Monday, 29 June 2020

Incredible India and Incredible Karnataka not appropriate.

To promote tourism the Government of India has been using the  phrase Incredible India.  What is surprising is that the same phrase is being used by Karnataka, not sure if they are using it officially as per the order of The Karnataka Government, but the phrase Incredible Karnataka contradicts with Incredible India and it is wrong on the part of thinker who adopted this approach.  There is Facebook page or group dedicated for Incredible Karnataka.  In my opinion they would have to find a different term.

What if all other states or Tamilnadu uses the same phrase incredible as prefix against all states name would that be agreeable?

Page reference,

Marks and Career

The Marks and career, a strategy adopted by HR, Company, Management to decide the length of the career of an individual is not appropriate.  In such a case they shouldn't be recruited in the first place. But if the company decides to recruit then that are expected to provide them with career for that individual not to  cite reason to highlight his or her marks at a particular standard or grade is not enough half way through their career. Is probably a mere excuse to layoff or retrenchment to reduce staff?

The fact is that in Particular in IT, career is a term used in induction training to attract talent but the fact is that a company cannot guarantee career for entire work force in it's record or payroll.

Similarly, other companies also don't recruit such resources as they all agree or respect each companies observation or evaluation skills. 

What is worst, when Governments get involved into this and dictate what should be the norms?   There by finishing or interfere with the function of a company.

A Government by sheer means of law can finish any system or company hence Companies generally don't go against the Government. 

A Government is a administrative body that is expected to set platform or best environment for People, law, justice, company, business, organization,  to perform at their best for the betterment of society.

A Government or country or state that divides people on any ground to rule and uses government machinery like police or policy or law or indirect involvement as tool against it's citizen is not worth and they are narrow minded, driven by short term goals and always create rift in society. Such a country can't grow or stand or claim morality. 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Harvests and Thanks Giving

Harvest and Thanks giving

The Farmers in இந்தியா in the past adopted a practice of providing or showing the first few bundles to the sky or God's or sun.  Then they take that harvest give a part of that bundles to the cow in the home, then they cook Pongal or sweet rice or steamed rice or boiled rice  and offer the same to the pets at home.  They usually grow pets at home are and the commonly grown pets are Cow, Cat, Dog, Chicken, Turkey and birds.

Isn't it time to adopt this practice again?



The word Demonetization means that the currency in circulation is withdrawn and the Government declares that the notes in circulation is not a legal tender anymore.

The Government of India on நவம்பர் 8th 2016 declared that the currency notes Rs. 500 and rs. 1000 is not a legal tender. The reason sighted was black money and corruption.

The Government then substituted the currencies with rs. 500 and rs. 2000 which is not appropriate that is against the reason for demonization.  The larger value currencies always create circulation of money that is unaccounted, is earned through wrong means going against the fundamental principles and foundation of Economics and Economical principle. They always result in corruption and black money.

What is surprising is that the ATM have stopped issuing Rs. 2000 or dispensing as on date 13-July-2020, however at times we get to see Rs. 2000 in circulation, is this valid tender even to date or invalidate?  If so where are we getting this Rs. 2000 notes from, are they old notes still in circulation or it is still being printed and circulated.?

Language Policy in General

Language Policy in General

In case of place or region or district or state or country where in the majority of the people speak a Language and for example let's consider where in a sect of people speaking different language namely, "abcd", live in considerable numbers.  Their population is above 25 % in case of four  language policy, above 33.33% in case of three language policy then all or many or considerable amount of population shall study the language "abcd" as third or fourth along with the state language.

The census data collection should be based on birth and death certificate.  The mother tongue or native language or Father tongue reported, recorded in the birth certificate would then be the yardstick for language policy changes.

The first and second language for example Tamil and English in Tamilnadu would be studied until college, Whereas the third and fourth language would be studied until 9th or 10th standards.

A Just society

A Just society

A society should always ensure justice is provided. A society that uses hidden objective, hidden agenda, hidden means to avoid justice or cheats or can't provide a platform for individual or everyone's progress and their blossoming in a society has to learn a lot.  Is a Society that requires lot of change and shift in thinking?

A society that is misguided or narrow minded in it's approach.  A narrow minded society can never help build a region, State, country and so on.

Black Magic and Pooja with தந்திரம் or யந்திரம்

Black Magic and Pooja with தந்திரம் or யந்திரம்

The practice of black magic and Pooja with   தந்திரம், யந்திரம் to harm a individual should completely be avoided.  When this is practiced at the behest of someone, or with ulterior motive then that society doesn't understand the value of talent or doesn't provide a platform for every Citizens it's equal rights.

In India do we have to say anything on this?  Yes,  this should be completely avoided and eradicated. 

History never repeats

The notation that says history repeats is wrong.

The knowledge we possess, the history we have read always indicates that history is always created every now and then. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Heart and Head

Heart and Head


If we listen to our heart then we exhibit or  express gratitude, kindness, pain, disspassion, passion, love, sincerity, affection, value, goodness, oneness, respect, social value, understanding, caring and so on...


If we listen to our head then we exhibit or express intelligence, thoughtfulness, knowledge, solution, working plan, details, fineness, craftsmanship, Art, flow, ego, arrogance, anger, envy, Jealousy, enemity, politics, sinister plan, motive, unrest, and so on...

When does one need help?

When does one need help?

When we are made part of ulterior motive or sinister plan then it becomes absolutely difficult to come out of it with out help from someone who understand the situation, Context, is capable of helping.

We ourself come out of a situation, event, Context, plan, hidden agenda, sinister plan if we have the capability to come out of it.  We achieve such capability only after we are trained and build the necessary skills required.

usage of appropriate words

The usage of the words Lineitem should be avoided rather we should use the following alternate words,


Usage of words

A usage of a word need not mean that we should just follow it or prove it particularly when it is socially not accepted.

For E. G the usage of the words corruption need not mean we have to enact corruption in the Society either willfully or deliberately.

Why, would a society adopt such deliberate tactic and in whose instruction? 

