Tuesday, 23 June 2020

A word, meaning, understanding and not understanding - it's impact

A word, meaning, understanding and not understanding - it's impact

A word has a exact meaning, Context based different meaning, different synonyms each synonym has similar meaning but not the same meaning as the original word.

As we understand words, Phrases, idioms, couplets, peoms, cryptic messages, sentences, paragraphs, stories,  epics,.... So on and so forth.  We can handle our communication skills better, verbal and hearing.  Also, very very important is to understand the context, Situation, event or circumstances in which a word, please, idioms, couplets, peoms, cryptic messages, sentences, paragraph, stories, epics have been used or occurred. 

The lack of understanding of the complete dimension in which words are used makes us to react, agitate, envy, revenge and so on... 

As human beings we need to understand on our understanding skills and communication skills better., better and better.

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