Monday 29 June 2020

Marks and Career

The Marks and career, a strategy adopted by HR, Company, Management to decide the length of the career of an individual is not appropriate.  In such a case they shouldn't be recruited in the first place. But if the company decides to recruit then that are expected to provide them with career for that individual not to  cite reason to highlight his or her marks at a particular standard or grade is not enough half way through their career. Is probably a mere excuse to layoff or retrenchment to reduce staff?

The fact is that in Particular in IT, career is a term used in induction training to attract talent but the fact is that a company cannot guarantee career for entire work force in it's record or payroll.

Similarly, other companies also don't recruit such resources as they all agree or respect each companies observation or evaluation skills. 

What is worst, when Governments get involved into this and dictate what should be the norms?   There by finishing or interfere with the function of a company.

A Government by sheer means of law can finish any system or company hence Companies generally don't go against the Government. 

A Government is a administrative body that is expected to set platform or best environment for People, law, justice, company, business, organization,  to perform at their best for the betterment of society.

A Government or country or state that divides people on any ground to rule and uses government machinery like police or policy or law or indirect involvement as tool against it's citizen is not worth and they are narrow minded, driven by short term goals and always create rift in society. Such a country can't grow or stand or claim morality. 

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