Wednesday 31 March 2021

Covid 19 Personalized labelled embroidery, designer masks

Is it time to build a webportal cloud platform, mobile app, desktop app that includes a workflow for selecting Mask type,RGB colour, facewidth, to embroid a each person usage at home with named labels, the labels are specified as input along with all the other parameters ( thread type, RGB colour,label fore colour,logo, face width specifications, and so on..) for customized and personalized masks?

This portals also provides GUI widgets and services through which orders can be placed from any other ecommerce website like Amazon, Flipkart...

Also, we can think of 3D printing of clothes to instantly stitching Mask and sell it online.  The 3D stitching or printing device could also be a offline device that could support informal vendor's road side or shops.

How do we reach offline customer's constraints, offline market, offline people or business thrown out of job and online market, could be basis or constraints that the portal could address?

What do we think or say about this idea or suggestion,?

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