அவ்வையார் and Lord முருகன்

அவ்வையார் and Lord முருகன்

There was an instance when Lord Murukan and ஔவையார் converse.  In this conversation அவ்வையார் asks சுட்ட பழம் வேணுமா சுடாத பழம் வேணுமா.?

The Lord Murukan replies சுடாத பழம் மே கூடு.




If so, then we all need to improve the way we speak, communicate with the family members, neighbors, society to ensure that we reverberate positivity and positive energy around us for the betterment of us and for the betterment of our future generations.

Hopefully we transcend our thinking to understand this. 

What do we learn from different cultural identities and their coexistence in a region or country?

What do we learn from different cultural identities and their coexistence in a region or country?

The coexistence of different cultural identities  in a country is always a bit difficult because of each cultural Belief, practice, thought process, Established literary works, established festival Belief and so on.

The country in such a scenario always would adopt emotional or patriotism hypes every now and then drive it's people away from their real issue or to divert them from their beliefs.

A region would only be able to function independently as  per it's cultural Belief only if it is a sovereign country.

Questioning Skills

Questioning Skills

We often mistake or misunderstand the question or the questioning skills as disrespect to the person whom the question is directed.

The question itself will tell us whether it is disrespect to the person whom we ask question or we let our experience or anger out or we are highlighting the problem.

Also, the tone of questioning often indicates anger or reality or misunderstanding by the person who is questioning. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Indian or ஹிந்து or ஹிந்து mythology suggests 7 ஜன்மம்

Indian or ஹிந்து or ஹிந்து mythology suggests 7 ஜன்மம்

According to Hinduism we are taught and made aware that we as a human being we go through seven janmas.

Now, why aren't our Epics of great Gods or king's aren't able to transcend and tell the stories of the hero or avatars across all 7 ஜன்மம் or janmas.

How many of us have watched the Movie series Bourne Identity, Borne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum and Bourne Legacy.,?

Does this movie transcend the ஜன்மம் of the hero (Bourne)?

If so, they have told the story till 4 janmas and when are remaining three movies are going to come? 

Do the characters or hero become great or  good after their 6 janmas are completed or in their 7th ஜன்ம.?  Is the same for everyone?

In my view a person is always good from inside it's us the society, environment, leaders who make us or break us.  Even otherwise we are already gifted as a person, it's just that society takes a long time to accept as you are... In particular vested interest always hide you and your personality traits.

usage of words by us

A word or paraphrase used by a society has bearing on the society and the neighbourhood in the short term and in the long term.  Therefore, it is always better to create an environment where society or it's people can live in independence and long lasting peace.

A word, meaning, understanding and not understanding - it's impact

A word, meaning, understanding and not understanding - it's impact

A word has a exact meaning, Context based different meaning, different synonyms each synonym has similar meaning but not the same meaning as the original word.

As we understand words, Phrases, idioms, couplets, peoms, cryptic messages, sentences, paragraphs, stories,  epics,.... So on and so forth.  We can handle our communication skills better, verbal and hearing.  Also, very very important is to understand the context, Situation, event or circumstances in which a word, please, idioms, couplets, peoms, cryptic messages, sentences, paragraph, stories, epics have been used or occurred. 

The lack of understanding of the complete dimension in which words are used makes us to react, agitate, envy, revenge and so on... 

As human beings we need to understand on our understanding skills and communication skills better., better and better.

அதிகாரம், ம‌ற்று‌ம் அராஜகம்,

அதிகாரம், ம‌ற்று‌ம் அராஜகம்,

அ‌திகார‌ம் - A word that means authority.  An authority of a function area means that they decide for that particular function area. It doesn't mean that they posses absolute right over people but they can decide for the people, their benefits and satisfy the expected goals of the given function area.

அராஜகம் - A word that is usually associated with roge, rowdy, unlawful actions in their own.  This word also means repeated such actions are referred as அராஜகம் and not one or two instance of unlawful action

Monday, 22 June 2020

தமிழ்நாடு (Tamizhnadu or Tamilnadu or Tamizhnadu or TamilNadu)

When we write தமிழ்நாடு in தமிழ் it's a one world where as in English it is written as Tamil Nadu as two words.  This is wrong and not appropriate it should be written as Tamilnadu in English as well. The people of TN should refer it as Tamilnadu in all their written, online, typewriter usages. 

Unconscious mind, Subconscious and conscious mind

Unconscious mind

As a human we could be in unconscious mind in this scenario we are almost unaware of threats, unable to win or win with a brute force. 

Subconscious mind

As a human we could be in subconscious mind in this scenario we are  aware of self, others to some extent, avoid threats, able to win with plan or win or lead a small sect of people. 

Conscious mind

As a human we could be in conscious mind in this scenario we are  aware of self, almost many of us great extent, zero threats, able to win with plan or without plan,  on the spot thinking ability, or win or lead a varied, large sect of people across boundaries. 

The address proofs in India

The address proof in India

The address proof document to be produced in India is  to avail various service is not consistent and is particularly difficult for rental home residents.  In case you use prepaid phone or mobile service then it's much more difficult. 

The address documents from a resident point of view should be easy and should be Established with,

Rental document
Bank statement or Passbook
Mobile connection irrespective of prepaid or postpaid
Electricity or utility bill where in Tenants name is included
Internet connection
Gas connection 

The change request in any one of the document or service should automatically change the address of Residence in all other cards or documents. 

The permanent address shall through out the life time shall refer to place of birth or nativity.  The permanent address can only be changed if the complete family lineage has moved out of a particular nativity or place of birth. Otherwise, we just inherit permanent address from the parent's address for this life time.

The proof is required only for change of address or present address or communication address or living address.

The proof for permanent address change would require relocation of entire family and proofs for the same which would be rarest of rare scenario.

Once a permanent address is established only rental document should be good enough to change address in any of the document, a change of address will be cascade update to all relevant documents owned by the individual, his or her spouse, all children below eighteen years.

