Thursday, 30 July 2020

Language Proficiency and Policy Fundamentals

A langaue policy should cover and ensure that the children who learn those languages in Schools as First Language, Second Language Third Language, Fourth Language and Fifth language have to study until 9th standard or 9th Grade at least.  The longer duration we learn a Language the Proficiency in that language increases by that extent.  Hence, any language that is introduced or taught in the school's have to be taught at least until 9th standard.  We could learn longer duration than that since 10 standard or grade onwards we have to write board exams conducted by the respective affiliate or board's.  That would mean more number of languages would be a burden for the students beyond 9th Standards.  Therefore the state language and English language would be the only two languages to be studied beyond 9th standards in the schools located with in Geographic Boundary of the Respective states. 

Monday, 27 July 2020

Mistakes that we regret in our lives

We as human being commit mistakes through out our life and not necessary repeatedly the same mistake.  The mistakes that we repeat might lead towards or we end up in difficulty, trouble, and could even land in legal trouble.

The mistake of my lifetime are listed below so far, 

As a school student I have cheated or Stolen stamps 3 or 4 times from a store and once from a friend's home, I was caught once by the shop owner but let go by the shopkeeper because my schoolmate akka was working in the Store.

As a college student I had bunked Classes few times and played in the open or in the college ground. 

As an employee I have given a different invoice when we had Visited the USA and returned to India to claim the expense settlement. I was upset the policy was changed and the new policy took away the benefits of the old policy. 

As an employee we are expected to declare the complementary breakfasts, lunch, or dinner the daily allowance would be accordingly reduced based on the Declaration when on travel this was not followed by many of us due to lack of awareness until a workflow solution was rolled out for usage.  Then it was easy for us to declare the tour expenses, claims, allowances and so on to meet the company policies. 

I also didn't pay the fees for the type writing class senior level fees because of which that center Operator didn't issue my Senior level completion certificate and my Father was very much upset because of that. I had used this money as pocket money and spent it as a teenager with my girl friend then. 

I had once submitted bills from Medical Store that was just duplicated bills or used in the Name of the person requested and had submitted the same for tax claim and fortunately or unfortunately the claim was not accepted. 

As an adult we make so many mistakes but we mostly don't repeat the same mistake.

Some times we watch pornography and that kind of becomes a time pass or habit due to loneliness or because of desires and I am no exception to this.

Some times we chat online with hidden Identity or different email ID to hide out details and chat with opposite sex due to loneliness or because of desires and I am no exception to this.

Some times we might loose or flirt talk or approach a opposite sex in office or with our colleague's or with our neighbor's.  I am no exception to this.

What we don't understand is that the readability skills of ours about others is taken advantage by opposite sex may be at the behest of someone, that we don't understated, we consider it something and they indicate it was a normal discussion or action. Because we visit their house only to realize that they are influenced by vested interests and power to put us down?  I Had to learn hard lessons due to this, either ways it's only men who would to face the music in such situations. So, better we realize this much earlier or we would have to regret situations. 

I have used the office Printers to take Print outs to help my Children for studies and particularly workbooks until I reached a point that it was not appropriate to do this or continue this practice.  Hence, decided to buy a Printer at home that gives flexibility to the Family Members and the Children to print the relevant study materials.  I would used the office printers for few years that include study materials, some PAN CARD, Sale Deed print outs, License Xerox, Certificates, Aadhaar card xeroxes and so on.  This is not a ethically acceptable practice in a profession or as professionals hence I would have to regret and pay the debt of this.

I had also once submitted a duplicate hotel invoice to compensate for the inconvenience caused to us due to a sudden policy change in the company.  I probably shouldn't have taken this approach but at that point of time, I didn't realize it's not appropriate from the companies ethics and etiquettes point of view.

What we men have to learn is that these are distractions and many a times men are trapped by women and they (women) are in turn influenced by others.? 

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Solar panel system designed as Roof Sheets

Can we not look at the possibility of solar panel roof sheets as sheds that acts as shed, generates power, collects rain water and store's it or routes to RWH structure in the premise? 

Vegetable and Fruit - Sourcing, Grading, Packing, Identification, Categorization, Source Marking, Destination Marking, Mode of transport, Loading, Unloading, Weight at Packing, weight at destination, source price, selling price

Is it time to build a custom Software solution that handles, Domain Supply Chain Management - agricultural produce and agroproducts, Domain Warehouse Management-, produce and agroproducts, Pricing, Packing, Grading, Sorting, Identification, Categorization, Source Marking, Destination Marking, Mode of transport, Loading, Unloading, Weight at Packing, weight at destination, source price, selling price and also collectiing peels again return to Farmers or Vermicompost unit's when they go again for purchase of Vegetables and Fruits for free, or at a very minimal price? 

The Farmer's today face Multiple problem, monsoon, wind, hales, thunderstorms, storms, floods, Pricing, input cost, output and return are less.  

The Farmers have to work together as a community and society to Solve their Challenges while the dealers, distributors should return then manure often (quarterly, half yearly and annually).  For example the Sugar Cane Pulps, Fruit peels, package paper, hays, straws, Vegetable peels, their wastage have to be returned to the community Vermicompost units for organic manure production.  The same Supply chain Network can be used to return the wastes to the Farmer's. 

The Software solution should be modularized to handle the complete distribution network, along with best pricing at source, optimal pricing at retail, all taxes are paid GST, DIT, TT, Toll Charges,  DSCM,  DWM, Crop insurance, minimum support or guaranteed price, and so on to ensure everyone involved in the complete SCM is happy, Profitable and makes a living for themselves. 

And it should cover the interest of the Farmers, Distributor, Whole sale and retailer's. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

HP DeskJet ink advantage 3545 - #HP, #HPDeskjetInkAdvantage3545

The HP DeskJet ink advantage 3545 reports a error indicating the ink cartridges must be replaced.  I had installed a new HP 378 black ink cartridge and tried to boot the printer and the printer indicates or says the cartridge must be replaced, so not sure which cartridge the color or black cartridge has to be replaced.  There was another weird problem where in the print outs where not complete but only certain characters or fields where missed out or printed, the print outs where partial. 

What's weird this product is a all in one printer and it doesn't allow me to use the scan feature because of this error?

Not sure if the newer model or newer version of the HP printers or all in one have addressed this blockage of features.  The cartridge problem shouldn't stop the users from using the Scanner or Scan Feature 

#HP, #HPDeskjetInkAdvantage3545. 

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Seeds, Oil, Bacteria

The oils extracted from the chekku, or using traditional methods, they don't fry or burn the seeds before extracting oil.  They use the raw seeds, If  we soak them in water they germinate to form new life.  This means the bacteria or microbes or cells inside the seeds still hold life waiting for humidity, water, medium to germinate.
These seeds when used for extracting oil from them then those microbes still exists and come out along with the oil.

