Friday 5 June 2020

A method to clean your intestine fat naturally...

This post is based on my own experience and I haven't Taken effort to scientifically prove it.

So, you may choose to try or ignore the blog information. 

This is a simple and natural method.  All we have to do is to pick Murunga or முருங்கை மரம் இலை (muringai tree leaves).  The leaves shouldn't be tender rather very thick, solid, old...  The leaves have to be washed before we extract juices out of it.

Add the leaves to a mixer if you want add salt then add, I would prefer not to add any salt... The leaves have to be grinded well for 10 minutes by adding water to  it.

Now, filter the jungle or extract the juice from the leaves.  The next step would be to drink the murungai leaf raw juice early in the morning... But ensure to take it in empty stomach and on holidays. 

You could feel uncomfortable while drinking juice and you may face a condition of diarrhea for the next couple of days that brings the fat inside the intestine through our stool. 

You may practice this once in a while or on a annual basis as per your choice. 

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