Sunday, 21 February 2021

#IRCTC should adopt floating or randomised insurance provider selection through algorithmic allocation of service provider

Is it time that IRCTC provides insurance scheme or coverage to its passenger's for every PNR via all insurance providers registered with IRDA through a randomization algorithm that auto selects the insurance providers when tickets are booked for every PNR?

To the best of my knowledge  the insurance is currently provided only through the following provider'

Bharti Axa General Insurance, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance and Shriram General Insurance only,

I think as a Government organisation they should support or remain neutral and include every service provider registered with IRDA particularly when the insurance coverage has to be provided by a Governmental organisation like IRCTC.

What do think or say about this suggestion?

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Age of tree , age of animals , age of person or humans, What's my age?

The age of a tree is calculated by the rings in the trunks, similarly for certain animals their paws 🐾 are referred to determine the age, for us humans how to we calculate through a cell, dna sample,or paws, eye's, nails, unique pattern of whorls and lines in their body, apart from carbon dating of the bones...

Is there a method presently that determines the age of a person or animals or plants or trees right from the date and time of sprouting of seed or right from conceived datetime of ovary through sperm to this datetime?

Yes, may be for certain animals, trees? How about other animals like snake? How about flora's and faunas? How about insect's?

Please, give a reference. Time for me read or learn or uncover this knowledge.

What is my age?

I was born on 22nd October 1975, is my age calculated from then on or to be calculated from the date and time of conceive, in the womb of my biological mother, when the sperm from the biological father meets the ovary in the womb or the ovary formation date? 

What is the basis of my cell ?
Is it from my biological mom's ovary or from my biological father's womb or it's a combination or it's very unique?

What does our genetic engineering or DNA principle says, time to read some fundamentals on this subject through books?

Any, recommendations?

#Stage backgrounds in Lego blocks

Is it time to create phonetics based, phonetics font style driven programmable, intelligence, live pattern generation, hardware, software, electronics, electricals, interface for stage backgrounds for cinema's, tv programs, news programs, devotional songs, festivals, functions and so on? 

The stages shall be completely Modular and would be easy to install as Lego blocks with male plugs and female sockets to interface the power, bus, between the individual units or panels.

This entire stage assembly, dissambly,programming,live phonetics font style conversion in case of live programs and so on shall be programmed though special Software platform's or Operating system.

What do we think or say about this idea?

#System auto Shutdown -Home use case

Is it time to use a Bluetooth  or WiFi or via cpu port or via WiFi router NMS to Shutdown the computer automatically when power goes off using a relay in the cpu driven through network protocols or via Software hardware interface for safe shutdown of the pc,monitor, laptop and so on....?  The auto shut off feature could consider the ups backups capabilities provided via it's registration with computer through discovery protocol's connected through Bluetooth or via WiFi or via hardware to hardware connection via a port using USB cable or other special type of bus cable, capability detection,sharing of capability info, storage of the info, intelligence to auto Shutdown the computer accordingly though direct hardware communication, via bus or network driven through software, Bluetooth, network, WiFi router embedded NMS,or WiFi networks,?

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Friday, 19 February 2021


Please include a Feature in the Text Editing plugin of GBoard for easy alignments like justify, left, center, right alignments....

Car πŸš— Brand Specific customised Perfumes

Is it time for car brand's to create car πŸš— Brand type,car platform type, car class type, car value type driven Custom perfumes in different flavours with a schedule calendar that covers the car's approved lifetime of 15 years?  The perfumes aroma, label all will be customised as per the Brand's Open Specifications Stansted or APIs.  The car manufacturer's can come together to define this standards and the necessary manufacturing specifications, Software platform's to refine, define, redefine, enhance , place order, custom label's and so on... The perfumes could be manufactured to lasts month's all together or they could be refilled in gasios form for longevity and the host component's or cylinder can be permanent component inside the dashboard like a 5kg gas cylinder with all safety precautions and measures addressed in it.  The refills can be ordered online via service centers, or refill at Petrol or gas stations and so on... The gas stations or service stations should be able to custom refill each car as per the manufacturer's specifications and by feeding the Dynamic QR code displayed on board panel or display system.

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion?