If we heat the seeds before extracting oil than it may help in longer shelf life of the oil but the microbes would have been killed in the process.

Therefore, it's better to categorize the oils with visual indicators or icons or symbols in the packing to indicate non-heated oil extraction method, heated oil extraction method was used and so on for the customer's and consumers to choose or buy as per their choice, awareness. 

Legal Heirs Certificate

Legal Heirs Certificate

The Legal Heirs Certificate should include the Aadhaar Numbers of the Deceased, the Aadhaar Numbers of the Legal heirs.  The legal heirs certificate details in the book of records would refer or include the following Information in it as proof of heirs, 

1. Birth Certificate
2. PAN card
3. Driving License
4. Vehicle Registration Profile
5. Passport
6. Marriage Certificate
7. Degree Certificate
8. Mobile number profiles
9. Property document Profile
10.aadaar number of deceased and aadhaar number of legal heirs.
11. Esic Profile
12. CIN profile

And so on... 

This ensures there are no conflicts, disputes, forgery of Wealth, forgery of Properties of the deceased with falsified records of legal heirs.

The legal heirs certificate should include the Aadhaar Numbers of the deceased and that of the legal heirs. 

The birth and death certificates should also include the self aadhaar number, siblings and parents (Father and Mother) aadhaar number in it. 

Portability Service Centers

Is it time to start Portability Service Call Centers that would handle Portability of services like Mobile Number, bank accounts, insurance, Deemat Account, FDs, Mutual Fund accounts, DTH,  and so on to make them Vendor Neutral? 

They can earn Renevues as pay per service request charged to the customer's. 

Is it time to test Miyawaki, plantation with same breed,?

Is it time to test Miyawaki, plantation with same plant kind, or same family? 

For example the வெப்ப மரம் Is used for Medicinal and oil extraction. 

The same breed Miyawaki testing and it's success might help in plantation of same breed for Economical support for Farmers,  The mixed variety Miyawaki plantation would help for timber, manure, bringing life to soil, oxygen level improvement in the atmosphere and so on.

The Farmers could then use Miyawaki plantation for maximum economic benefits for them.  The same breed plantation might require Frequent mulching and manure Adds to provide different types of minerals to the soil. 

Monday, 20 July 2020

Hardware Identification Parameters - Mobile

The hardware Identification parameters like IMEI code, Serial Number, Model Number, Make, Version, Embedded OS information and other information should be obtained or visible in mobile as well just like computers, we can use the bios to get these information.
We could see most of the above details except the IMEI code. 

Silk worm - Tropical and Cold climate

The silk worms after their cocoon gestation period gives nest.  That is then processed and sewed to form threads from which fabrics are made.

The silk worms from cold climate region can they be used to produce warm clothings to help us to survive high altitude harsh chill and cold climates. These worms do they produce silk of different kind, type, quality and useful form warm clothings? 

Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) - Vehicle Registration String Token (VRST)

Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) - Vehicle Registration String Token (VRST) 

The Vehicle Registration number logic should include the name of the owner in it.

For example, 
TN 59 AA 1234

The current standard of registration number allocation doesn't change in case of resale of Vehicles? 
The sale of vehicle would require or shall mandate new VRN number to be obtained in case of resale registration, when the Owner's name is included in it. 

For (e.g) 
The Name of the owner is Karthikeyan Karuppanan,  then the vehicle number could be,  

TN 59 AA KK 1234

Every first letter of every word in the name shall be used in VRN.  In case of lengthy names with 5 words then 5 characters would be added to vehicle registration number. 

For example the name is, 

Karthikeyan Murukan Karuppanan Ambalam Kalaiarasi

TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234

We can also add the last four digits of aadhaar number as well to it to ensure that the owner details can be ascertained easily and every sale or resale of the vehicle would require a new VRN to be obtained from the nearest RTO office. 

TN 59 AA KK 1234 7520 or TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234 7520

Where in the last four digit refers to the last four digits of the Owner's aadhaar number.

In the future the letters from the owners name could also be a hashed key from the CompleteName, Date and Time of purchase,. Date and Time of Delivery,  Date and time of birth, along with TN 59 AA KK 1234 7520   22101975   031525 or  TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234 7520   22101975  031525,  Captured in the Registration Profile or in the License Plate. The entire license plate number could just be a hashed key or string that includes all particulars of registration and Owner's profile information as well. 

The other options to consider are 12 digit aadhaar number, Mobile number that can be part of the VRN, these numbers can he hashed along with CompleteName, Date and Time of purchase,. Date and Time of Delivery,, Date of birth, date and time of birth

TN 59 AA KK 1234 694162137520 (adhaar) 9880920037(mobile) 22101975 (dateofbirth) 031525 (time of birth) 
TN 59 AA KMKAK 694162137520 (adhaar) 9880920037(mobile) 22101975 (dateofbirth) 031525 (time of birth) 

In the future the availment of services could be based on the auspicious or நல்ல நேரம் ஒன்லி as per the தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம் or regional calendar. The Services would be queued to be handled at the appropriate time of the day, everyday. This would mean the Registration time, delivery time of the car, or any other important documents, IDs and so on would be only be documented, typed, written, issued at the auspicious time of any given day only. 

The above numbering pattern or method or approach guarantees uniqueness of the vehicle's number across generations. 

The VRN plate would be a digital true color panel display that displays the VRN multilingually, State language, English, and also would be able to display in another state language, English when the vehicle is driven across the border enabling language portability in display across borders using GPS coordinates of the vehicle. 

In case of commercial vehicle include the permit numbers as well in the registration plate, the permit numbers Shall be Unique to each vehicle against which permit license is sought in case of different owner, in case of same owner the list of vehicle's against which a permit license is sought and issued. 

What do we think or say about this idea?

Are Aadhaar Numbers Generated Algorithmically? - Yes.

Aadhaar Number Allocaiton or Generation

Are Aadhaar Numbers Generated Algorithmically?

The logic behind the PAN Card is well explained in the link below, 

The following link explains the 12 digit aadhaar number, 
Based on the Biometrics (facial Photo, Iris and 10 FPs) information of an individual, a 12 digit unique random number generated after de-duplication and stages of SEDA.

Customer Care Services - Call Center - Online to Online and Online to Offline - Video Calls, 121

Customer Care Services By Service Providers like GAS, EB, Banks and so on...

The Customer Care Services in the future could be a completely Online to Online Service where in which the Customer uses eKYC methods to submit his documents to avail a service.  The customer himself or herself would be able to type details in the Application that allows each individual to fill the necessary personal or profile data or change of address or the necessary information required for the Service Request.  

