Thursday, 30 July 2020
Language Proficiency and Policy Fundamentals
Monday, 27 July 2020
Mistakes that we regret in our lives
Sunday, 26 July 2020
Solar panel system designed as Roof Sheets
Vegetable and Fruit - Sourcing, Grading, Packing, Identification, Categorization, Source Marking, Destination Marking, Mode of transport, Loading, Unloading, Weight at Packing, weight at destination, source price, selling price
HP DeskJet ink advantage 3545 - #HP, #HPDeskjetInkAdvantage3545
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Seeds, Oil, Bacteria
Legal Heirs Certificate
Portability Service Centers
Is it time to test Miyawaki, plantation with same breed,?
Monday, 20 July 2020
Hardware Identification Parameters - Mobile
Silk worm - Tropical and Cold climate
Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) - Vehicle Registration String Token (VRST)
Are Aadhaar Numbers Generated Algorithmically? - Yes.
Customer Care Services - Call Center - Online to Online and Online to Offline - Video Calls, 121
Finance Account Number - Individuals, Society, Organization, Company, Government
Solar Panels @ Roof Top of Houses in #TN
Email ID Appropriateness
Sunday, 19 July 2020
The Bridge or Fly over Exit Points
Applying Breaks in Cars and Releasing clutch in uphill
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Farm Land Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism
Farm Land Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism
Now, In my view the farm land used for cultivation, culture, so on has to adopt Capitalism and communism. The property tax has to be calculated on the volume of culture or area in case of direct farming that is the outer volume of the building + open space area.
Let's assume a Farm on a size of 1 acre where in 1/2 acre breeds fishes and the remaining 1/2 acre Farming activity is performed on the surface of the land.
The building is constructed with a surface area covering 220000 sq. For vertical farming or fish breeding.
Now, going forward all farm lands shall be taxed on open area and constructed area.
The tax for open area farming could be very minimal, for example 0.01 Rs.*=8=Rs. 8 per annum.
Open area farming or surface farming
1 acre - 5 acre @100 rs Per acre per year. - rs 100 to 500
6 acre - 10 acre @200 Rs Per acre per year. Rs. 600 to 120
11 acre - 20 acre @500 Rs Per acre per year. Rs. 5500 to 10000
21 acre - 40 acre @750 rs Per acre per year Rs. 15750 to 30000
41 acre - 80 acre @1000 rs Per acre per year Rs. 41000 to 80000
81 acre and above @1250 Rs Per acre per year. 101250
Non open area farming or culture
1000 - 20000 cu. Ft @0.1 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 100 to 2000 Per annum
20001 - 40000 cu. Ft @0.125 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 2500.125 to 5000 Per annum
40001 - 80000 cu. Ft @0.150 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 6000.15 to 12000 Per annum
80001 - 160000 cu. Ft @0.175 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 14,000.175 to 28,000 Per annum
160001 - 320000 cu. Ft @0.2 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 32,000.2 to 64,000 Per annum
And so on...
This means the Bigger the farming area the tax rate increases as per the above slabs given as illustration. This generates enough revenue to the state Governments treasury account.
Hope state Government brings this change by necessary law or amendments.
What do we think or say about this idea?
Property Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism
Property Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism
A property tax or millage rate[1] is an ad valorem tax on the value of a property, usually levied on real estate. The tax is levied by the governing authority of the jurisdiction in which the property is located. This can be a national government, a federated state, a county or geographical region or a municipality. Multiple jurisdictions may tax the same property.
It may be imposed annually or at the time of a real estate transaction, such as in real estate transfer tax. This tax can be contrasted to a rent tax, which is based on rental income or imputed rent, and a land value tax, which is a levy on the value of land, excluding the value of buildings and other improvements.
Under a property-tax system, the government requires or performs an appraisal of the monetary value of each property, and tax is assessed in proportion to that value.
Now, In my view the property tax for houses, apartments, Establishment, Office space, and so on has to adopt Capitalism and communism. The property tax has to be calculated on the volume of building that is the outer volume of the building + open space area.
Let's assume a house on plot 2400 sq. Ft is constructed with set backs.
