Sunday 23 August 2020

Ordering Systems Should include Gift invoices

The Ordering and Invoice Systems or Software's should mandatorily include Gift invoice or order workflows in ் their Software platform.  The Software Platforms could be Online, Offline, Payment Gateways or Payment apps, in store invoice so on.  The Gift invoice shall include the Make, Model, QR code of the product, Identication QR code of the purchaser and the Identification Code of the receiver of the gift.  The Identification QR codes shall include complete name, Tax Identity Number, Individual Identity Number like aadhaar and Mobile number in case of individual, in case of product, the products make, Model, Serial Number, manufacturing unit location information. The Gifts or Products in possession can be validated with these QR codes, with family lineage information obtained from Individual Identity number like aadhaar to validate, verify the possession of the product's, the inheritance of the same. This would come in handy when expensive metals like golds and it's right possession is under question?

What if the whole invoice is a single QR code on the cloud, a original to the customer, a copy in the vendors cloud, a copy to the Respective Governmental Cloud Repository? 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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