This means that the process could involve in overall the following steps,

1. Fill the Necessary Application Form as per the Service Request.
2. Upload or Send the Relevant ID or Proof Documents (Scanned or eKYC)
3. The Customer Care executives receives the eForms or Digital application forms, validates the documents, and all documents are digitally signed by the Users Digital Key.
4. Request Number Generated with Turn around Time mentioned in it for the Service Closure
5. RN is sent to the Customer as Message or WhatsApp message and Mail.
6. Any Delay in Service, the Customer Service executive is alerted, customer is notified with the reason for delay.
7. The Service Request is escalated to the next level to determine the reason for delay and to improve the service.
8. In case of any other documents are required the same is request and provided by the Customer. 
9. The customer care executive completes the Service Request and a notification is sent to the customer that clearly states "The Requested Service - Address Changed is processed", updated in the records.  A recent statement or a voucher is send (PDF-Format , Digitally Signed as proof of service request completion)
10. A link is sent to the Customer with the Request Number and Customer Identification Number for Feedback, Suggestion, Complaints or Escalations. In addition email ID of function can be provided for customer detailed response. 

A Software Platform needs to be developed or extend the existing Call Center Software's to handle the above steps.

This shall enable the Customer Care Executives to Work From Home or to Come to Office as required.  This also ensures that the offline transactions by the Customer by physical visiting the branch offices are reduced and the customer Services are completed mostly or almost (98%) completed online. 

Hope we bring in the above change for better serviceability, understanding the customer needs and this opens the platform for more colloboration.

Finance Account Number - Individuals, Society, Organization, Company, Government

The introduction of Finance Account Number for Individuals, Society, Organization, Company and Government Shall allow consolidation of the following aspects of our life.  As individuals the most important financial transactions that we perform are Savings, Investments, Insurance and  Pension Contributions.

Now this Finance Account Number would be a Single Account Number that shall consolidate the following accounts numbers and shall provide, a portal, dashboard for monitoring all your Finances in one Single Application (WEB or Mobile App).

SISPAN - Savings and Investment Schemes and Portability Account Number.
ISPAN - Insurance Schemes and Portability Account Number.
PSPAN - Pension Schemes or Benefits and Portability Account Number.

This not only helps the individuals this also helps the Government and Law agencies to track the finance data of any individuals to find out any Tax Evasion and Financial misdeeds to bring them to justice or recover the concerned amount.  

Similarly, this FAN can be used to track all such accounts and other account that shall be opened or maintained by a Society, NGOs, Organization, Company and Government.

Hope the Government of India, considers this and brings in necessary Law and amendments to enable Financial Transparency.

Solar Panels @ Roof Top of Houses in #TN


It's time for the people of TamilNadu to install Solar Panels on their roof top to provide Electricity to TamilNadu Government and earn money from their home installation. The Government of TamilNadu has to advertise and motivate it's Citizens explaining importance of this for the States GDP and the growth of the State.

Email ID Appropriateness

The following email ID is not named appropriately, because it is difficult to ascertain what the email id is meant for how one could give feedback,

It would be better if the email ID are named against their purpose or for what service it is meant for, 

For example, or org or in or TN.. . or org or in or TN.. . or org or in or..TN. or org or in or ..TN. or org or in or..TN. or org or in or...TN... or org or in or... TN... 

And so on... 

The above email ids makes it so clear for the customer what kind of information has to be written to which email ID.  And also from the service provider perspective it is easy to map these emails Ids to various executives or profile's in the organization structure. 

Hope TRAI brings this change soon. 


Similarly, time for all the Ministries, Government offices to use, IN, TN, KL, NG, AP, KA, DL, PJ, PY and so on to differentiate between State and the Republic Government function in email ID and website name (URL or URI) ..

What Positive change your Suggestion will bring: Function area based email ID is named
Easy to remember email ID
The users, Citizens, customers, providers, businesses can interact easily through these well defined and Segregated email by function area within a given ministry

Function area based email ID is named
Easy to remember email ID
The users, Citizens, customers, providers, businesses can interact easily through these well defined and Segregated email by function area within a given ministry

How to Implement:  By a official circular
Mapping of old email ID to the new function area wise email ID
Aliasing and Mapping of the mail ids in the mail servers with addition of new email id to Implement:  By a official circular

Mapping of old email ID to the new function area wise email ID
Aliasing and Mapping of the mail ids in the mail servers with addition of new email id
Similarly, time for all the Ministries, Government offices to use, IN, TN, KL, NG, AP, KA, DL, PJ, PY and so on to differentiate between State and the Republic Government function in email ID and website name (URL or URI) ..

Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Bridge or Fly over Exit Points

The Bridge or Fly over Exit Points

The long bridges that span 50 - 60 KMs or even more than 10 KMs length results in pile up of traffic at the exit points.  The exit point lanes are limited in strength and is matched to the capacity of the width of the road.  These bridge exit points can be designed such way that the payment lanes are increased near the exit lanes that allows traffic flow for few meters.  Each of such lanes should be designed to integrate the traffic flow from the left or right most lane.  This leaves the other lanes to be used for non stop traffic flow.  The left exit lanes could be designed to curve the traffic out of the road by few hundred 500 metres and the final exits lanes can span for 2 KMs.  That makes the users to exit at 4 different points, overall 12 lanes, further extension possible as these lanes curves out, and let's say they are designed to carry 3 lanes of 500 metres of traffic out of the main road, then pay the toll charges and then further they join the traffic to the main road in another 500 metres to ensure their speed matches the traffic flow.

The traffic on the bridge nearing these traffic can be guided with signal, map integration, lane traffic indicators shall guide the users to select a exit lane intelligently or automatically flash the lane number of exit, sychs the users map with FastTag account details, to display lane number in the map and guide the driver to the appropriate exit lane automatically. 

Such design can be based on number of peak vehicle usage anticipated and overall wait time should not be greater than 5 minutes except for accident scenarios. The number of exit lanes should be extendable in the future to support more capacity.

Hope such plan is considered.

Applying Breaks in Cars and Releasing clutch in uphill

Can vehicle's or cars be designed to handle the release of clutch pedals in uphill shall automatically give a slight thrust to the accelator pedal enabling for easy movement of the right leg from the break pedal to accelerator pedal?  This ensures that the vehicle is balanced and ready to climb uphill after every stop enroute due to traffic.

The half clutch and feeling the vibration is so important while driving uphill if automatic slight thrust on the accelator is tuned for the vehicle to stay in it's place based on the angle of inclination enables the vehicle from going backwards or downwards.  This thrust can be mechanical or Electro mechanical or sensor driven electronical thrust.  The release pressure on the clutch pedal shall be converted to thrust pressure on the accelerator pedal based on the angle of inclination to ensure the vehicle remains in it's place until the driver presses the accelator pedal for forward movement of the vehicle.

