Saturday, 20 June 2020

ID card numbers with UUIID - Universal Unique Individual identifier or Identity Key

ID card numbers with UUIID - Universal Unique Individual identifier or Identity Key

It would be great if the Internet Engineering Task defines the standards for the Generation of UUIID for Individuals just like how we generate a 32 bit UUID to be used as a key in a DB that is a unique key. The UUIID is foreseen to be an ID that shall be assigned to each Individual at the time of Birth or when Birth Certificate is requested or when any of the ID Cards or Government Services or Banking Services or School Admission is sought for.

This UUIID would be the starting point of Identification of an Individual globally and across region that considers various parameters (Name,Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Nativity, Nativity Language, Mother Tongue, Father Tongue, DateandTime considering Regional Calendar Used and Global or English Calendar, Sentiments of the Regional People, Language Neutral - Display of Information in the Card in Local Language and English Language, Preferably a non-printed card but a Card with Digital Display that changes the information display based on the Region in which the user right now is for example when in TamilNadu, India the content is displayed in Tamil and English likewise Globally, rechargeable card, recharge at home, office, mobile transport service providers, and so on... )

The ID cards that is being issued these days are identified using Unique numbers, Name of the Holder, Virtual Id,..

I think it's time to include UUIID that's make the Association of Multiple Identity card held by a card holders to be linked by this Universal Unique individual Identifier the 32 digit or more alpha numeric string Auto generated from the system using the OS UUIID Key generator API. Universal Unique individual Identity key. 

This key would be generated using UUIIDKeyGenerator API 

By Providing the Following Parameters,

The  CompleteName of the individual, dateandtime of birth (regional calendar date of birth, year name, month name, day, time and English calendar date time) , place of birth, Nativity (father and mother), Nativity language, MOTHER TONGUE, FATHER TONGUE, blood group, biometric Identity at birth, GPS coordinates  of birth location, CompleteFatherName and CompleteMotherName... If required GPS coordinates of Nativity ( Father and Mother)., UUIID of biological or Guardian father and mother. 

The cards like aadhaar, driving license, voter Id, PAN card, bank card, domestic travel card, passport, property card and so on would include the above and below information,. The cards themselves will hold a  ID like MacId or Card ID. 

UUIID (same number across all cards held by an individual)
Card ID like MacId or IMEI code
Card ID number
Virtual Identity number
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMother  FatherCasteName  MotherCasteName)
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName SelfCasteName SpouseCasteName)
Date of Birth (regional calendar and English calendar) 
Nativity ( Father and Mother) 
Place of Birth and GPS coordinates of exact birth location if known
Masked mobile number (self, siblings) 
Masked mobile number (Father and Mother) 
Children Mobile number (Masked) 
Region in which card was issued Tamizhnadu, GPS coordinates. Regional calendar year name, month name, day. 
Date and time of issue,  as per English calendar date and time and regional calendar date and time
Last date of validity (English calendar date and time, in the future regional calendar date and time) 
And other personal profile details like present address. 

The UUIID (same number across all cards held by an individual) would be Unique and cannot be reassigned to someone else ever.

What do we think or say about this idea?

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