Thursday, 25 June 2020

Language Policy in General

Language Policy in General

In case of place or region or district or state or country where in the majority of the people speak a Language and for example let's consider where in a sect of people speaking different language namely, "abcd", live in considerable numbers.  Their population is above 25 % in case of four  language policy, above 33.33% in case of three language policy then all or many or considerable amount of population shall study the language "abcd" as third or fourth along with the state language.

The census data collection should be based on birth and death certificate.  The mother tongue or native language or Father tongue reported, recorded in the birth certificate would then be the yardstick for language policy changes.

The first and second language for example Tamil and English in Tamilnadu would be studied until college, Whereas the third and fourth language would be studied until 9th or 10th standards.

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