"A Good Idea is not the property of a individual. It can also be common mans idea" - A Quote from RepublicIndia Website.(http://www.republicindia.in/)
My View -
"A Good Governance is not the property of a individual or a Party. It is the by product of common mans problem, their suffering, their anguish, their experiences, their leanings, their past, their impressions, the predecessor parties have not addressed the need of the people and so on.."
If the above quote in Republic India has to be accepted then the Idea's can't be accepted as individuals property is a bit harsh on the part of the thinker of this Quote.
A Good Idea, a Good Innovation, a Intellectual Property are rewarded all around the world. If we have to accept the above quote than this might be become point of contention, point of discussion, point of argument, point of debate, point for TRP, point for newspapers, and so on....
In my view A Good Idea from a or any Individual to the least has to be recognized at least with an assumption that the Idea is her or hers based on their claim. The law or Constitution says that the culprit shall be treated as innocent until proven guilty, similarly a good idea from any individual has to be treated as his or her own idea until otherwise there is an alternative claim to it. In that scenario it becomes a point of conflict.
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