Thursday, 18 February 2021

GoogleMap Personalisation Feature

Please allow feature to add Address like Birth place home address, in law's home address, native Address, dad's native Address, mom's native Address, Dad or mom's residence address or where they lived or grew, dad or mom's in law's address, my siblings Address, my siblings in law's address, my mom's or dad's in law's address,my mom's or dad's siblings address, their in law's address and so on.... In the Personalise Map feature in Google Map.... Native temple,  all these appropriately labelled as Sibling brother home address, sibling sister home Address, native Temple labelled in the name of the deity and so on...

School Address
College address
Office address
Business address
Music 🎢 learning or coaching address
Sports academy's address
And so on...


What do we think or say about this suggestion?

IT industry uniform dress code, logos, emblems, company slogan

Are we in the future going to witness uniform's in IT industry?

The uniform's could be Formal wears, casual wears, Traditional attires, sports wears, conference wears, training wears, travel wear's, day out wear's, trip wear's, interview wears and so on...  The cost of the uniform's can be deducted from the CTC, the uniforms can be provided once in couple of years or based on a defined time period of years as per the policy of the company..

What do we think or say about this idea?

Submarines with Hydroponics to cultivate or harvest veg's, leafs, mushroom's, cereals, grain's for food

Is it time to use different agriculture methods like soil less forming techniques like Hydroponics, Acquaponics, ArtificialLighting for photosynthesis in Submarines to solve fresh food problem on-board?

Brand Specific Custom battery πŸ”‹ like Amazon remote battery and similar approach

Are companies going to build batteries that are specific to their products,its variations, like Watches, Remote's, Clocks, vehicles, solar backup,ups, Toys...  These batteries composition shall be Specific to each product type or category or variations or variants based on the features or the power required?  Such batteries can be customised or custom build in factories, in localized stores in counties, malls, shops, platforms, Specific to each brand .  These batteries can be ordered via the dynamic QR code displayed on those devices or Remote's  that helps in placing orders for them via online shopping platform's, brand online portal, brand apps and so on... The batteries could range in 1 volts to 100 volts or more based on need and they are charged or priced accordingly.  The batteries can also support enhanced Lifetime as per each brand's reputation or specification's. The batteries are customised for the brand  name or company that provides gift to employees or customer's and the reorder period would honour the brand name in the batteries that are going to be replaced when their charge level or usage period is met. The brand names, label's of customer choice can be displayed or printed in local language or preferred language or multilingual or based on the target location of product delivery or ordered from official languages...

What do we think of this suggestion or idea?

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Phone πŸ“±πŸ“±πŸ“±πŸ“±πŸ“±πŸ“±πŸ“±number inheritance

Is it time to inherit or allow inheritance of mobile numbers to their children, grandchildren and so on?  

This could be achieved with birth certificate, passports,IIN, driving licence and based on other documents..  This way dual SIM need for the children can be achieved through porting of Dad or Mom number, along with the numbers they subscribe ot purchase....

Bus Tickets, Traiin, Flights, Personal cars, Rental cars, Boats, Ships, Bikes, Cycle,Insurance, Travel insurance

I booked bus tickets through your partner's redbus via GPay, please include a Feature to send TicketTo or TicketsTo GoogleMap with travel options from my residence to bus departure location, also make an Entry to my Google Calendar, trip history in the GoogleMap, RouteMap,TripMap,TravelMap, PlannedTripMap, ActualTravelMap and so on.... The InsuranceTo could be trip specific or annual plans protecting the life through out the journey by distribution of insurance cost through all villages, town's, cities district's covered in the journey..   The interface could also support insurance linked cancellation of tickets with full refund of booked ticket...  The annual Travel insurance policy purchased by a individual could cover any mode of transport, class of vehicle, class of seating, distance coverage, region type, terrain type,region covered, sports travel insurance covered, member's covered for family...  The plan can be upgraded for any of the parameter that impacts the coverage value, distance, region type, member addition, vehicle class, vehicle type, mode of transport or travel, dressing class, distance of travel, regions covered, types of regions covered, terrain types covered, medium of transport like by road, air, water, river's, space and so on...  The insurance would also provide options for third party insurance no claims discounts as well just like own damage no claims discounts in the future.