The primary address proofs documents to be accepted are


Own property insurance 
Rental property insurance 

Mobile connection bill

Additionally a persons physical presence in a location can be verified through #JustDrive idea of mine, where in they would be able to certificate the resting location or home or residence he or she uses, along with mobile Operators certificates confirms his or stays during night at home or residence for the last 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months. 

Such a address proof certificate can be useful to automatically identify whether a citizen or individual is a resident, NRI or a foreigner residing in India or FRI for income tax returns, loans and other purpose. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

What is the basis of project allocation?

What is the basis of project allocation? 

The ideas submitted by an individual in a portal or platform are given to company in a region that is not region of the origin of  the ideator. 

What is the basis of deciding which company from which region should get what idea to implement?

Is it based on tenders?
Is it based on CEO or company location?
Is it based on where the ideator was when he submitted the idea?
Is it based on the political affiliations?
Is it based on any Global process or law like Fair Trade Practice, CMM, ISO-9002, Global outsourcing or Project allocation norms?
What if the ideator is from a state that has majority of the population that is still Competitively earn low income level?
What if the ideator is from different state but submitted idea's in different geopolitical or geographical locations?
What are the yardsticks, criteria and parameters used? 

A country shall be respected on what it stands for and not what is speaks or claims for.

Postal Index Number - PIN Code - Decoding

Postal Index Number - PIN Code - Decoding

The link above indicates the meaning of PIN code. 

The First digit  represents the region the Value of 1 and 2 indicates it is North India, 3, 4 means the region is West of India, 5,6 means the region is South India and 7,8 means it is East of India. 

The Second digit represents the State and a sub-region with in a given state like 60 to 64 Tamil Nadu.

The Third digit represents the district with a State for (e.g) 625 002 indicates that it is Madurai District.

The last three digits represent the post office in the given district for example 625 002 (BIBIKULAM, Madurai).

Now, can we not extend this PIN Code to include the
Main Road,
Street Code,
Nagar Code,
and Door Number

That would mean the Postal Code would be enhanced further to include the above details .  This would mean the postal code would be a bigger digit may be 10 0r 12 digits or may be much bigger value,

What would this mean the To and From address can be simply  a unique numbers? 

The Post office can simply generate a QR code or a Bar Code for the from and to address for easy scanning and navigation.  The postal delivery man can now easily navigate to locate the address with a help of a POS system.

The Address then would be like as follows,
Karthikeyan Karuppanan
My Belove Friend's Name

The above pin code would be linked with GPS coordinates of the property. In case of emergency calls dialled from a smart phone the emergency response department would be able to get the location coordinates, pincode and the Address for immediate or asap response.

What do we think of this approach?  Will our Postal Department work this idea or proposal for ease of communication as many times people mis-spell the address.?

Ease of Communication
Better reach-ability
The Government and Other Service providers can track or log the movement of items to determine or ascertain the area as commercial, residential, compare the usage of posts, gifts, online orders, etc between areas to gather statistical data.
Change of address can be easily communicated and update with just one pin code.
The address column in the Passports and other shortened version of Smart cards can hold just the numbers and the POS device of the Officers can decode to get the full postal address.
This could then become a global norm of practice

Banks in the future could charge maintenance and transaction fee

Banks in the future could charge maintenance and transaction fee

The banks in the future could charge very low maintenance and transaction cost.

The AMC would be low as one paise per day, amounting to Rs. 3.65 per customer per annum. 

The transaction cost could be,

Below 10,00,000 and above 10000 Rs, 1
10,00,001 to 10,00,00,000 rs. 10 per transaction
10,00,00,001 to 10,00,00,00,000 rs. 100

And so on.

The possibility of compound interest might go off for loans and it could be a formula that is either simple interest or a variation of compound interest formula that makes loans affordable.

The banks could recover their cost of operation from AMC and transaction charges.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Answer to two important questions, Who we are? and Who are you?


We are born to a parent (Father and Mother), we are given name, they are from a community, they may belong to different caste, they may do different profession, they may speak different languages, they both exhibit different personality traits, and as we grow in our life we start to exhibit our personality  traits that establishes our Identity as a person.  All of us once we Establish as a person then we would be identified as a person who has exhibited repeatedly a set of personality traits to Identity ourselves.

So, who are YOU? - IDENTITY

Is a question, that cannot be answered yourself but by others based on how they have read you as a person based on the personality traits exhibited by you over a long period of time and repeatedly? 

ID card numbers with UUIID - Universal Unique Individual identifier or Identity Key

ID card numbers with UUIID - Universal Unique Individual identifier or Identity Key

It would be great if the Internet Engineering Task defines the standards for the Generation of UUIID for Individuals just like how we generate a 32 bit UUID to be used as a key in a DB that is a unique key. The UUIID is foreseen to be an ID that shall be assigned to each Individual at the time of Birth or when Birth Certificate is requested or when any of the ID Cards or Government Services or Banking Services or School Admission is sought for.

This UUIID would be the starting point of Identification of an Individual globally and across region that considers various parameters (Name,Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Nativity, Nativity Language, Mother Tongue, Father Tongue, DateandTime considering Regional Calendar Used and Global or English Calendar, Sentiments of the Regional People, Language Neutral - Display of Information in the Card in Local Language and English Language, Preferably a non-printed card but a Card with Digital Display that changes the information display based on the Region in which the user right now is for example when in TamilNadu, India the content is displayed in Tamil and English likewise Globally, rechargeable card, recharge at home, office, mobile transport service providers, and so on... )

The ID cards that is being issued these days are identified using Unique numbers, Name of the Holder, Virtual Id,..

I think it's time to include UUIID that's make the Association of Multiple Identity card held by a card holders to be linked by this Universal Unique individual Identifier the 32 digit or more alpha numeric string Auto generated from the system using the OS UUIID Key generator API. Universal Unique individual Identity key. 

This key would be generated using UUIIDKeyGenerator API 

By Providing the Following Parameters,

The  CompleteName of the individual, dateandtime of birth (regional calendar date of birth, year name, month name, day, time and English calendar date time) , place of birth, Nativity (father and mother), Nativity language, MOTHER TONGUE, FATHER TONGUE, blood group, biometric Identity at birth, GPS coordinates  of birth location, CompleteFatherName and CompleteMotherName... If required GPS coordinates of Nativity ( Father and Mother)., UUIID of biological or Guardian father and mother. 

