,Undivided Family, Government, Government organisation and so on.

Buyer Accounts
Seller accounts
Buyer identities
Seller identities
Buyer Tax identities
Seller tax identities
Buyer and seller Names
Buyer and seller addresses

Buyer's / seller's / Witness Signature

Digital signnature
Buyer public key
Seller public key
Registrar public key
Witness public key

Just as in a computer file system properties, this should be adopted for all docklets of importance like Sale deed.  This information would be captured for docklets in Word or PDF any document format in the computer system of the State Government Registrar Registry Repositories and also inside the document itself.

The docket would be a new format supported as template or document type in each of the Software office packages, Word packages, portable document formats and so on...  These docklets would support multilingual deeds or documents to be supported.

The value in the rental agreement would be substituted via the Printers that can fill the marked or left out spaces or dotted lines or underlines or boxes fetched from State department's deed portal registrar server.     The document could be printed multilingually in any language as per users preference or in English, State's recognised official languages and in any language of the buyer's choice.  The buyer's shall bear the appropriate charges for their original deeds for the document as well as for the languages of choice.  For each language there could be separated certificate issued or it could be multilingual certificate downloadable from the portals.  The certificate download can be initiated probably for a travel need to other States or countries, do that the users could then show them in the destination country with their States language, English and in destination countries language(s).

#OfficePrinters,#ServiceProviders,#Banks,#RBI,#EconomicMinistry,#FinanceMinistry,#AnyServiceProviders,#AnyForms,#AutoFillAplicationForms,#AlwaysFetchand PrintLatestInformation, #OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter,#Docklets,#DockletPluginsViewer,#DockletTemplate,#DockletsDocumentTypes(.dock)

#OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter,#Docklets,#DockletPluginsViewer,#DockletTemplate,#DockletsDocumentTypes(.dock),#PropertyTypePluginViewer,#DocketPropertyPluginViewer,#SystemPropertyPlugInFoDocklet,#ToolbarsAutoconfiguredCustomizedAddedOption4EveryTemplateOrDockletType,#DockletStateSpecificViewers,#DockletStateSpecificMenubars,#DockletStateSpecificStatusbar,#DockletStateSpecificToolBoxes,#DockletStateSpecificToolBars,#WorkflowDocklets, #ConfigurableStateTransitionWorkflowDocklets

Similarly, all other book of records or registry like Marriage certificate, Divorce certificate, Income certificate, Birth certificate's, demise certificates, vehicle Registrar Registry Repositories, Driving licence Registrar Registry Repositories, can adopt the same approach of Multilingual Registry Repositories.

The concept for Registrar Registry Repositories chould be to create docklets and associate meta data (index, view, search, browse, access, edit, open, delete,query,compare,revert,commit,discard,audit log, analyse, verify, validate) with docklets. The repository would be a Versioning system that is specially customised from available systems like Microsoft TFS, Mercurial Subversion, Apache Subversion, Rational rose 🌹, Google Version control system Piper,Git hub, and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Rental increase per annum a possible formula

Is it time to define a standard definition for the rental increase based on the cost of inflation index for all of us to be adopted by all types of owners?

The formula that can be adopted could be in simplest form could be,

previous financial year rent amount * cost of inflation index / 100(💯).

previous financial year rent amount * cost of inflation index average index value for a decade or so / 100(💯).

The rental increase shall be calculated automatically by the Rental agreement registration portal through their APis. The value in the rental agreement would be substituted via the Printers that can fill the marked or left out spaces or dotted lines or underlines or boxes fetched from state department's rental agreement portal registrar server.  The document could be printed multilingually in any language as per users preference or in English, State's recognised official languages and in any language of the tenants choice.  The tenants shall bear the appropriate charges for their original deeds.

#OfficePrinters,#ServiceProviders,#Banks,#RBI,#EconomicMinistry,#FinanceMinistry,#AnyServiceProviders,#AnyForms,#AutoFillAplicationForms,#AlwaysFetchand PrintLatestInformation, #OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter

#OfficePrinters,#ServiceProviders,#Banks,#RBI,#EconomicMinistry,#FinanceMinistry,#AnyServiceProviders,#AnyForms,#AutoFillAplicationForms,#AlwaysFetchand PrintLatestInformation, #OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter,#Docklets,#DockletPluginsViewer,#DockletTemplate,#DockletsDocumentTypes(.dock),#PropertyTypePluginViewer,#DocketPropertyPluginViewer

Similarly, all other book of records or registry like Marriage certificate, Divorce certificate, Income certificate, Birth certificate's, demise certificates, vehicle Registrar Registry Repositories, Driving licence Registrar Registry Repositories, can adopt the same approach of Multilingual Registry Repositories.