The travel insurance for a trip with service provider's can consider the already bought personal travel insurance that is still valid as on the date and time of booking as well for the travel date time (timezone neutral)  of the trip for the passenger's (group scheme) or family member's (family scheme) to reduce the trip specific insurance cost to the passenger's and the Travel or tour operators or service providers.  For example the passenger's can key on the personal or family or corporate policy number while opting for travel insurance to gain protection, insurance value discounts,to also help the cost to the travel operators.  In case of no travel insurance policy or details not provided then the travel operators insurance scheme can be adopted for the ticket or PNR for that trip.

#GoogleMap, #CommonThirdPartyInsurance, #GPay, #Insurance, #InsuranceSubscriptionPlans, #JustDrive, #JustDriveBilling, #MeteredInsurance, #MeteredBilling, #MeteredTaxation,#Redbus, #SingleThirdPartyInsurance #TravelInsurance, #VehiclesInsurance

What do we think or say about this idea?

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Online shopping shared selections or choices of products with nears and dears

Please include a feature to share Products browsed or in wishlist or in cart to be shared with friend's or with family member's or with colleague or with partners or others for their liking, approval or confirmation before purchase or to confirm while placing  order...

Thursday, 11 February 2021

#PhoneContacts - Up to this moment...

Please include features to add contacts,merge, version contact details, when the contact objects detail's are chsnged by me, by self,by others who gain access, privilege to change contacts attributes, properties, details, information that can include name, identities, profession, degree's, achievements by linking with whatever, LinkedIn, Government functions,non Governmental agencies, companies, Service providers, merit agencies,rewards provider's, awards or certification received and included into contacts via a International standard contacts information sharing, add, phone numbers,sim number,Edit,delete,addinfo,addachievements,addrewards,addawards,addmedals,addorEditIdentitydetailsordata, also add feature to save the self information in contact's to a Contacts Versioning system, synch contact's latest information from Contacts Versioning system to be in synch with the latest data...

what do we think or say about this idea?


Please include feature to interpret QR code,Barcode, captcha to support workflows to add contact's,merge contacts, to read and show context menus, to complete captchas for a workflows or request , to encrypt or decrypt special syntaxes in the messenger apps...


What do we think of this suggestion?

Personalised Google Map...

Please include a use case to reach the nearest network hospitals as per my health insurance policy or policies of any kind subscribed by the Google user. Please also include a feature to personalised list of network hospitals as per by policy number when keyed in or typed.  Similarly, help find nearest service centers for any type of services extended by any service provider like Bike, cycle, car, Mobile , laptop's, electronics device's, phone service providers based on the serial numbers, invoice number, warranty number, phone number,policy numbers or any other unique identifier number provided by the Service providers...

Please, also provide a feature to identify contacts by relationship,by profession, colleagues,by service providers based on my purchase,by Government functions based on my enrollment or interactions for follow ups,frequent visits, to reach a relations House 🏠, to Service center's,to hospitals, to movies,to theme park, travels based on itinerary,seek help in case of car or vehicle breakdowns, burglary and so on....

The usage history feature, visit history, travel history, the service providers can send a SMSTo or emailTo or MessengerTo or MapTo Features to remind the user, customer, client to prepare for the visit to the location of the Service provider.

What do you think or say about this idea?

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Insurance Portability, coverage region and upgrades

The insurance scheme's can be specific to village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...

For example crop insurance, property insurance can be specific to the location of the Field and Property where in the insured amount can be upgraded based on value of the property, extension to the property, purchase of new properties, type's of crop sowed and so on... Such insurance would support Portability as per sale deed registration and. ownership changes..

The motor insurance can cover the regions driven by the driver or owner of the car as per Justdrive billings (metered billings, metered tax) could be monthly or annual.  The premium billings would be a percentage based on the path navigated.  The premium can be a formula based on the region types covered like village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...

The health insurance portability could be to support change in family member's due to divorce, widow,remarriage and so on.  The health insurance scheme would allow upgrades to increase or decrease the coverage amount to include more family members as per the given data.  The insurance premiums could be billed based on claims, the region type of claim like village,town, city, district's, state's, country,continent, continent's, association of countries like SAARC,UN, European Union and so on...  The premiums would be dynamic as per every visit as out patient, in patient services and so on for every hopitization or every visit based on policies or policy type purchased.

