Tuesday, 23 March 2021

15 Number Puzzle - What if we extend or adopt this for alphabets of all known languages in planet Earth?

Is it time to inherit or extend the 15 Number's Puzzle game that lets player to arrange the juggled numbers in order?

Similarly, can we extend or adopt the same concept for Songs Basics or notes for rythm and thalas to arrange when they are jumbled as a way to learn, play and have fun.

Similarly, can we extend or adopt the same concept for English alphabets, தமிழ் உயிர் எழுதிக்கள் and மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் to arrange then in sequence when jumbled as a way to learn, teach kids in schools, play and have fun.

Similarly, we adopt the same gaming concept for teaching, learning all languages of World as a puzzle games to sequence them in order.  The game could simply and randomly unsquence or jumble the alphabets,vowels,consonents and the players arrange them.

 The world languages fundamental alphabets, vowels, and consonants can be taught as Puzzle games along with songs ryms that helps kids to learn.

Just like rubix cube the Number Puzzle game can be a matrix of 2*2,3*3,5*4,5*5,6*6,7*7,8*8,9*9,10*10 and so on....

This game can be extended for periodic table,  Factorials,Prime number's, Fibonacci, squarer oots, log values,cube roots, special number sequences and so on...

I am planning write these games in my own for sure very soon....

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestions?

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