The concept for Registrar Registry Repositories chould be to create docklets and associate meta data (index, view, search, browse, access, edit, open, delete,query,compare,revert,commit,discard,audit log, analyse, verify, validate) with docklets. The repository would be a Versioning system that is specially customised from available systems like Microsoft TFS, Mercurial Subversion, Apache Subversion, Rational rose 🌹, Google Version control system Piper,Git hub, and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Monday, 15 March 2021

Applications forms - with dotted lines or underlines - Printers that can auto fill latest information by sourcing them through API calls from the service providers

Is it time to auto fill application forms with underlined or dotted lines with details that fetches the latest information about the applicant using APIs from Identity provider's, Identity authenticators, latest residential address, own house address, Nativity Address, and with latest information from service providers like banks, insurance, company, Government, organisations...  The latest information from banks for example could fetch loan interest rate,pre-closure charges(a percentage of actual interest at the time of availing loan or closure), period of loan opted, amortisation schedule daily basis or monthly basis or half yearly or annual basis and all the above information are printed on the form for review by customer / his legal advisors.  The information can be read,rewieved and understood as terms and conditions have to be in different colour.  This helps in better legal complaince, statutory body guidelines complaince like RBI and avoids cheating, unpleasant customer experiences.?

Please, include algorithms that can get latest information of the applicants, the provider's terms, conditions, rates, charge's, pre-closure charges, amortization schedule, time period opted, all fetched from Bank's APIs, an audit trial monitor hook or request-response filters like Java / J2EE Servlet Filter that captchers the data for RBI or statuary organisation or statistics orgination for economic development / region's economic data, without altering the data request, the audit trial can include application form state or status and the service state or status from availing,apptoved,amount given, repayment, prepayment, closure's of the Service availed and so on.  This also enables statuary organisation like RBI to perform data analysis on the audit trial record's for it's guidelines, rule's, principles compliance or violations for necessary action.

The printers have to be manufactured in such a way that they are able to print or fill the application forms in the given dotted lines or underlines or optical character recognition or printing each character's in the given boxes... Such printers can. Interface with identity provider's, Identity authenticators, fetching latest Personal profile information, applicants other information, service providers information via API calls from the service providers WorkFlow state to print the filled application details with digital signature certificate or private key or with Biometrics signature or manual or all of them as applicable by the service provider accordingly the printer prints out these details.

The docklets could also provide forms like MSAccess forms for such fill in blanks or dotted or underlines sentences.  These docklets forms can then be integrated with Web Frameworks and backend services like Web services for integrated workflows to meet applications development.  These docklets forms after development can be published as versioned docklets form for Access through the application workflows.  The runtime instance's of such Workflow can be stored in document store or in Registrar Registry Repositories (version control system).

#OfficePrinters,#ServiceProviders,#Banks,#RBI,#EconomicMinistry,#FinanceMinistry,#AnyServiceProviders,#AnyForms,#AutoFillAplicationForms,#AlwaysFetchand PrintLatestInformation, #OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter

#OfficePrinters,#ServiceProviders,#Banks,#RBI,#EconomicMinistry,#FinanceMinistry,#AnyServiceProviders,#AnyForms,#AutoFillAplicationForms,#AlwaysFetchand PrintLatestInformation, #OticalMultilingualKeyboardTypewriter,#Docklets,#DockletPluginsViewer,#DockletTemplate,#DockletsDocumentTypes(.dock)


Similarly, all other book of records or registry like Marriage certificate, Divorce certificate, Income certificate, Birth certificate's, demise certificates, vehicle Registrar Registry Repositories, Driving licence Registrar Registry Repositories, can adopt the same approach of Multilingual Registry Repositories.

The concept for Registrar Registry Repositories chould be to create docklets and associate meta data (protocol methods/ToProtools/Method abstraction/MIME type:index, view, search, browse, access, edit, open, delete,query,compare,revert,commit,discard,audit log, analyse, verify, validate,log, version, revert,review, Docklet State, signature,md5 or security hash key, acquire lock, unlock,authenticate, certificates, docklet type, Status, CRUD date time, locate, verify, validate, languages, Multilingual, scope, validity period, validity, WorkFlow state..) with docklets. The repository would be a Versioning system that is specially customised from available systems like Microsoft TFS, Mercurial Subversion, Apache Subversion, Rational rose 🌹, Google Version control system Piper,Git hub, and so on for better optimum usage for the Application Workflow with responsiveness, completeness, credibility, reliability, availability, scalability, and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

#Copied to Xeroxed

Is it time to refer print of documents as Print, Reprint-(counter), Copy or copying as Xerox or Xeroxing or Xeroxed? 

This would be a far better neutral term to use.

What do we think or say about this suggestion? 

Sunday, 14 March 2021

#LifeTimeInsurance - Vehicle Insurance break down structure

Is it time to provide life time insurance for vehicle's for 15 year's or for the prescribed number of year's as basic coverage premium?