The policy details would include Names,IINs,PANs,TINs,TANs, place of issue, region of issue, region type,terrain type, service branch location,service branch region,service branch region type, service branch region could be same as place or region of issue, insurance provider region location,insurance provider region type and so on...

And so on....

What do we think or say about this idea?

Monday, 8 February 2021

Payment icons

Can your New G Pay logo the Titled double S Or $ be a animated gif image or cursor during a transaction that indicates the Source currency icon or symbol flowing out and target currency icon or symbol receiving the transaction value or amount for every transaction in progress?

The transaction cursor could be a rotating Globe with GST timezone consideration, source location coordinates, destination location gps coordinates, source location language , destination location language, the flow of currrency token could indicate transaction type, currencies involved,value, identities of transactors,tax identities and icon or cursor could flow as a animated tokens on the globe 🌎 to show the status using Google map and so on could be value adds...

What do we think or say about this suggestion?

Sunday, 7 February 2021

MailTo,DialTo,MesseageSmsMmsTo, MessengerTo,PayTo...

Is it time to implement protocols to support features to support more protocols like MailTo, DialTo, DriveTo, DiveTo, SwimTo, LightTo, PowerTo, ElectricityTo,MesseageSmsMmsTo, MessengerTo, PayTo, VideoTo, DocumentTo,VoiceTo, VoicemailTo,TextTo, ImageTo,MapTo,GraphicsTo,UMLTo,ArcheTypeTo,BluePrintTo,SignalTo,WavesTo, SoundTo,SongsTo,MusicTo,DanceTo, SatelliteCommunicationsTo.FlyTo,TicketTo, PlanTo, CalendarTo, StudyTo,MIMETypeTo,EventsTo,CodeTo,FlyTo,CruiseTo, InsuranceTo,PolicyTo,BookTo,SellTo,BuyTo,PlayTo,FunTo,TripTo,CookTo,ServeTo,CallTo,MassageTo,CureTo, CareTo, DriveTo, RingTunesTo, RingTonesTo, ItineraryTo, ContactsTo, DateTo, ApplicationFormTo ServiceRequestTo,ServiceResponseTo, OrderTo, DeliveryTo,VisitTo, QuoteTo, BoatTo, ConfigurationTo, ShipTo, PriceTo, FoodTo, GroceryTo, BooksTo, Accessories To, ClothsTo, ShiesTo,SlipppersTo, MakeUpTo, PrintTo, PhotoTo, VideoTo, TilesTo, PaintTo,CleanTo, PrayTo ,PlaceOfWorshipTo, WaterFallsTo, SportsTo, DTHTo , eDDTo, eChequeTo, ShareTo,LiveTo,BroadcastTo,TelecastTo BiometricsTo,KYCTo,eKYCTo,TransactionTo,TransferTo,WorkOrderTo,TaskTo,ScheduleTo,QRCodeTo,WaterSportsTo, MIMETypePlugInViewerTo,WaterFallVisitTo, and so on...,? Such that they are anchor's to support one touch dial,mail,email,message,messengermessages and so on to be included in HTML specifications, protocol standard's, to include in All forms of GUI interface, communication protocols, widgetsTo, workflows,messaging Frameworks, exchange server's , MIME viewer plug-in,devices,messengers, social media apps, workflow applications, vehicles,TVs, electronic devices, and so on


What do we think of this suggestion?

Monday, 1 February 2021

#Canon Print app Feature addition

Please provide a feature in the app to register service request through the app for repairs,service,or to help service request.  The request should automatically capture device serial number,invoice, warranty information, extended warranty and so on...  The app should be able to store service request,request type medium or mode,request details ,turn around time,invoice, taxes,datetime of request, resolution details, resolution datetime and so on.... Please include this feature in  the app.  Also, kindly allow reaching to customer care via phone,voip, WiFi call, messenger apps calls,  also video calls to support resolution remotely through online meeting apps like zoom, Google meet and so on....

Also, include culture and language neutrality by integrating with language libraries, SwiftKey boards like GBoard, SwiftKey, TalkBack, Service request key board or plugins....

What do we think of this suggestion?