Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Opposite Forces are Complementary to Each other - Sutra from AOL a resemblance in Software (Creational Patterns and Deletional Patterns)

#GOF, extension to #CreationalPatterns

The GOF doesn't talk of the need for Deletional Patterns when creational patterns are discussed. In General the GOF broadly classify the Patterns as Creational Patterns, Structural Patterns and Behavioural Patterns.  Also should the GOF be extended to include #Deletional Patterns, #ScopePatterns, #UnScopePatterns

I was introduced formerly to the concept of the need for #DeleteMethod Pattern by Mr. Kevlin Henney as part of my Employment training Program in Siemens (SWA).

And Today I was thinking a possibly need to Deletional Patterns as part of every creational Design Patterns that could probably mandate a revision or new Edition to the GOF.

The creational Patterns are

Abstract factory groups object factories that have a common theme.

Builder constructs complex objects by separating construction and representation.

Factory method creates objects without specifying the exact class to create.

Prototype creates objects by cloning an existing object.

Singleton restricts object creation for a class to only one instance.

Kevin Henney Spoke about the need for #DeleteMethod pattern to complement #FactoryMethod.

Similarly, I think we would require #Singleton Pattern change to include the member function #DeleteInstance that complements #GetInstance Method in Singleton Pattern.

Also, do we would need extension to the #Builder Pattern that complements #BuildPartA or #AssemblePartA methods with #UnBuildPartA or #DisassemblePartA Pattern.  The Prototype Pattern might require the need for the extension to include #UnClone to complement #Clone Method.

Also abstract interface would require extension to the #AbstractFactory Pattern that completes the methods #CreateProductA or #CreateProductB to that of #DeleteProductA or #DeleteProductB

Similarly do we need #Scoping and #DeScoping Patterns to be included in GOF next revision or Edition.

What's our opinion on this?

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