Similarly, after a continous long drive the left leg which is at rest doesn't quickly move enough when we apply a sudden break after continous acceleration.  In this scenario the sudden release of acceleration pedal, then the pressure applied only on the break pedal should automatically bring a thrust on the clutch as well to certain extent to reduce the flow of acceleration from the clutch plate helping to slow down the vehicle.  This also helps the driver, when there is a delay in moving his left leg which is at rest position to apply thrust on the clutch to change the gear. 

Is this possible to transfer the thrust from one pedal to another pedal based on drving condition or state.? 

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Farm Land Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism

Farm Land Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism

Now, In my view the farm land used for cultivation, culture, so on has to adopt Capitalism and communism.  The property tax has to be calculated on the volume of culture or area in case of direct farming that is the outer volume of the building + open space area. 

Let's assume a Farm on a size of 1 acre where in 1/2 acre breeds fishes and the remaining 1/2 acre Farming activity is performed on the surface of the land. 

The building is constructed with a surface area covering 220000 sq. For vertical farming or fish breeding.

Now, going forward all farm lands shall be taxed on open area and constructed area. 

The tax for open area farming could be very minimal, for example 0.01 Rs.*=8=Rs. 8 per annum.

Open area farming or surface farming

1 acre -   5 acre @100 rs Per acre per year.  - rs 100 to 500

6 acre -   10 acre @200 Rs Per acre per year.  Rs. 600 to 120

11 acre -  20 acre @500 Rs Per acre per year. Rs. 5500 to 10000

21 acre -  40 acre @750 rs  Per acre per year Rs. 15750 to 30000

41 acre -  80 acre @1000 rs Per acre per year  Rs. 41000 to 80000

81 acre and above @1250  Rs Per acre per year.  101250

Non open area farming or culture

1000 -  20000 cu. Ft @0.1 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 100 to 2000 Per annum

20001 -  40000 cu. Ft @0.125 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 2500.125 to 5000 Per annum

40001 -  80000 cu. Ft @0.150 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year.  = Rs. 6000.15 to 12000 Per annum

80001 -  160000 cu. Ft @0.175 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year.  = Rs. 14,000.175 to 28,000 Per annum

160001 -  320000 cu. Ft @0.2 rs Per cu ft of culture area per year. = Rs. 32,000.2 to 64,000 Per annum

And so on... 

This means the Bigger the farming area  the tax rate increases as per the above slabs given as illustration. This generates enough revenue to the state Governments treasury account.

Hope state Government brings this change by necessary law or amendments. 

What do we think or say about this idea?

Property Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism

Property Tax - COMMUNISM AND Capitalism

A property tax or millage rate[1] is an ad valorem tax on the value of a property, usually levied on real estate. The tax is levied by the governing authority of the jurisdiction in which the property is located. This can be a national government, a federated state, a county or geographical region or a municipality. Multiple jurisdictions may tax the same property.

It may be imposed annually or at the time of a real estate transaction, such as in real estate transfer tax. This tax can be contrasted to a rent tax, which is based on rental income or imputed rent, and a land value tax, which is a levy on the value of land, excluding the value of buildings and other improvements.

Under a property-tax system, the government requires or performs an appraisal of the monetary value of each property, and tax is assessed in proportion to that value.

Now, In my view the property tax for houses, apartments, Establishment, Office space, and so on has to adopt Capitalism and communism.  The property tax has to be calculated on the volume of building that is the outer volume of the building + open space area. 

Let's assume a house on plot 2400 sq. Ft is constructed with set backs. 

The building is constructed with a surface area covering 1600 sq. Ft and the remaining 800 sq. Ft is open space for walk, car park, sunlight, air or wind and so on. 

The tax for the flat is calculated on the super built up area which includes all the area in which some form construction is built. 

Now, going forward all buildings shall be taxed on open area and constructed area. 

The tax for open area could be very minimal, for example 0.01 Rs.*=8=Rs. 8per annum.

Let's say the Constructed area volume is 1600*10 ft height, that would mean the outer volume is 16000 cu. Ft and the tax for the same would be let's say, 16000*0.01 rs. = 160 per annum

The overall tax for the plot is 160 +8= Rs. 168 பேர் annum. 

Now, the tax slabs could be as follows for plots of size starting from 600 sq. Ft and it's multiples, the assumes 1/4 of the lot is left open and 3/4 of the plot is used for construction,  450 +150. 

The tax charges can be simply in the plot size that would start from 600 sq. Ft and above, 

600 sq. Ft to 1200 sq. Ft tax rate @0.001 rs. = Rs. 0.6 to Rs. 1.2 Per Annum

1201 sq. Ft to 2400 sq. Ft tax rate @0.01 rs. =  Rs. 12.01 to Rs. 24 Per Annum

2401 sq. Ft to 4800 sq. Ft tax rate @0.1 rs. =  Rs. 240.1 to Rs. 480 Per Annum

4801 sq. Ft to 9600 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.125 rs. =  Rs. 600.125 to Rs. 1200

9601 sq. Ft to 19200 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.150 rs. =  Rs. 1440.15 to Rs. 2888

19201 sq. Ft to 38400 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.175 rs.=  Rs. 3360.175 to Rs. 6720

38401 sq. Ft to 76800 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.2 rs. =  Rs. 7680.2 to Rs. 15,360

76801 sq. Ft to 143600 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.225 rs. =  Rs. 17,280.225 to Rs. 32.310

143601 sq. Ft to 284200 sq. Ft tax rate @ 0.250 rs. =  Rs. 35,900  to Rs. 71,050

And so on... 

And so on... 

This means the Bigger the plot, bigger the building, the tax rate increases as per the above slabs given as illustration. This generates enough revenue to the state Governments treasury account.

This could become the basis for tax charges for House, Establishments, Shops, offices, commercial establishments.  The open space would be charged as described above.  The rates are given for illustrative purpose and the rates can be increased or reduced depending on various parameters.  If we feel the rates are high it can reduced further or there is a opinion the rates are high then it can increased further.

Then the same Rate Yard Stick can applied for Constructed Building that is to considered the height or depth.  The Volume calculation would simply be base rate in the above slabs * height or depth of the building.   That each different units ranging in the above Square Feet Slabs would pay tax as per the rate defined with in the slab.  

For (e.g) in a Plot of 600 Sq. Ft two units of 450 and 450 are constructed with a height of 10 feet.  The tax for this building would be 450*10*0.001 + 150*0.001 + 450*10*0.001 =4.5+.15+4.5 = Rs 9.15 Per annum as example invoiced against each separate unit identified by different Electricity Meter in the unit. 

Hope state Government brings this change by necessary law or amendments. 

What do we think or say about this idea?