Vehicle (s) life time insurance
Vehicle's mobility insurance
Vehicle(s) Travel risk coverage insurance for self and allowed passengers count
Vehicle(s) third party insurance coverage
and so on...

All of the above being associated with separate or individual account numbers and linked with one overall account of the subscriber.  The details of each vehicle covered are included in the overall policy or insurance scheme.

The provider's should adopt the following illities

Transferable to family members or in case of sale
Coverage cover flexibilities

What do we think or say about this idea?

Addressed cache's / Addressed cache server's

Are we going to witness or work with addressed cache's that exhibit  scalability, reliability, availability, strategies for cache's, customisation of cache's via cache framework or SDK, cache archives, cache datastores, cache dataset and so on,?  

These are accessible as rest APIs or APIs or programming APIs or WebAPIs and so on...

The addressed cache's are structures that allows any type of data to fetched retained in a cloud ☁️ server for responsiveness,fault tolerance, strategies for loading, accessing via APIs for different types of structures (dbms, linked lists, hashes, trees, indexes, map, graphs, images, registry, Registrar Registry, domain naming registry, time zone , document, any type of data -structured or unstructured), scalable at runtime, archivable, audit trail logs of access or life time of cache, reliable, available and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea?

Friday, 12 March 2021

#PinCodeOrZipCode or PlaceorLocationResolver

Uniform address locator like URL.

Is it time to define uniform Address locator that probably adopts this format,?

For example,

Alpha-2 format

Or in general fully named formats, similarly alpha-2,alpha-3 formats can be considered for shorter format's

PlanetName:Earth.ContinentName: CountryName:India.StateName:TamilNadu.DistrictName.Madurai.LocalityName: Bibikulam.AreaName:KamarajarNagar.StreetName: FirstStreet.FloorName:GF.HouseName:EngalThaiyagam.HouseNumber#416.GPSco-ordinates..Lattitude#56.Longitude.#75

PlanetName:Earth.ContinentName: CountryName:India.StateName: Karnataka.DistrictName.Bengaluru.LocalityName: Doddathogur.AreaName:Doodathogur.StreetName: BettadadapuraMainRoad.PremiseName:PrineCity.BlockName:Flora.FloorName:FF.HouseName:NotNamedorUnNamed.HouseNumber#B113.GPSco-ordinates..Lattitude#56.Longitude.#75

Alpha two format

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Thursday, 11 March 2021

#Multilingual DNS URL

It's time to implement and support multilingual URL for access, locate,route,process, requests from different apps, APIs request / response workflows, messaging Frameworks, exchange server's, MIME header's, MIME request / responses, and so on... This should be supported by browser's, addressed cache's, Cloud platform's or services, DNS (Domain name servers) or host servers , data centers, protocols like TCP/ IP, UDP, HTTPS,TLS,ToProticols and so on..

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Friday, 5 March 2021

#Electricalwires of future

Are we going to witness colourful self glowing electrical insulation wires that shows the flow of electricity? 

Are we going to see electrical insulation cables in various colours with custom RGB colours to be locally assembled where in  the insulation matches the House 🏠 or room colours?   The flow of electricity or glowing lights to indicate flow of electricity.  The flow factor for day and night time should ensures 100 recogniseability or visibility and also should help visually impaired people to recognise the electrical wires irrespective of timezone or time period ,  the medium of host to ensure safety like wiring inside water for motor's, beneath the soils, over head wiring, and so on...

The Software app or a platform shall support order to customers specification.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Extension card with USB multiport charger cum USB extension switch, Network Ports for connecting printers, laptop's,keyboard,UPS,Headphone,Mic,Clock,Calendar

Is it time to manufacture extension cards with Network Ports, USB charging slots cum extension point's with Switch relays for power points, USB slots, network slots enabling the availability of each slot individually via the on/off switch provided for each of the female slots to enable connection to the male pins for connecting laptop's, UPS,printers, headsets,mobile, system, computer's, clocks, calendars, keyboards,mouse, router's, modem,network cables, Bluetooth speakers and so on...?

Is time for home's to be build or planned with WAN port and LAN port lines in each of the circuit boards at home for comfortable access via LAN cables, WiFi router?

This extension card can come with options to configure switching on manually with the switch provided or would include necessary hardware, embedded Software to switch on slots together when the computer CPU is switched on to enable monitor, printer, wan port, network lan port, headset, Mic, Clock, Calendar, UPS slots to be switched on via preconfiguration of slots to be enabled for connection via a Software app with cloud Access to store the configuration details with their cloud account with provider's like Google, to reconfigure by the user as per their needs.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Eyebrows,Eyebrows, Lipstick 💄

Are we going to witness or see different cosmetic layers in eye brows, eyelashes and Lipsticks with different colours like white, black, yellow, pink, red, blue, green, and ( rgb, combination with pattern's ) so on...?