Sunday, 23 August 2020

A Governance Model and a Correlation with Master-Slave Software Architectural Pattern for Faster, effective and efficiency in Policy enforcement.

Master Thread and Worker Thread Parallelization of Work (Tasks)

The Master and Slave Software Architectural Pattern would be ideal choice for solving problems related to distribution of work or tasks that are almost similar in nature (Uniform Interface) or requires similar expertise and have to be executed in parallel for achieving faster results.  

The Master and Slave Architectural Patterns implementation shall or might consider the following parameters the commonality of the Tasks or WBS or Work (Uniform Interface or Uniform Interface Hierarchy) and the availability of the workforce who could handle such Tasks themselves independently.  The Slaves after successfully completing their work might call on the CallBack interface of the Master to handle the result.  The Master would then add the result to the result queue and might perform a temporary processing of results in the queue (so far accumulated) by invoking a method probably, ProcessResultQueue in a different thread to ensure the Master Thread is effective and efficient in processing results with out any delay.  The Master thread could also interrupt a worker thread due a long delay and might stop a worker for similar reason, reallocate that task again to another worker in the pool.  The Master thread may also track the number of worker threads involved in a Job and whether all of them have responded on time (almost similar time period), if not  then check if a thread that didn't respond in time is active or thread is killed or crashed due to some reason.  The audit trail logs of each worker thread can be analyzed for understanding of the steps involved or completed and what probably could have gone wrong with a given thread non each completion of the it's assigned task.   Now, depending actual problem definition, domain, constraints, context and the Masters Responsibility and Workers Responsibility would vary or would be implemented accordingly.

Now, let's consider the following problem definition and how we could use Master(Expert,Senior,Boss,Leader...) and Slave (Worker, Reportee, Executive,Junior, Lead...)  Architectural pattern to Solve a problem of Work Load.  

A Government Administration involves lot of time consuming policy drafting, creating, refining or revisions, tabling with council of ministers, or in Parliament, approved in Parliament, notified in the Gazette and so on.  These are some of the major steps involved in creating a policy.  Each policy obviously has a problem definition, context, situation, events that influenced the need for the policy.  Also, the implementation of the policy as has major steps or executives involved in producing a effective and efficient Governance. I am not a Government Administrator my self to outline the steps involved in precise but however have tried to understand the possible steps that could be involved.   In this scenario can we take advantage of a Pattern like Master-Slave Software Architectural Pattern for a better, effective, efficient, faster, reliable, guaranteed results of the policy well with in a time frame.  For (e.g) A Policy should be drafted with in 3 months, should be approved and notified with in 3 months from it is ready.  And Policy of certain kinds should be implemented efficiently with in a Year on the Ground that ensures a Positive Governance.   This is the overall Problem statement.

The Solution to the above problem could be to use Parallelization of Policy Drafting where in the Chief or the Commissioner is the Master and the experts from same domain or from different domains work with the master in completion of the draft.  Now, the Software Solution obviously would use a Master-Slave Architectural Pattern to Solve to parallelized the tasks involved.  However, the Policy Governance Software Platform could actually use various other architectural patterns to solve the broader dimension of the problems.  The Masters Responsibility would be create the tasks add it to the pool and identify or assign the workers to it along with expected TAT.  The Master would then realign the tasks as per the overall timelines, expertise of the slaves, take a pie of the work load on himself, a reserved time period for consolidation, internal and next level review before the job can be considered completed.  A Similarly, workflow in the application would then be able to capture the steps, the audit trails, the details of the Roles involved, their contributions, the overall steps, broken down views, hierarchical views, parallel views, time line views, time consumed views and  so on shall enable a possibility for Statistical Analysis, improvisation of the algorithm used in the software etc.  The same approach can be used to ensure the policy is effectively and efficiently enforced across the administrative region.  A State Government would like to Monitor it by Districts and Villages where as a Republic or Federal Government would only be interested in getting the details of the effective from each of the States.  

Such a Platform shall ensure the independence of the State Governments function with in it's administrative boundary and also the automatic audit trails, data collection with in platform village wise, town, municipal, city, district would be a great advantage for the respective statement governments.  A consolidated State Government wise audit trails and data would be sufficient for the Republic or Federal Government to understand the effectiveness or efficiency of a policy or law or act or amendments and it's effectiveness on the ground.  

Would our State Governments insists on such a model and would our Republic Government would understand the need for such a Policy Governance Model and it's results.

What do we think of say about this idea?

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