Sunday, 9 August 2020

Karnataka Government wants to construct another Dam in Mekadathu, can TN plan to construct another Dam or more Dams within it's territory.?

The Karnataka Government wants to construct another Dam in Mekadathu and they are already discussing this with the Republican Government. 

The TN Government should plan to construct another Dam or more Dams within it's territory along the காவேரி river and other rivers.   The TN Government should initiate Construction of more Dams and check dams with in it's rivers.

The TN Government should initiate the feasibility steady and construction of another Dam in between hogenakkal falls and Mettur dam,  they should also explore more Dams in cauvery river after mettur dam across spanning it's entire length the river as well, as many check Dams as possible all along the river to help in increasing the drinking water needs in it's enroute covering all taluks and districts. 

The new or future Dams and check Dams should be built Smartly with Information technology platform, that monitors inflows, outflows, notifies, issues alerts, alarms, automatically opens the crest gates Algorithmically.  The crest gates shall be opened in the middle first, then one gate to the right, then one gate to the left, alternatively until the desired outflow is ensured.

#IOT, #AI, #IT, #CloudSpace, #SDK, #Robotics, #Framework, #SmartDams, #DamSafety, #SmartCheckDams,#CheckDamSafety, #TNGov

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