Esic options - Electoral machine options,Electing, Not Electing, Not Accepting, Not Accepting all candidates. Green light, yellow light, grey, black or grey light.

Esic options - Electoral machine options,
Electing, Not Electing, Not Accepting, Not Accepting all candidates. 
Green light, yellow light, grey, black or grey light.

The Electronic voting machine should be enabled for providing three options against each candidate, 

Electing - Green light flashes when the individual selects a candidates and invokes the appropriate BUTTON, THIS means the individual has preferred this candidate over the rest of the candidates. In this case when the Green light is flashed it automatically flashes yellow against all the other andidates. 

NOT Electing - yellow light flashes when the individual indicates he is not Electing this candidates and invokes the appropriate BUTTON, THIS means the individual has preferred to give negative voting on this candidate over selecting the rest of the candidates. 

Not Accepting - Gray light flashes when the individual rejects a candidates and invokes the appropriate button.  THIS means the individual has preferred to not accept this candidature. Only Gray light flashes against this candidate. 

Not Accepting all candidates. - Gray or black light flashes when the individual rejects all candidates and invokes the appropriate button.  THIS means the individual has preferred to not to accept all the candidate.  Gray or black light flashes against all the candidates.

Hope the Election commission of India brings this change soon. 

Savings, Investment Schemes and Portability Account Number

Savings, Investment Schemes and Portability Account Number

Savings, Investment Schemes and Portability Account Number - SISPAN shall be a Single Account Number enabling for portability of savings accounts, FDs, savings Schemes from various Providers, MF acct, Deemat Account, Debt Funds, benefits across banks, Investment Providers like Deemat, MF, Post offices and to all such savings schemes or accounts that an individual might open. 

This Single Account Number enables the individuals to track the savings details with in a dashboard, port the saving Schemes between the providers, migrate benefits to legal heirs or family Members, resolve disputes.

Insurance Schemes and Portability Account Number - ISPAN

Insurance Schemes and Portability Account Number - ISPAN

The Insurance Schemes and Portability Account Number - ISPAN shall be a Single Account Number enabling for portability of insurance benefits across employers in your career, Providers and to link insurance schemes that an individual might open or buy like Property Insurance, Accidental cover, Medical cover, Vehicle insurance, Loan insurance, Employer provided Employee insurance scheme, Crop insurance, business loss protection insurance and so on 

This Single Account Number enables the insurers to track the insurance details with in a dashboard, port the insurance Schemes between the providers, employers, migrate benefits to legal heirs or family Members, resolve disputes, transfer insurance from self to others in case of same or property, vehicle's and so on....

Friday, 17 July 2020

Farm Fish Feeds

The following grains, Seeds, leafs, fruit peels, animal wastes can be used as fish feeds,

1.Kurunai (rice, corn, ரவை,... ) 
3.Rice Husk
5.Punnakku (kadalai, எள்ளு, வேம்பு,..) 
7.Grains Husk
8.Vegetable peels
9.Fruits Peel
10. Animal wastes
11. Panchakaviyam
12. Lactobasillus
13. Left over Curd
14. Left over Cheese and Panneer 
15  algaes
16. mushroom pieces or powders
17. honey
18. jaggery
19. Molasses or Sugar Cane செக்கை 
20. kalani thanni from home fine hotels
21. kanji thanni from home and hotels
22. Grains and பருப்பு washed water 
23. food wastes from home
24. Vegetables and Fruits washed water. 

And so on... 

And so on... All of these can be sourced from the neighborhood mills, home, shops, hotels, restaurants and செக்கு.

All of the above natural organic produces can be mixed or separately can be mixed with the irrigation water via bore-well pipes or in wells to increase the microorganism in the water and in the soil.

The input cost to farming has to be as low as possible for your profit.  The output of farm products have to sold by value adds or by transformation for more profit.  The grains have to be sold directly by removing the skins or husk.  The husks then become manure or fish feeds.  This way Farmers can increase their profitability. 

Cloud Data Centers in Tamilnadu

Cloud Data Centers in Tamilnadu

The cloud data Centers in Tamilnadu and India can be planned in such a way that it is spread across the state, optimally located to cover the state, distributed well enough to reduce the long term costs.

The locations in தமிழ்நாடு for the cloud data Centers that shall host all of these services like PAN card, Aadhaar card, ESIC card, Driving License, Gas, EB, passport, Water, passport, Sewage, birth certificate, caste certificate, nativity certificate, death certificate, legal heir certificate, all other Government and Non Government services needs mandatorily, the cloud based infrastructure or Data Centers shall host companies like Google Inc, Microsoft, Amazon and so on.

These companies could join together to Establish their offices in the State of Tamilnadu and their data Centers shall be hosted in Cloud or Data Center SEZs to be located possibly in the following cities of Tamilnadu, Pondicherry 



The Establishment of these companies data Centers shall provide job opportunity, long term revenues for these companies, all Government services are distributed, Citizens can avail any service's anywhere (ASA) in the state (District Collectors Office or Panchayat Office).  These data Centers would act as mirrors and shall be Established by the Respective organizations (Co-hosted) either in the Respective Collectors office's if space is available or else in separate Cloud or Data Center Facilities in these cities.

The cost for the above services then would  be a bill of material invoice that is calculated based on base price, service charges, infrastructure charges, any other cost category to be added and  Software charges. 

The Bill of material invoice should also include necessary taxes SGST, CGST the split up of taxes should clearly indicate the states name(s) against which SGST is deducted, the split up value, as per the cloud mirrors used (for computation, mirrors covered in the request or response path, the storage server mirrors used, location of request origin or response completion) and the path used to as determined by Network 7 Layer Protocols, GPS coordinates of the states borders to deposit the SGST amount to the state treasurer account of states covered in the transaction as per the data center mirrors covered and their physical location and the CGST amount deposited to the Republic Government treasurer account.

Similarly, the cloud infrastructures invoice would be bill of material that lists the boundaries (village Panchayats, districts corporations, State treasurer account, republic or Federal Government Treasurer account) crossed in completing a service request and the payment is created immediately after completion of each request.  A SIMILAR STRATEGY CAN BE ADOPTED FOR DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS AND IT'S INVOICE(e-commerce transaction). The payment of the transit charges could be periodical or at the completion of every service paid immediately or as per the billing cycle or as per tax mandate.  The immediate payment of the transit charges to the Respective accounts ensures accounting Transparency. 

The charges could be a percentage of the GST or based on the split up ratio that could just be equal distribution of the boundaries covered in the transit or based on the actual distance covered within Geographical boundaries or admistrative boundaries. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

Public Service Maintenence Charges

It's time to create charges for providing public services?

The Public Services like water, Electricity, road, sewage lines, RWH LINES, WASTE COLLECTION AND SWEEPING CHARGES all of them requires lot of capital investments and recurring operational costs. 