The cards like aadhaar, driving license, voter Id, PAN card, bank card, domestic travel card, passport, property card and so on would include the above and below information,. The cards themselves will hold a  ID like MacId or Card ID. 

UUIID (same number across all cards held by an individual)
Card ID like MacId or IMEI code
Card ID number
Virtual Identity number
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMother  FatherCasteName  MotherCasteName)
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName SelfCasteName SpouseCasteName)
Date of Birth (regional calendar and English calendar) 
Nativity ( Father and Mother) 
Place of Birth and GPS coordinates of exact birth location if known
Masked mobile number (self, siblings) 
Masked mobile number (Father and Mother) 
Children Mobile number (Masked) 
Region in which card was issued Tamizhnadu, GPS coordinates. Regional calendar year name, month name, day. 
Date and time of issue,  as per English calendar date and time and regional calendar date and time
Last date of validity (English calendar date and time, in the future regional calendar date and time) 
And other personal profile details like present address. 

The UUIID (same number across all cards held by an individual) would be Unique and cannot be reassigned to someone else ever.

What do we think or say about this idea?

Isn't it time to create application form that includes three fields for names at least as seperate columns?

Isn't it time to create an application form that includes three fields for names at least as separate columns?  - Birth and Marriage Certificate application forms

Also, further the application forms can include columns for Name of Married adult's  (FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameFatherName,  LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName FatherCasteName, MotherCasteName SpouseCasteName,). To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 408 characters + 7 space characters, a dot character.?

In case of children the application forms can include columns for name of children, (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMotherName FatherCasteName  MotherCasteName).  To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 306 characters + 5 space characters, a dot character? 

The FirstName would be your name in this birth, MiddleName could be place of birth or Nativity, kuzhadeivam name, Gods name, LastName  could be father or mother name or spousename, FatherCasteName, Mother CasteName.  If we would like to include mother's name, father's name,, Spouse name then the name fields would be 8 namely FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameFatherName,  LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName FatherCasteName, MotherCasteName SpouseCasteName,? 

In this case

To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 408 characters + 7 space characters, a dot character? 

CompleteName would be a long name or the complete Name would refer to (FirstName MiddleName LastName SpouseName CasteName)
FullName would refer to (FirstName MiddleName LastName)
ShortName would refer (FirstName) alone.
AliasName would refer to a Shortened Name like Karthikeyan usually are called as Karthi or Karthik
Name with initials ( initial alphabet or letters from MiddleName, LastName, Self CasteName, SpouseCasteName, Spouse Name followed by FirstName) - the initials could be prefixed or suffixed. 

Also, spelling mistake correction is different from name change.  The name change is a request from customer Whereas spelling mistakes is a error by the data entry executive or applicant. 

Also, the application forms can be enabled to tick a change request that clearly highlights the fields for correction.  The same application form can include check boxes besides all fields.  The applicants in case of correction would select those check boxes and otherwise none.  The Applicant('s) would provide the necessary document proof in digital form or physical form for correction request.

Also, all application forms of every service provider should include and enable such options for corrections or changes of the profile details of the customer.  The service Providers that I am referring to are banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection and so on.

The application forms should include a reference number pre printed in it for easy tracking.  The customer then can specify this reference for future clarification, follow up, escalation, suggestions, comment and to provide feedback. 

All utility or service provider application forms should include 

Primary Account Number Name - Complete Name

Secondary Account Number Name - Complete Name

Also, the application forms can include columns for each of the above types of Names for both the Primary Applicant and the Secondary Applicant. This helps in getting address proofs for self, Spouse or children or live in relationship or live out relationship. 

The vouchers, cards issued by the service provider shall allow the user to select the Display Name Type. 

The Individual Identity Number provider's have to ensure that the names are captured by types and any service provider validates(eKYC instantly via API call) information before they provide their vouchers, card's to the applicant. 

All application forms in India and Tamizhnadu should adopt this strategy?

Thursday, 18 June 2020

How to live in a country that is politically divided due to race, region, religion, caste, and language?

How to live in a country that is politically divided due to race, region, religion, caste, and language?

The livelihood and ones existence in such a country or region is a bit easy if you live in a state or territory of similar Identity traits of yours.

In case if your are living in a state or  region that is vastly different from your identity than the livelihood would be a challenge and we have to depend on the friendliness of  local people for our existence along with political situation,  leaders, Situation and so on,   The main aspect to remember is that one would have to Solve, contribute, add value beyond our livelihood.

Another aspect is to provide a environment that offers best platform for everyones existence.

All this has to be provided by the constitutional framework of the region concerned and federal republic. 

GDP of a republic have to be measured individually, accounted, audited region wise (state wise)

GDP of a republic have to be measured individually, accounted, audited region wise (state wise)

The GDP of a pluralist society (language, religion, caste, creed) have to be measured individually by creating a virtual reserve banks region wise.  For example every region Or state would own it's own Reserve bank to ensure that the GDP of a republic are measured state wise, accounted, audited region wise, all transactions within in a region based on GPS coordinates would be credited or debited as a transaction against the Respective reserve bank for easy accounting practice and for budgeting purpose.  In the future all banks in a given region or state can be linked to this virtual reserve bank, can be consolidated under single name.  Then further all the reserve bank can be linked with the country or Federal or Republic bank.

This ensure that transactions with in region  can be accounted, audited, tracked, monitored, valued, Healthy competition encouraged, peoples contribution to the Respective region can be ascertained. 

Monday, 15 June 2020

Tax Amount, Tax Invoice, Tax Submission and IT Filings

Tax Amount, Tax invoice, Tax Submission and IT filings

The tax amount deducted in the form of GST (Goods, Sales and Service Tax)  when we purchase any product, material, item from a store that needs to be substituted with Invoice,  the GST collected has to be submitted in the IT portal, and the returns has to be submitted with the IT department for that assessment year.

