Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Vehicle (Two Wheelers, CARS, Buses) - Transit or Road usage charges - #JustDrive, #NoStop or #NonStopDriveway, #NoTollBooths

 Vehicle (Two Wheelers, CARS, Buses) - Transit or Road usage charges

The Vehicles that we use lie Bikes, Scooties, Autos, Cars, Buses, Trucks and other vehicles would be exactly charge for Road Usage for the KMs covered.  

This would mean they would be equipped with Maps like Google Maps, SIM Slots with 4G or 5G that enables to trace or track the distance traveled on a daily basis, from time to time, the administrative boundaries crossed like Village Panchayat, Taluk, Town, City, District, State, International Borders and so on.  The SIM Slot would just work in tandem with the existing mobile connection number of the owner.  This would mean it is extension SIM exclusive for DATA Access only and the VOIP would enable to reach dial someone in need during emergency.

The Map Service provider would exactly determine the charges from to time to time on monthly basis, or prepaid usage or on annual basis.  This could be integrated the Google Financials App to indicate the amounts spent on the usage or vehicles such as toll or transit charges.  This would mean the end user or the driver pays as you use payment approach. The respective Governments concerned would get revenues on daily basis on all vehicles that transact or move with in their administrative boundary.  This would mean a two wheeler or any vehicle would nominal charges like 0.1 Paise per KM of usage in 20 feet road, 0.125 paise per km in 30 feet road, 0.150 paise per km in 40 feet road, 0.175 paise per km in 50 feet road and so on.. The charges could vary based on the Kind of Vehicles how much road tension or pressure they exert on the road during usage based on the weight could also determine the charges or rates.  However, this is a simple idea similar the Toll Charges based on number of lanes of mine.  The Administrative Governing Organization or Government would determine the price and accordingly the user would pay.  The MapProvider would generate a bill of material invoice for the Road users based on their account mapped with SIM CARD, Vehicle Identification details, Individual identification details like aadhaar.  They would also automically and instantly upload the concerned or relevant Taxes to the administrative units like Village Panchayat, Town, city, district, state, countries covered by the user of the Vehicles.  This could also bring lane disciple by charging for the lanes used in a highway, single lane used base charges, two lanes used base charges*2, 3 lanes used base charges*3 and so on...

This ensure revenue as well as accounting and proper maintenance of all road network. 

This Solution would ensure every vehicle pays as they use or drive irrespective of ambulance or military except in a combat situation. 

What do we think or say about this idea?

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