Thursday, 4 June 2020

eAadhaar, eKYC XML, All Documents Submitted for KYC or as eKYC - . an upgrade required

When we avail many services from any service provider (Government, Organization, Private Companies, Insurance, Banking, etc) we are required to produce ID and Address Proof. In today’s scenario we provide any of the documents like PAN CARD, Aadhaar CARD, Passport, Voter ID, Ration Card and so on. We provide a xerox copy of the document to the Service Provider with self attestation, with dateandtime, purpose of submission and so on. All these measures are used to ensure that we don’t  leave any gap for it’s misuse. At times we hear some forgery cases where in which they have used some one else document to avail services or cheat. In order avoid such forgery we sign, self attest, write date and time, purpose of the document and so on.

Now, Aadhaar has introduced Paperless eKYC procedure where in which we could establish our identity with biometric and download a eAdhaar anytime, provide it to the service provider to establish Identity.


The paperless eKYC is a KYC XML file that can be downloaded by the Aadhaar card holder and submit the same for availing services.

There is an another option called as eAdhaar card that allows us to download the card as and when there is need to avail a service from a service provider. The service provider like Banks have started to ask the eAdhaar Card and this card is valid for may be 30 days. It’s not sure how long such downloaded card is valid. The Service providers request us to download the card every time we visit but each download is valid for may be 30 days max. The Adhaar number can be masked where in the last 4 digits are made visible and the prefixed 8 digits remain are displayed as **** **** 9999. The additional point to be noted is that the downloaded card is printed with the date and time of download and the service provider validates this.

Now, my point of view is the following,

All documents like Aadhaar, like Driving License, Voter ID, Passport, PAN Card should be enable for downloaded as required. The downloaded document should include the following details in it, annotated on the document automatically and algorithmically,

The OTP as Tokenized String that was used for download of the Card or document.

The UUIID of the person

The IPAddress of the Machine

The MAC ID of the Machine

The PhoneNumber tokenized string

The DateandTime of Download

The PlaceOf Download,

And so on.. As barcode or QR code. 

The Purpose of Download, (ID proof, address change request in Bank) and so on...

This would ensure that the downloaded eAadhaar Card or any other documents can’t be missed used. Hopefully, the above features are enabled soon for proof of use.

The above information can also be added to the eKYC XML document as well to protect the document being misused and the users privacy protection is guaranteed when we establish such strict guidelines and info annotated on top of the downloaded document.

What do we think or say about this idea?

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