In this country there are lot of transactions that are not given bill,  bills are given in manual paper, hence computerized bill generated from audited Softwares that includes auto submission, and etax filling should be mandatorily used. 

Saturday, 13 June 2020

What is Economy?

What is Economy?

In my view and words, it simply means rotation of money, buying and selling of produce the monetary value it generates, goods bought and sold, imparting service to individuals or Society the monetary value derived out of it in a given region in the form of TAX (GDP) for that State or Country.

Idukki Dam, Periyar Dam and வைகை அணை

Idukki Dam, Periyar Dam and வைகை அணை 

The idukki Dam reached it's full capacity consecutively for three to four years. Isn't it time to increase the storage limit of Periyar Dam height to 152 feet? The Periyar Dam is strengthened to its full capacity. 

There by வைகை அணை and it's delta area gets benefitted.

Problem, Context, Constraints, Situation, Solution

Problem, Context, Constraints, Situation, Solution

A problem in a given context with the same set of same constraints. Similar situation shall always yield same solution.

In case the constraints are different and the situation is different it shall always yield to a variation of the Solution.

But most likely problem and solutions always occur in pair. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Shoes for animals

Shoes for animals

Why can't we manufacture ready made shoes for ox and Horses? Instead of லாடம் கட்டு ரது?

Did life originate from Ocean?

We have famous Belief or scientific claim or article that says life originated from Ocean. 

There is another saying, 
நிர் இன்றி அமையாது உலகு,
This means that the world cannot exist without water? 

So, how did the first rainfall occur? 

Who or how did the first Adam and eve cell occur or appear or was created? 

How did it the first form of life cells, Form itself and or how was it created? 

What makes a cell?  If we can multiply cell in lab environment can we create a cell then. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Maiden Name and Surname for Ladies before marriage and after marriage

Maiden Name and Surname for Ladies before marriage and after marriage

The ladies maiden name usually refers to her FirstName followed by LastName  (Father's Name) or caste Name.

Their name after Marriage is FirstName followed by her LastName (Husband Name) or her caste name.

Now,  should a lady name after her marriage be FirstName followed by her husband's caste  name followed by her family caste name in case of different caste marriage.

Similar, approach should be adopted by Men as well.

Similar,  approach can be adopted for surnames or initials that is prefixed or suffixed with their in laws Names or Initials. 

Would this help resolve family issues?

Column for Middle Name in Tamizhnadu, India - Application Forms of all kind

Column for Middle Name in Tamizhnadu, India- Application Forms of all kind

In India the middle name column is not provided in any of the application forms and why?

The Middle Name column is absolute necessary for people that allows it's residents to use Initials, Place Name, Caste Name, Family Name, ancestor names or their Kuzha Deivam name as Middle Name.

Hope this change is brought at the earliest..

We take pride on so many things, but we never bother about such simple needs of it's residents and we get carried away by the emotional hypes.

Hope common sense prevails over emotional hypes....

I am sure this would be accepted and the change would be brought very soon for the benefits of it's citizens.

The parents in the future have to name their children with middle name as well.

Trees Plantation and Harvest

The Plantation of Trees and it's growth takes years altogether, decade and centuries for it to become a huge tree.

The time it takes to cut them is just few minutes and the time it takes to regrow is enormous. Similarly, the time it takes to regrow forest, to build a forest with wide variety of flora and fauna takes large amount of time, years, decades and centuries and but to destroy a forest it only takes few years.

Similarly, we should bring a law that the firm, company, forest department, or society that brings a forest land have to restore or create a forest of similar capacity else where. That would mean to cut a forest or tress one would need to plant similar sized forests else where 10 years or 20 years or 50 years in advance and then we can cut similar size farm or forest to ensure that we don't put unnecessary strain on the wild life and the forest areas.

The Trees, woods, herbs, medicines that we require can be planned well ahead decade wise or century wise and accordingly we can request the Farmers to plant different types of floras and faunas for human consumption. Thus we could leave the forest areas untouched as much as possible so that they become useful as floras and faunas for medicinal needs, leisure and rejuvenation

Hope the respective Governments across the world adopt such practices.

Tantalizing Tamizhnadu


teasing with the sight or promise of something unobtainable.
"a tantalizing glimpse of the career he might have had"

exciting one's senses or desires.
"the tantalizing fragrance of fried bacon"

The word Tantalize would mean excite ones senses or desires.

The reference of this world unofficially by us (people of Tamilnadu) to  promote TN tourism is a thoughtful gesture.

Hope Government of Tamilnadu uses appropriate term like தனித்துவம் வாய்ந்த தமிழகம் To promote tourism industry.

National Parties of India

National Parties of India

Why there is not a single national party from the Southern India.? 

Column for Middle Name in INDIA, தமிழ்நாடு- Application Forms of all kind

Column for Middle Name in INDIA, தமிழ்நாடு- Application Forms of all kind

In India the middle name column is not provided in any of the application forms and why?

The Middle Name column is absolute necessary for people that allows it's residents to use Initials, Place Name, Caste Name, Family Name, ancestor names or their Kuzha Deivam name as Middle Name.

Hope this change is brought at the earliest..

We take pride on so many things, but we never bother about such simple needs of it's residents and we get carried away by the emotional hypes.

Hope common sense prevails over emotional hypes....

I am sure this would be accepted and the change would be brought very soon for the benefits of it's citizens.

The parents in the future have to name their children with middle name as well. 

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Naming It Right....

Is it குமரிநாடு or குமரி கண்டம்?

I would prefer it to be called as குமரிநாடு than being called otherwise.

The Names like Kandam doesn't resonate good meaning hence it should (the lost continent) be referred only as குமரிநாடு.

"A Good Idea is not the property of a individual. It can also be common mans idea" - A Quote from RepublicIndia Website .( and my Views in Response.

