Sunday 14 March 2021

Addressed cache's / Addressed cache server's

Are we going to witness or work with addressed cache's that exhibit  scalability, reliability, availability, strategies for cache's, customisation of cache's via cache framework or SDK, cache archives, cache datastores, cache dataset and so on,?  

These are accessible as rest APIs or APIs or programming APIs or WebAPIs and so on...

The addressed cache's are structures that allows any type of data to fetched retained in a cloud ☁️ server for responsiveness,fault tolerance, strategies for loading, accessing via APIs for different types of structures (dbms, linked lists, hashes, trees, indexes, map, graphs, images, registry, Registrar Registry, domain naming registry, time zone , document, any type of data -structured or unstructured), scalable at runtime, archivable, audit trail logs of access or life time of cache, reliable, available and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea?

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