Tuesday 5 January 2021

Auto Icons and customization for Email Ids, departments, contact numbers, domain class hiearchy and it's instances

Please include feature to automatically detect or assign or configure mail user's in their profile settings for email ID Icons for every user, they can customize with icon editors or scripts.  

Similarly, each type hierarchy or email ID as per function area or department would use the base icon then the derived function areas email ID Icons are extensioms to the top hierarchy object or top function in business or Government or service Providers and so on... 

Similarly, for Person, Service Provider's, Farmer's, Businesses, NGOS, Trustees, Societies, Institutions, Place of worship,Transports, Reserve Bank's, Defence... Forces, Government Treasurer accounts, Fishers, Arts and crafts, Construction, Company, Corporation, Music, Dance, மருத்துவம், Gifts, All such class templates, type hiearchy, instances, interfaces, and so on can include logos or Icons. 

#languageneutral, #religionNeutral, #cultureneutral

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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