"A Good Idea is not the property of a individual. It can also be common mans idea" - A Quote from RepublicIndia Website.(

My View -

"A Good Governance is not the property of a individual or a Party. It is the by product of common mans problem, their suffering, their anguish, their experiences, their leanings, their past, their impressions, the predecessor parties have not addressed the need of the people and so on.."

If the above quote in Republic India has to be accepted then the Idea's can't be accepted as individuals property is a bit harsh on the part of the thinker of this Quote.

A Good Idea, a Good Innovation, a Intellectual Property are rewarded all around the world. If we have to accept the above quote than this might be become point of contention, point of discussion, point of argument, point of debate, point for TRP, point for newspapers, and so on....

In my view A Good Idea from a or any Individual to the least has to be recognized at least with an assumption that the Idea is her or hers based on their claim. The law or Constitution says that the culprit shall be treated as innocent until proven guilty, similarly a good idea from any individual has to be treated as his or her own idea until otherwise there is an alternative claim to it. In that scenario it becomes a point of conflict.

Honda Acura Sale car in the USA

This is post that is a flash back of Honda Acura car that was owned by me.  Indeed, this was my first car in my life.  I bought this car from a colleague for around  may be 12000 dollars.  Not sure about the amount spent when purchased the car. However,  I remember while selling the car to another person sold it at a price of    $9,500.  The guidance value was $ 10,000 dollars and hence the lady at the Office where the transaction was processed asked what's was wrong with the car, engine or body.  I wasn't aware that we can't sell the car below the guidance value and hence out of ignorance I told her the body had damage, but it was a spontaneous question and my answer was spontaneous as well.

May I should made my self be more aware of how to be genuine while selling the car in the USA. 

Lessons learnt! 

Purchase and Sale of Properties in India

The purchase and Sale of property in our life in India involves that the property is bought at a price, registered at a different price and resulting in loss of stamp duty, fregistration charges.  Now, with Respect to capital gains we have to take into acoount the  Cost of inflation index for the period the propriety held by us.  In actual the income tax would not be much if we register, sell at sale price.  But the majority practice in India is that we as a society inculging Government are very ignorant of corruption, bribe, under valuation etc.
Let's assume that the selling price of a property is rs. 1,25,000, 00 and the registered value is only Rs. 5,23,000 that is huge difference in the government value versus purchase price.

Apart from tax amount exchanged being evaded, even if it remains unaccounted results in transactions that result in taxes.  For example the seller with that amount shall close his or her home loan, personal loan, buy electronic devices, buy land, buy gold and so on..  These transactions yield tax in the form GST.

Even unaccounted transactions Some times can generate taxes like above example. 

But,  as a society, state and county as a whole has to adopt genuine transactions.

As individuals we face so much Challenges to remain straight forward due to such Practices by the Society as a whole. 

Hope  things would change in the future. 

Tax on Gold Jewellery Holdings – How much GOLD one can hold?

Tax on Gold Jewellery Holdings – How much GOLD one can hold?

CBDT has clarified the prescribed quantity of gold considered allowable. Gold within this limit will not be seized even at the time of search at the assessee’s premises.

A married woman can have up to 500g of gold. (62.5 poun)
An unmarried woman can have up to 250g of gold. (31.25 poun)
A man can have up to 100g of gold. (12.5 poun)

Even a higher quantity of gold may be left unseized based on the assessing officer’s discretion. Factors such as family customs and traditions can be considered for such a decision.

It is important to note that the limits prescribed above apply only to jewelry held by members of the family. In the case of jewelry found belonging to any other person, the same can be seized and confiscated.

It's time that the family members consult lawyers or a notary while gifting gold to the bride or bridegroom and create a legal gift deed documents to establish the transfer of the gold gift from family members, relatives during functions like Marriage, Ear-Piercing Ceremony, Puberty Function, Birthdays and any other functions during which gold is gifted, along with the original receipts.

Subsequently after marriage the husband and wife go on invest or purchase gold for their own use. As per IT act we need to retain these receipts and produce them in case of any clarification required or raid.

Isn't time the Gold Invoices are uniquely numbered by the Sellers and so that the buyers can anytime get the invoice by logging into a common portal to retrieve the bill?

Most invoices today generated by the retailers are paper bills that means the buyers has to safely retain them for further warranty claims to prove their are the owners in case of any altercations or to indicate that they are the owners bought with their known source of income so that they establish the same during an Income Tax Raid by IT Department.

Options for the Buyers

1. Retain the physical copy of the bills (the print and the paper may not last long as years pass wear and tear happen, the prints might fade)
2. Capture a picture of it and upload in their personal Cloud space like Google drive or maintain in hard-drive
3. Let the Seller retain the invoice in their cloud space and the buyer can retrieve the bill when required by provide his or her name along with PAN ID and Aadhaar ID.
4. Let their be a common portal and cloud space where the seller can upload the invoice that can be used by the buyer and seller to transact. For (.eg) the Seller uploads the bills, the buyer demands the seller to upload the bill, the buyer verifies the existence of the bill with his PAN ID and Aadhaar ID, the IT department or the buyer can retrieve them at will to validate their ownership and to establish the ownership, bought with their known source of income during an IT raid by IT department.

Time that we as a society become more aware of the legal implications of the transactions that we make...

Now, I also need to ACT.

Water cans and bottles - Ganges and Brahma Putra Water...

Water cans and bottles

It's time to pack the Ganges and the Brahma Putra water in cans for sale and use across the country and for sale through out the world. The only disadvantage is that they have to be packed in plastic bottles. The freshness, the quality and the cleanliness of the water, plus the sentiments, plus the divine Ness are worth careful packing and sale of the theertham. 

Saturday, 6 June 2020

A society

A society that doesn't know how to take care of it's Citizens is not complete.

A Society that is systematically against honesty, straight forward ness and miss uses it's Citizens for short term gains is not worth a good place.

A society that doesn't respect different culture and  tries to force only one type of culture on every Citizens is not a good place to live either.

A society that  discriminates it's Citizens based on religion, caste, creed, language is not a good place to live either.