The building is constructed with a surface area covering 1600 sq. Ft and the remaining 800 sq. Ft is open space for walk, car park, sunlight, air or wind and so on.
The tax for the flat is calculated on the super built up area which includes all the area in which some form construction is built.
Now, going forward all buildings shall be taxed on open area and constructed area.
The tax for open area could be very minimal, for example 0.01 Rs.*=8=Rs. 8per annum.
Let's say the Constructed area volume is 1600*10 ft height, that would mean the outer volume is 16000 cu. Ft and the tax for the same would be let's say, 16000*0.01 rs. = 160 per annum
The overall tax for the plot is 160 +8= Rs. 168 பேர் annum.
Now, the tax slabs could be as follows for plots of size starting from 600 sq. Ft and it's multiples, the assumes 1/4 of the lot is left open and 3/4 of the plot is used for construction, 450 +150.
The tax charges can be simply in the plot size that would start from 600 sq. Ft and above,
600 sq. Ft to 1200 sq. Ft tax rate @0.001 rs. = Rs. 0.6 to Rs. 1.2 Per Annum
1201 sq. Ft to 2400 sq. Ft tax rate @0.01 rs. = Rs. 12.01 to Rs. 24 Per Annum
2401 sq. Ft to 4800 sq. Ft tax rate @0.1 rs. = Rs. 240.1 to Rs. 480 Per Annum
4801 sq. Ft to 9600 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.125 rs. = Rs. 600.125 to Rs. 1200
9601 sq. Ft to 19200 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.150 rs. = Rs. 1440.15 to Rs. 2888
19201 sq. Ft to 38400 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.175 rs.= Rs. 3360.175 to Rs. 6720
38401 sq. Ft to 76800 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.2 rs. = Rs. 7680.2 to Rs. 15,360
76801 sq. Ft to 143600 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.225 rs. = Rs. 17,280.225 to Rs. 32.310
143601 sq. Ft to 284200 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.250 rs. = Rs. 35,900 to Rs. 71,050
And so on...
And so on...
This means the Bigger the plot, bigger the building, the tax rate increases as per the above slabs given as illustration. This generates enough revenue to the state Governments treasury account.
This could become the basis for tax charges for House, Establishments, Shops, offices, commercial establishments. The open space would be charged as described above. The rates are given for illustrative purpose and the rates can be increased or reduced depending on various parameters. If we feel the rates are high it can reduced further or there is a opinion the rates are high then it can increased further.
Then the same Rate Yard Stick can applied for Constructed Building that is to considered the height or depth. The Volume calculation would simply be base rate in the above slabs * height or depth of the building. That each different units ranging in the above Square Feet Slabs would pay tax as per the rate defined with in the slab.
For (e.g) in a Plot of 600 Sq. Ft two units of 450 and 450 are constructed with a height of 10 feet. The tax for this building would be 450*10*0.001 + 150*0.001 + 450*10*0.001 =4.5+.15+4.5 = Rs 9.15 Per annum as example invoiced against each separate unit identified by different Electricity Meter in the unit.
Hope state Government brings this change by necessary law or amendments.
What do we think or say about this idea?
Esic options - Electoral machine options,Electing, Not Electing, Not Accepting, Not Accepting all candidates. Green light, yellow light, grey, black or grey light.
Savings, Investment Schemes and Portability Account Number
Insurance Schemes and Portability Account Number - ISPAN
Friday, 17 July 2020
Farm Fish Feeds
Cloud Data Centers in Tamilnadu
Public Service Maintenence Charges
Birth and Marriage Certificate application forms
Also, spelling mistake correction is different from name change. The name change is a request from customer Whereas spelling mistakes is a error by the data entry executive
Also, the application forms can be enabled to tick a change request that clearly highlights the fields for correction. The same application form can include check boxes besides all fields. The applicants in case of correction would select those check boxes and otherwise none. The Applicant('s) would provide the necessary document proof in digital form or physical form for correction request.
Also, all application forms of every service provider should include and enable such options for corrections or changes of the profile details of the customer. The service Providers that I am referring to are banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection and so on.
