Saturday, 20 March 2021

Google Search - Books, Songs, Video's

total number of movies group by language order by language

Is the query i typed in Google, unfortunately it doesn't give a great matching result set as it considers it as SQL query while not understanding the meaning of the search.

This query could search the Global Movies Repository Store like IMDB (replicated around the globe) for results and these stores are replicated across the globe.  Similarly, international book 📖 data base also be replicated around the globe for access, analysis, storage, and so on.

total number of Songs worldwide group by language order by language

A similar query like could search a global songs repository store like IMDB or Intern national Songs Data Store and these stores are replicated across the globe.

The crawl function of Google could include searching or collecting meta from Content creators or from Content delivery platforms through which the index for such query can be answered.

Google Search could extend search by text, by grapheets, by query,by audio or video, and so on...  The query could be in  simplest form to search the titles, indexed meta data provided by the content creators , it could also allow full text search ,image content, songs by any part of lyrics, videos by any part of dialogue or lyrics or by casts or by crews or by scene or by interests or by category of film or by category of Viewership discretion or by sensor board certificate's or by Frames.

Multilingual Search text and results set.  


What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

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