A society where corruption, bribery, no process, violating system are rampant is not  a good place to live either.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Indian Institute of Information technology at Madurai, Indian Institute of Science at Thirunelvezhi - a need

There is ஐஐடி or IIT in Chennai,  NIT or REC in Trichy, IIM in Trichy and hence a IIIT (Indian Institute of Information technology) at Madurai,  followed by Indian Institute of Science at Thirunelveli (திரு திரு Ravishankar அவர்கள் அறிவியல் பல்கலைக்கழக) is a must.

The state Government of Tamilnadu should take this initiative and Establish these institution for the state and country.  Hope the state government convinces the republic government for the necessary approvals.

This would help this states progress and the countries. 

My actual date of birth and official date of birth

My actual date of birth and official date of birth

My actual date of birth is 22 Oct 1975 and official date of birth is 20 Sep 1975.

The practice in India in the past was to Decide a date of birth to admit the children with out losing a year.

Hence they, the parents chose to inform or write different date while admitting kids to the school or in the date of birth certificate.

Now days this is not possible as the hospital gives a acknowledgement certificate of birth and that becomes the basis for date of birth certificate issued to us.

The parents chose different date of birth to get a extra year in their children career. However, the main reason or cause behind this was the cut off date set by the Government.

Now, the cut off is synced with the school calendar year to stop such tactics.

Why? Give so much importance to a year.. The kids brains develop as they reach certain age so such tactics could have been avoided in the past...

Any ways, this is not possible nowadays.... As the process is better...

A method to clean your intestine fat naturally...

This post is based on my own experience and I haven't Taken effort to scientifically prove it.

So, you may choose to try or ignore the blog information. 

This is a simple and natural method.  All we have to do is to pick Murunga or முருங்கை மரம் இலை (muringai tree leaves).  The leaves shouldn't be tender rather very thick, solid, old...  The leaves have to be washed before we extract juices out of it.

Add the leaves to a mixer if you want add salt then add, I would prefer not to add any salt... The leaves have to be grinded well for 10 minutes by adding water to  it.

Now, filter the jungle or extract the juice from the leaves.  The next step would be to drink the murungai leaf raw juice early in the morning... But ensure to take it in empty stomach and on holidays. 

You could feel uncomfortable while drinking juice and you may face a condition of diarrhea for the next couple of days that brings the fat inside the intestine through our stool. 

You may practice this once in a while or on a annual basis as per your choice. 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

eAadhaar, eKYC XML, All Documents Submitted for KYC or as eKYC - . an upgrade required

When we avail many services from any service provider (Government, Organization, Private Companies, Insurance, Banking, etc) we are required to produce ID and Address Proof. In today’s scenario we provide any of the documents like PAN CARD, Aadhaar CARD, Passport, Voter ID, Ration Card and so on. We provide a xerox copy of the document to the Service Provider with self attestation, with dateandtime, purpose of submission and so on. All these measures are used to ensure that we don’t  leave any gap for it’s misuse. At times we hear some forgery cases where in which they have used some one else document to avail services or cheat. In order avoid such forgery we sign, self attest, write date and time, purpose of the document and so on.

Now, Aadhaar has introduced Paperless eKYC procedure where in which we could establish our identity with biometric and download a eAdhaar anytime, provide it to the service provider to establish Identity.


The paperless eKYC is a KYC XML file that can be downloaded by the Aadhaar card holder and submit the same for availing services.

There is an another option called as eAdhaar card that allows us to download the card as and when there is need to avail a service from a service provider. The service provider like Banks have started to ask the eAdhaar Card and this card is valid for may be 30 days. It’s not sure how long such downloaded card is valid. The Service providers request us to download the card every time we visit but each download is valid for may be 30 days max. The Adhaar number can be masked where in the last 4 digits are made visible and the prefixed 8 digits remain are displayed as **** **** 9999. The additional point to be noted is that the downloaded card is printed with the date and time of download and the service provider validates this.

Now, my point of view is the following,

All documents like Aadhaar, like Driving License, Voter ID, Passport, PAN Card should be enable for downloaded as required. The downloaded document should include the following details in it, annotated on the document automatically and algorithmically,

The OTP as Tokenized String that was used for download of the Card or document.

The UUIID of the person

The IPAddress of the Machine

The MAC ID of the Machine

The PhoneNumber tokenized string

The DateandTime of Download

The PlaceOf Download,

And so on.. As barcode or QR code. 

The Purpose of Download, (ID proof, address change request in Bank) and so on...

This would ensure that the downloaded eAadhaar Card or any other documents can’t be missed used. Hopefully, the above features are enabled soon for proof of use.

The above information can also be added to the eKYC XML document as well to protect the document being misused and the users privacy protection is guaranteed when we establish such strict guidelines and info annotated on top of the downloaded document.

What do we think or say about this idea?

Goods, Sales tax, and Service Tax, - Sharing of Tax Amount between buyer, Seller, State Governments and the Republican Government.

Goods, Sales tax and Service Tax, - Sharing of Tax Amount between buyer, Seller, State Governments and the Republican Government. - Hope Similar strategy is adopted for all taxes including Income Tax, Gift Tax, GST, Service Tax, Wealth Tax, Transaction Tax, property tax, and so on for all types of Tax...

A definition as in Wikipedia

A sales tax is a tax paid to a governing body for the sales of certain goods and services. Usually laws allow the seller to collect funds for the tax from the consumer at the point of purchase. ... A value-added tax (VAT) collected on goods and services is similar to a sales tax.

The GST has three components namely, CGST, SGST & IGST (what is IGST, who gets this amount the State Government or the Republican Government, in case the company is operating from State A, the buyer is in State B, then how would the IGST would be split up as per GST law, does the current approach of IGST violates the fundamental principle of GST Law, foundation, it's principle and it's basis of sharing revenues between the State(s) and the republican Government.?)

The tax paid by purchaser is split by the State Government and the Republic Government in equal proportion.

Similarly, the GST has to be paid by the Purchaser and the seller, it's the seller who makes profit and not the buyer. Therefore, ideally they should pay the sales tax that is the seller. 