The Government as a service provider or to serve it's Citizens Establishes or provides these services by investing huge capital from it's budget and particularly the state government spends for these expenses.  The state Government then has the responsibility to maintain these network to ensure they are up and running.  The state Government has to ensure that the quality of each of these service is to international standards. 

In order to recover the expenses spent for these service the Government has to Establish a Public Services Maintenence Charges collected at actuals or at a price monthly basis.

This enables the charges to be distributed between the houses or establishment in a particular street, or lane or roads.  The cost can be arrived based on the width of the road, length of the road, sewage line length, breadth, height, RWH line length, breadth, height, sweeper salary of the staffs serving, water pipe volume, wasteage collection charges - payment to house for organic waste (vegetable peels, fruit peels, egg shells, tea powder, coffee powder any organic waste) per kg, the number of street lights metered units consumed, and so on to ensure that the state governments Budget is not at loss.  The number of units or houses can be determined by the Electricity meter numbers. THE CHARGES FURTHER COULD BE SLABBED BASED ON USAGE VOLUME OF WATER, ELECTRICITY, SEWAGE WATER VOLUME IN LITRES LET OUT, RAIN WATER VOLUME LET OUT IN LITRES, CHARGES FOR LETTING RAIN WATERS DIRECTLY ON THE ROAD AND SO ON.

THE ABOVE MEASURE ENSURES THAT THE FUTURE HOUSES SHALL ADHERE TO GOOD PRACTICES OF REUSE, RECYCLE, RWH, solar panels on terrace to reduce their cost, further to improve the ground water table so on and shall provide Electricity to Government at lesser charges.

A software to calculate the bill of material maintenance charges lane wise or street wise or road wise charged against each unit in the households. 

Birth and Marriage Certificate application forms

Isn't it time to create an application form that includes three fields for names at least as separate columns? 

Also, further the application forms can include columns for Name of Married adult's  (FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameFatherName,  LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName FatherCasteName, MotherCasteName SpouseCasteName,). To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 408 characters + 7 space characters, a dot character.?

In case of children the application forms can include columns for name of children, (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMotherName FatherCasteName  MotherCasteName).  To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 306 characters + 5 space characters, a dot character? 

The FirstName would be your name in this birth, MiddleName could be place of birth or Nativity, kuzhadeivam name, Gods name, LastName  could be father or mother name or spousename, FatherCasteName, Mother CasteName.  If we would like to include mother's name, father's name,, Spouse name then the name fields would be 8 namely FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameFatherName,  LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName FatherCasteName, MotherCasteName SpouseCasteName,? 

In this case

To include different names each name given a max of 51 characters totalling 408 characters + 7 space characters, a dot character? 

CompleteName would be a long name or the complete Name would refer to (FirstName MiddleName LastName SpouseName CasteName)
FullName would refer to (FirstName MiddleName LastName)
ShortName would refer (FirstName) alone.
AliasName would refer to a Shortened Name like Karthikeyan usually are called as Karthi or Karthik

Also, spelling mistake correction is different from name change.  The name change is a request from customer Whereas spelling mistakes is a error by the data entry executive

Also, the application forms can be enabled to tick a change request that clearly highlights the fields for correction.  The same application form can include check boxes besides all fields.  The applicants in case of correction would select those check boxes and otherwise none.  The Applicant('s) would provide the necessary document proof in digital form or physical form for correction request.

Also, all application forms of every service provider should include and enable such options for corrections or changes of the profile details of the customer.  The service Providers that I am referring to are banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection and so on.

The application forms should include a reference number pre printed in it for easy tracking.  The customer then can specify this reference for future clarification, follow up, escalation, suggestions, comment and to provide feedback. 

All application forms in India and Tamizhnadu should adopt this strategy?

State Emergency - Proactive and Response Team

State Emergency -  Proactive and Response Team

Is it time to create State Emergency Proactive and Response Team, similar to National Disaster Management team and Why?

The National Disaster Management Team is a Special Force created to respond to a Natural Calamity any where in the country.

It employees around 13,788 personnel for ground level work along with administrative work force the workforce strength would be able to reach 15,000.

In my view it's time to create State wise Proactive and Response Team for example (Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team) they all would work as per the framework of Disaster Management Act, hopefully renamed as State Emergency Proactive and Response Team Framework.

This framework shall allow each states to create their own by law derived from State Emergency Proactive and Response Team Framework,  Named as for example Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team.

The states shall mandatorily recruit personnels from across the state and the number of personnel to be recruited would depend on the size of the state, number of districts, total population, district wise population, the ratio of total population of the state to districts population shall decide the number of personnel to be recruited from those districts+ a buffer strength of 5-10% of the total work force. The buffer percentage can be decided based on size of the state and number of districts. 

This ensures a fair representation of personnel from across the state in the organization namely, Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team.

In the state of TamilNadu alone we could recruit around 32*50 to 32*100 with a strength range of 1600 to 3200 distributed across each district.

They have to mandatorily known the State Language and English language compulsorily.  This enables them to be posted anywhere across the world in their career growth.  They should be able to speak, read and write in these languages very fluently.  They would have to appropriately undergo language tests, aptitude tests, logical reasoning tests, TNPSC, IPS exams, IAS, IFS exams for various position with the organization.

Hope all the State Government request and   stress the need for delegation of the responsibility with the republican Government of India, 

தி‌யினால் சுட்ட புண் உல் ஆறும் அராதே நாவினால் சுட்ட வடு.

தி‌யினால் சுட்ட புண் உல் ஆறும்  அராதே நாவினால் சுட்ட வடு.

Meaning, the wounds caused by burns or fire heals Whereas the wounds caused by words don't heal.

In a different context this can also be interpreted or reanalyzed from a different perspective,

That is, the wound caused by burns or fire always leave a scar or mark in your body that reminds you of the pain for your life time and many of them hide their Scar with clothes to hide the scars from others.  Whereas there is no Visible marks or scars left by words and human being or people move on with their life from those harsh words even though it caused a deep hurt in their heart, emotion and thinking.

So, from this perspective this gives exactly opposite meaning.  However, both are pain and leaves a Mark visible or invisible mark.  The sloka says that the wound caused by harsh words leaves a deeper impact but that depends on time, the sayer, the hearer, the Context, the event, the Situation, the words used, the impact or impression left on the heater and their respective state of  mind.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

UAN - Universal Account Number.

UAN - Universal Account Number.

The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced the Universal Account Number (UAN) for members. The number allows portability of PF accounts from one employer to another without depending on any employer for withdrawal of EPF balance. The number allows a member to view all his or her EPF accounts with current and former employers. With the number, a member can initiate the process of closing old accounts and transferring balances. The number, which has to be allotted by an employer, needs to be activated.