The application forms should include a reference number pre printed in it for easy tracking. The customer then can specify this reference for future clarification, follow up, escalation, suggestions, comment and to provide feedback.
State Emergency - Proactive and Response Team
தியினால் சுட்ட புண் உல் ஆறும் அராதே நாவினால் சுட்ட வடு.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
UAN - Universal Account Number.
Learning State Language at Schools - Every School with in it's Geographic Boundary has to include the State language compulsorily
வாழ்க தமிழ், வளர்க தமிழ் மக்கள், வாழ்க தமிழர், வாழ்க தமிழ்நாடு, வாழ்க தமிழுலகம், வாழ்க தமிழ் ஈழம்
Monday, 13 July 2020
Chief Minister of A State
Multilingual, Mechanical, Electronic, Digital, Optical Software Keyboard and optical Keyboard
Multilingual, Mechanical, Electronic, Digital, Optical Software Keyboard and optical Keyboard
The mobile keyboards (logical keyboards) support multi lingual typing. The logical keyboards change the characters in the keyboards based on users language context.
Similarly, can the laptop keyboards and computers keyboard be multi lingual keyboards?
A simple optical keyboards (physical keyboards for typing and just like mobile TouchPad physical keyboards) with led display that automatically senses the context and display characters as per the user current language context.
Similarly, we need multilingual Electronic type writer that enables us to practice typing in different languages with just one Electronic Type Writer. This type writer would host a circuit board, domain OS, language translation library, dictionary, contextual intellisense,office package, regional calendar and time zone based clock. For example this keyboard would enable people to type information in various languages in seperate and Also in combination. For example the content can be typed in two languages at the same time to produce direct documents integrated with cloud provider's. This keyboard shall enable people to practice, learn typing in different languages, this keyboard would be as smooth as a mobile keyboard where in the users could use traditional typing and use SwiftKey typing.
What do we think or say about this idea?
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Flooring Tiles
Election commission of India
Sugar Cane Pulps
Friday, 10 July 2020
Reservation Policy
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Data Type Declaration, Usage, Query
நெய் பாகு
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
CIVIL ENGINEERING - CIRCULAR Pillar vs Rectangle or Square Pillars
Financial Software, RPOS, Billing Software - Certified
The Steno or Data Entry Operator Mistakes and It's impact
The Steno or Data Entry Operator Mistakes and It's impact
The Data Entry, Stenographer, have to ensure that the records they enter are correct and as per the request or application submitted. They are expected to cross verify that the data is as per the documents submitted and as per the existing records.
For (e.g) The Gas connection transfer requires a procedure to surrender the cylinder, get a transfer voucher, a refund of the deposit amount and visit the target location Distributor or Dealer then submit your address proof document, along with Transfer voucher, ID proof, and the deposit amount. You are then expected to submit a application form.
Even with these documents the Data Entry Operator at the desk makes a mistake in my LastName.
How is this possible?
Do they have a process to verify the details again by another EXECUTIVE?
WHY CAN'T THEY INTRODUCE AUTO FILL from Biometric Identity Card details, change only the details with respect to address OR Prefilled forms based on already available data or allow the customer to type his or her details?
Even if we consider this to be human error or mistake then what is the process adopted by the service provider?
Then they request you to submit another application form even. So I Submitted another application form for correction with Identity card proof. The first mistake was that they removed a letter from my LastName.
Then they correct the missing letter but change another character in the LastName, makeing another mistake, and to add to this the executive indicates the name or spelling change in the system is allowed only once. This is absolutely weird. It is not name change request that I submitted it's a correction of mistake done by their executive's. In this case the system should allow for correction of spelling mistakes by their executives.
This forces the operators to create new voucher by deregisteration of existing connection voucher and to issue a new voucher with a new connection number. This makes things a bit difficult for the consumer or customer.
In my scenario I wanted to change address in Bank, Aadhaar, Passport, Mobile Number and so on.... A time loss or delay or mistake in service is a hindrance to a customer. What looks like a spelling mistake is actually a hindrance to the customer in his next steps and so on.. Why?