However, to make things easier and to make both the buyer and the seller accountable they both have to pay the tax of type sales equally between them.

In this case the amount concerned in equal proportion should come from both of their accounts respectively, the individual or account in the name of the buyer and the account in the name of the seller. Where in both the seller and buyer share the tax in equal proportion.

Additionally, the sales tax Or any transaction that is taxable and is carried out from different state boundaries or demographic border, where in the buyer, seller are in different region... Then the taxes have to be paid to the Respective state governments and the republic government..

That is for example a service provider or seller is in the state of Tamilnadu and the buyer is in the state of Karnataka then the taxation could be tripartite. In this case the taxes paid by the seller who is in Tamizhnadu pays 50% sgst to treasury account of Tamilnadu 50% cgst to treasury account of the Republican Government. Similarly, the buyer who is in the state of Karnataka pays 50% sgst to treasury account of Karnataka 50% cgst to treasury account of the Republican Government.

This ensures taxes are paid appropriately and equally between the parties involved with out any ambiguity.

The taxes are split in equal proportion between buyer and seller. The taxes are split in equal proportion between the states involved and the republican government. The demographics would be based on the physical presence of the buyer and the seller.

When the above changes gets established then the tax break ups for income tax or slabs could be for RIT, SIT (republic income tax and state income tax).

Communism in Taxation

0 to 2,00,000 SIT, RIT NIL

Capitalism in Taxation

2,00,001 to 5,00,000 RIT, SIT = 5%, tax amount 14,999.95 / 2

5,00,001 to 50,00,000 = 10%, tax amount 4,49,999.9 / 2

50,00,001 to 5,00,00,000 = 15%, tax amount 67,49,999.85 / 2

5,00,00,001 to 50,00,00,000 = 20% tax amount 8,99,99,999.8 / 2

50,00,00,001 to 5,00,00,00,000 = 25% tax amount 1,12,49,99,999.75‬ / 2

5,00,00,00,001 to 50,00,00,00,000 = 30%, tax amount 13,49,99,99,999.7‬ / 2

50,00,00,00,001 to 5,00,00,00,00,000 = 35%, tax amount 1,57,49,99,99,999.65‬ / 2

5,00,00,00,00,001 to 50,00,00,00,00,000 = 40%, tax amount 17,99,99,99,99,999.6‬ / 2

50,00,00,00,00,001 to 5,00,00,00,00,00,000 = 45%, tax amount 2,02,49,99,99,99,999.55‬ / 2

5,00,00,00,00,00,001 to 50,00,00,00,00,00,000 = 49%, tax amount 22,04,99,99,99,99,999.5 / 2

The total income tax can never cross 49% of any body's total taxable income....

The farm (ஓம்) Produce tax (DIT or Produce Tax or PT or FPT) (FPT) and transaction tax (TT) could be as follows and split by 2, between the State Government and the Republic Government. The DIT refers to Farm Produce tax (FPT) Or direct income tax taxed at harvest or when a produce is first sold to a buyer or distributor. 

Communism in Taxation

Less than 1,000 or 10,000 no tax – base value for which no Transaction Tax is deducted... (either 1,000 or 10,000 per trasaction)

Capitalism in Taxation

1001 or 10001 to 1,00,000 tax amount rs. 1, 1/ 2 between transactor and transactee- for every transaction whose value is between this range

1,00,001 to 1, 00,00,000 tax amount rs. 10, 1/ 2 between transactor and transactee-  for every transaction whose value is between this range

1,00,00,001 to 1, 00,00,00,000 tax amount rs. 100, 1/ 2 between transactor and transactee-  every transaction whose value is between this range

1,00,00,00,001 to 1, 00,00,00,,00,000 tax amount rs. 1000,   1/ 2 between transactor and transactee--for every transaction whose value is between this range

And so on......

In case the buyer is from different State or Geographical region and the Seller from different state or Geographical region (DIT would be Value / 4, where in the State A, State B gets 1/4, 1/4 and the Republic Government gets 1/2 value of the tax amount, 1/4 from State A and 1/ 4 from State B totaling to 1/2 value of the tax amount )...

This should be the approach to collect tax in a federal or republic... Even for IGST the money collected should be shared in equal proportion as stated above between state government's and the republic Government. For that matter all taxes or tax types in a country that has adopted Federalism and republic model have to share the taxes collected in equal proportion between the states involved and the republican government.

The only case of exception should be when the Service is availed by the buyer himself. For (e.g) when the buyers registers for an online training, consulting, coaching etc where in the buyer himself is the direct beneficiary in that case the GST or rather the Service tax would be paid by the buyer. In all other cases where in the buyer buys a ready made product that he or his family is going to use then in such cases the GST have to spit in equal proportion between the buyer and the seller.

The split up of tax between the republican government and the state governments involved should be share equally based on the purchase location and the seller location. In case multiple state Governments are involved because of the fact the buyer is from residing or placing the order from different state of geographical region and the seller is from a different state or geographical region that the value would be split between the Governments involved, where in the states get 1/4, 1/4 and the republican government gets 1/2 (1/4+1/4) of the tax amount.

In case of Multiple States(n) involved then the GST split up accordingly between buyer and seller. The payment of GST then would be GST Tax value / n *2 , GST Tax value  / n*2 would be the split up between the buyer and seller to each states involved and the CGST value paid from each states to the republican government.

The above tax strategy can be or rather should be adopted for all PAN card holder, for all PAN type and should cover 100% population in a given region. 

The tax percentage numbers should be derived from a formula that considers cost of inflation index, cost of living, input costs, real estate costs, depreciation index, cost to the company or CTC index, and various other relevant parameters to arrive at tax percentage values from a or set of formula.  For example GST ranges between 5 to 18%, why not 1% to 18% or 1 to 20%?. 

Similarly, the tax slab ranges could also  be derived as a value from the same or similar formula.  The tax slabs range values are rounded or cieled to the nearest decimal value Whereas the tax rates or percentages are rounded to two decimal places. 

What do we think or say about this idea?