The Service of Pension Portability Account Number or UAN should be extended to cover all types of pension schemes.  It should be extended to cover or include across border benefits to include or port benefits across international borders as well. 

The UAN or the universal account number is nothing but to link your Pension contributions with one Single Account Number enabling for portability of pension benefits across employers in your career and to link multiple pension schemes that an individual might open, employer provided, super annuation, ppf, NPS, pension mutual funds, pension insurance schemes and so on.,for%20withdrawal%20of%20EPF%20balance.

In my view it would be appropriate to name it as Pension Account Number or as Pension Portability Account Number (PPAN)  or Pension Schemes or Benefits and Portability Account Number (PSPAN or PBPAN) than as Universal account number to convey the correct meaning and for ease of understanding.

This would mean PAN should be renamed as well instead of calling it as Permanent Account Number rather call it as Tax Submission Number (TSN) or Tax Identity Number (TIN).   Similarly,  the TAN could or should be renamed as Tax Deductors Account Number(TDAN).

Learning State Language at Schools - Every School with in it's Geographic Boundary has to include the State language compulsorily

Learning State Language at Schools -  

Every School located in a state has to include the State language compulsorily as either first language or second language or third language or fourth language irrespective of school category with in it's Geographic Boundary.

Also, all schools within the state should adopt 3 or 4 languages policy to teach State language, English, French, German,... as per the policy of the Respective state Government only.

வாழ்க தமிழ், வளர்க தமிழ் மக்கள், வாழ்க தமிழர், வாழ்க தமிழ்நாடு, வாழ்க தமிழுலகம், வாழ்க தமிழ் ஈழம்

வாழ்க தமிழ் வளர்க தமிழ் மக்கள் மற்றும் எல்லா வளமும், நலமும், செல்வமும், அருமை, அற்புதம், பொருள், அற்புதமான விஷயம், மண் வலம், நிர் வலம், மழை வளம், மலை வலம், கிடைக்கவும். 

Monday, 13 July 2020

Chief Minister of A State

A Chief Minister of A State has complete administrative rights within the geographic boundary of that State.

Multilingual, Mechanical, Electronic, Digital, Optical Software Keyboard and optical Keyboard

Multilingual, Mechanical, Electronic, Digital, Optical Software Keyboard and optical Keyboard

The mobile keyboards (logical  keyboards) support multi lingual typing.  The logical keyboards change the characters in the keyboards based on users language context.

Similarly, can the laptop keyboards and computers keyboard be multi lingual keyboards?


A simple optical keyboards (physical keyboards for typing and just like mobile TouchPad physical keyboards) with led display that automatically senses the context and display characters as per the user current language context.

Similarly, we need multilingual Electronic type writer that enables us to practice typing in different languages with just one Electronic Type Writer.  This type writer would host a circuit board, domain OS, language translation library, dictionary, contextual intellisense,office package, regional calendar and time zone based clock.  For example this keyboard would enable people to type information in various languages in seperate and Also in combination.  For example the content can be typed in two languages at the same time to produce direct documents integrated with cloud provider's. This keyboard shall enable people to practice, learn typing in different languages, this keyboard would be as smooth as a mobile keyboard where in the users could use traditional typing and use SwiftKey typing. 

What do we think or say about this idea?

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Flooring Tiles

Flooring Tiles

The Floor Tiles that we use could be thought of as Tiles that gives acupuncture effect.  That would mean the floor tiles in rooms, halls, bathroom where in users walk on it could be designed to give acupuncture effect and the wall tiles could be plain or smooth.

This gives health and prevents us from slipping over or falling.

Election commission of India

Election commission of India

Should it be called as Election Commission of India or Electoral or a Election Services In India?

The word Commission means committee or intermidiate payment based on the context of usage.  May be its better to name it as Electoral or a Election Services In or Of India.

Sugar Cane Pulps

 Cane Pulps
Sugar Cane Pulps

The Sugar Pulps near the Sugar Cane Extractor or Sugar Cane Juice Make, sold at road side is left as is to be collected by the Municipal Trucks. In this case they simply go to the landfills in the city.  This puts stress for the Farmer's to collect natural manure and incurs a huge cost.The distributor of the Sugar Cane to the shops have to collect the Pulps, skins and peels to resell it to Vermicompost unit.  It would also be good if these Pulps, Fruits skins, Vegetable peels, other organic left overs are collected from various shops, hotels, restaurants and returned to the Farmer's for Vermicompost. The Farmers association should just collect these by weight measured in KGs and give them to the nearest village Vermicompost unit for producing manure to the farms.

Friday, 10 July 2020

Reservation Policy

Reservation Policy. 

Is this the right time to introduce reservation based on the Financial status of the Family than being based on caste based reservation?

The Financial status based reservation would cover any family members below a income threshold to claim reservation in Education and for Government jobs.  This doesn't Discriminate the population  based on various caste or religion identification rather on one single criteria of Family income to Determine the reservation criteria.  This means that the total available seats or jobs have to be split between lower income family to support them and the remaining seats for rest of the applicants. 

This way we can probably determine the ratio of the lower income population against the other income categories.  This ensures that the criteria and it's percentage can be redefined based on income tax returns (PAN) or actual income, CII, GDP, Cost of living and so on.

Hope the State government and the Republic Government discuss this for implementations.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Data Type Declaration, Usage, Query

In Software Engineering the usage of fields or variables are declared with datatypes.  The datatypes usually are categorized based on types like numbers, strings, text, image, graph, document, node, vertex, Media, tree, and so on.
The primitive datatypes used are Integers, bit, bytes, decimals, string, text, Blob, image, Media and so on..

In today's context the programming world have to now include the above datatypes with the past generation datatypes,

For e.g to define a Custom data type of CompleteName, 

The CompleteName constitutes. 
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMother  FatherCasteName  MotherCasteName)
Name (FirstName MiddleName LastNameFatherName LastNameMotherName  LastNameSpouseName SelfCasteName SpouseCasteName)

Each of the sub names are allocated 50 characters maximum along with space between them,

The Declaration for the same could be, 

String(50)+string (1)+String(50)+string (1)+String(50)+string (1)+String(50)+string (1)+String(50)+string (1)+String(50)+string (1)+String(50)=FirstName(50) + Space (1)+MiddleName(50)+ Space (1)+LastNameFatherName (50)+space (1)+LastNameMotherName (50)+space (1))+LastNameSpouseName (50)+space (1)+SelfCasteName(50)+space (1)+ SpouseCasteName(50)

The Declaration further could be thought off as base based Declaration
BinaryString(2^5+2^3+2^3+2^0) or as DecimalString(10×5) and so on... 

In this case the memory representation or storage could be allocated based on the Declaration and based on the input string to save memory and disk space. 