So, the executive have to be trained well to verify or copy existing data than retyping to avoid such mistakes. The process of data entry should only involve data entry of the address details in case of transfer requests and all the remaining data remains the same unless a change request form is submitted. In case of Gas connection transfer it's only address that changes remaining details are almost the same.
Also, the application forms can be enabled to tick a change request that clearly highlights the fields for correction. The same application form can include check boxes besides all fields. The applicants in case of correction would select those check boxes and otherwise none. The Applicant('s) would provide the necessary document proof in digital form or physical form for correction request.
Also, spelling mistake correction is different from name change. The name change is a request from customer Whereas spelling mistakes is a error by the data entry executive.
Also, all application forms of every service provider should include and enable such options for corrections or changes of the profile details of the customer. The service Providers that I am referring to are banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection, Mobile and so on.
The application forms should include a reference number pre printed in it for easy tracking. The customer then can specify this reference for future clarification, follow up, escalation, suggestions, comment and to provide feedback.
All utility or service provider application forms should include
Primary Account Number Name - Complete Name
Secondary Account Number Name - Complete Name
They should (service Providers) mandatorily link two identification numbers of the customer's or Consumers aadhaar and TSN OR TIN or PAN or TAN to all utility service like banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection, Mobile numbers and so on.
#indane, #IndianOil, #IndianOilCorporation
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Perfection and Imperfection
இக் கரைக்கு அக்கறை பச்சை
The South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce - Kollywood Film Chamber of Commerce
is integrated farming a reality and feasible?
IS integrated farming a reality and feasible?
There are so much when we talk about integrated farming. But, the most important factors Farmers have to consider are
No of acres in possession
Type of soil
Current state of soil or it's quality
Water availability throught out the year
Current state of water or it's quality
Availability of labour's
Family time and Farming time
Cost of produce
Cost of technology upgrade
Selling price
Net profit
Farm pets
Farm pet feeds
Farm land improvisation naturally and sustainable
Family situation
Support from your family member's
Observation skills
Experimentation skills
Optimization and improvisation skills
Tools, Equipments, machinery
Sensors, testing equipments
Bringing life to the soil and Establish sustainability for years to come
And so on...
Now, in order to achieve all these by one single Farmer or his Family is going to be difficult. Every single farmer can't achieve this by themselves.
Therefore, they have to work together as a society, community, with a focus on diatributing function and role based produces.
For (e.g) the whole village can set a vermicompost unit, one pond, and measure the input and measure the distributed output. Now, distribute the cost of these units against their input to output ratio and recover the operational cost. This is possible if these units operate as registered society or as NGO serving just that Village or near by Villages as per their by laws. They should not focus on profit but to serve and meet it's operational cost. In the future profits automatically comes.
So, better work as a Team.
Similarly, the Milk products like Segregated Milk A1, A2, Milk by cow typename like காங்கேயம், segregated Curd, segregated Buttermilk, segregated Ghee, segregated Milk Sweets, segregated Cheese, segregated Panneer, segregated Yeasts, segregated lactobacillus, Milk chocolates and so on can be produced in the villages itself.
For example each district villages could come together and divide the demand of each of these products. There are around 7 or 8 Major produces from Milk that can be produced that would mean we would need production units in Factors matching the number of Products. These units have to distributed in such way that their produces are concentrated in 8 zones of the District. The villages in zone Milk would produce only Milk varities, in Zone Curd they produce only curd and Yogurt, Zone Cheese would Manufacture only cheese, Zone Panneer would Manufacture only Panneer and so on. They all can collaborate together to Distrubute each other's product in their respective zones. This would mean job created in villages or near by towns itself they don't have to come to city for jobs.
Similarly, every produce can be distributed zone wise with in a district. Like Fish farms breed only certain variety on each zone, Fruit Types, Vegetable Type, Rice type, and so on.
The District Metro service would then be good enough to distribute the produces across the District and state.
These Society, NGO, Cooperative society from the District villages from various zones then can become client to the ஆவின் Co-operative Society.
It's time for #TN, #TNFarmers to adopt such strategy.