Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Adhaar Address Update Online - Local Language Doesn't changes automatically

I was born and brought up in TamilNadu and my mother tongue is Tamizh.  I completed my studies in TamilNadu and went to profession in Bangalore.  I almost live in Bangalore, Karnataka, India for around 20 Years.  I had purchased a Flat in Bangalore and as part of the Enrollment drive for Aadhaar Card.  I had enrolled my Aadhaar Card along with my family members (spouse, two daughter's) in Bangalore.  The Aadhaar Card indicates that the Local Language is Kannada.  I relocated along with my family members to Chennai in 2019.  I was trying to update the address in the Aadhaar Card using my present address so that I could then avail other address change requests in document or IDs like License and passport using my Gas Connection Invoice.  
Even though I have relocated to Chennai the address in the fields indicates that I live in Chennai, the local language doesn't automatically changes to Tamizh. 

My understanding of Local Language means that the Majority Population in the locality speaks that specific Language.  Hence, the Aadhaar was enrolled in Bangalore indicates that it is Kannada as local langauge where us when we migrate to another locality or state or city or place where in a different language is spoken in Majority.  Then the address change request should automatically indicate (URN) PDF document and the New Aadhaar Card Issues with the new address as per the given address proof should automatically change the local language as Tamizh.  However, the URN PDF (Acknowlegement Slip) still indicates as Kannada which is not appropriate and this is not expected or correct behavior from the system that too from such a Reputed Organization like UIDAI to have not considered this simple use case.  

It is not mother tongue or the language fluently spoken by the individual that is reflected in the card but the local language indicates that the language spoken in Majority in that place or city or State where the card is requested or applied for.  

Hope, UIDAI makes the necessary correction to ensure that this is automatically handled and this doesn't cause inconvenience to the Residents or Citizens.  The URN Acknowledgement Slip should automatically change the Local Language to that of the language spoken in majority as per the address change location (regional language) requested. 

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