Thursday, 18 June 2020

GDP of a republic have to be measured individually, accounted, audited region wise (state wise)

GDP of a republic have to be measured individually, accounted, audited region wise (state wise)

The GDP of a pluralist society (language, religion, caste, creed) have to be measured individually by creating a virtual reserve banks region wise.  For example every region Or state would own it's own Reserve bank to ensure that the GDP of a republic are measured state wise, accounted, audited region wise, all transactions within in a region based on GPS coordinates would be credited or debited as a transaction against the Respective reserve bank for easy accounting practice and for budgeting purpose.  In the future all banks in a given region or state can be linked to this virtual reserve bank, can be consolidated under single name.  Then further all the reserve bank can be linked with the country or Federal or Republic bank.

This ensure that transactions with in region  can be accounted, audited, tracked, monitored, valued, Healthy competition encouraged, peoples contribution to the Respective region can be ascertained. 

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