This would also help the users to access the individual sub names like a struct. 

And so on. 

Similarly,  Address can be

Hope the language version in the future could provide these features as part of their specifications.

Is it time to define a Common standard for languages particularly for data types neutral or common syntax that can be used in various application contexts or to develop various application? 

For example the same language could be used right from front end, service, Database, Data store's, social media, working with office document types , media's, images, maps, weather's, geography and so on...

What do we think or say about this idea? 

நெய் பாகு

நெய் பாகு

What we call famously as மைசூர் பாக் Is nothing but நெய் பாகு?   So, always  we should refer it with it's original name. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

CIVIL ENGINEERING - CIRCULAR Pillar vs Rectangle or Square Pillars

CIVIL ENGINEERING  - CIRCULAR Pillar vs Rectangle or Square Pillars

The construction of apartment are mostly based on pillars and almost all of them are constructed with rectangle or square pillars.  However, I am of the opinion that a circular pillar would be able to hold the structures much stronger than the rectangular or square pillars.  The diameter or radius of it's shall determine how much strong the pillars would be.  These pillars should be reinforced with series of circular or rings of iron, iron rods along the circumference and in the center.  The series of circular or rings of iron along the length of the pillars would hold itself, the shape, the iron rod in the center acts as the binding force and provides strength to the building.  The Circular pillar, square pillar would be stronger than Rectangle pillar. The Circular pillars also enable easy movement of cars while parking, navigating and to navigate the vehicle from the parked state. 

In the future the pillars could be decided based on various parameters and we may see buildings constructed and held together by Circular pillar, square pillar, star pillars, hexagon, pentagon, octagonal pillars, rectangular pillar and so on.  This would decided based on various parameters and the strength, their value, their purpose would decide which kind of pillar to used where or for what type of structure. 

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions are welcome?

Financial Software, RPOS, Billing Software - Certified

The Financial Softwares like Billing Software, RPOS, Payments Gateway, Payment App, ERP,  Banking Software, that is build or used by us should have to be audited and certified for tax law compliance.

In order to achieve all of these Softwares have to be based on a Common Framework, Domain OS and SDK bundle that ensure the fundamental principles of Finance is abstracted as hardwares, Softwares libraries and they are meant for Financial usages.

Such SDKs would then be easy to build Financial apps with ease that ensure complete compliance to law of the land, Tax compliance, return compliance, auto tax payment, auto return filing and ensure every citizen in law biding when it comes to financial laws or tax laws automatically with little or no effort from the individuals.

What do we think or say about this idea? 

The Steno or Data Entry Operator Mistakes and It's impact

The Steno or Data Entry Operator Mistakes and It's impact

The Data Entry, Stenographer, have to ensure that the records they enter are correct and as per the request or application submitted.  They are expected to cross verify that the data is as per the documents submitted and as per the existing records.

For (e.g) The Gas connection transfer requires a procedure to surrender the cylinder, get a transfer voucher, a refund of the deposit amount and visit the target location Distributor or Dealer then submit your address proof document, along with Transfer voucher, ID proof, and the deposit amount.  You are then expected to submit a application form.

Even with these documents the Data Entry Operator at the desk makes a mistake in my LastName.

How is this possible?

Do they have a process to verify the details again by another EXECUTIVE?

WHY CAN'T THEY INTRODUCE AUTO FILL from Biometric Identity Card details, change only the details with respect to address OR Prefilled forms based on already available data  or allow the customer to type his or her details?

Even if we consider this to be human error or mistake then what is the process adopted by the service provider?

Then they request you to submit another application form even.  So I Submitted another application form for correction with Identity card proof.  The first mistake was that they removed a letter from my LastName. 

Then they correct the missing letter but change another character in the LastName, makeing another mistake, and to add to this the executive indicates  the name or spelling change in the system is allowed only once. This is absolutely weird. It is not name change request that I submitted it's a correction of mistake done by their executive's.  In this case the system should allow for correction of spelling mistakes by their executives.

This forces the operators to create new voucher by deregisteration of existing connection voucher and to issue a new voucher with a new connection number.  This makes things a bit difficult for the consumer or customer.

In my scenario I wanted to change address in Bank, Aadhaar, Passport, Mobile Number and so on....  A time loss or delay or mistake in service is a hindrance to a customer.  What looks like a spelling mistake is actually a hindrance to the customer in his next steps and so on.. Why?

So, the executive have to be trained well to verify or copy existing data than retyping to avoid such mistakes.  The process of data entry should only involve data entry of the address details in case of transfer requests and all the remaining data remains the same unless a change request form is submitted. In case of Gas connection transfer it's only address that changes remaining details are almost the same.

Also, the application forms can be enabled to tick a change request that clearly highlights the fields for correction.  The same application form can include check boxes besides all fields.  The applicants in case of correction would select those check boxes and otherwise none.  The Applicant('s) would provide the necessary document proof in digital form or physical form for correction request.

Also, spelling mistake correction is different from name change.  The name change is a request from customer Whereas spelling mistakes is a error by the data entry executive.

Also, all application forms of every service provider should include and enable such options for corrections or changes of the profile details of the customer.  The service Providers that I am referring to are banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection, Mobile and so on.

The application forms should include a reference number pre printed in it for easy tracking.  The customer then can specify this reference for future clarification, follow up, escalation, suggestions, comment and to provide feedback. 

All utility or service provider application forms should include 

Primary Account Number Name - Complete Name

Secondary Account Number Name - Complete Name

They should (service Providers) mandatorily link two identification numbers of the customer's or Consumers  aadhaar and TSN OR TIN or PAN or TAN to all utility service like banks, insurance, Government service, gas, cable, DTH, Electricity, internet, water connection, Mobile numbers and so on.

#indane, #IndianOil, #IndianOilCorporation

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Perfection and Imperfection

Perfection and Imperfection

I recently read a knowledge that says have SPACE FOR imperfection also by Sri Sri Ravishankar அவர்கள்.  

Here's my take on it.  As a person we may not be perfect but in our profession always aim for perfection. 

It is good to be perfect ourself and create a perfect output from your work.  The professional output should always yield a perfect result.  If not the human race wouldn't have got all those wonderful architectural wonders of the world.  EACH OF THEM HAVE BEEN PERFECTED BY A TEAM OF ARTIST AND ARCHITECT. 


இக் கரைக்கு அக்கறை பச்சை

இக் கரைக்கு அக்கறை பச்சை

Rather say,  இக்கரையீல் இருந்து அக்கறை  கரை வரையும் பச்சை.

The South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce - Kollywood Film Chamber of Commerce

The South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce is just a name or a association that functions as per their started goals or by laws.

In my view and understanding the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce is probably not functioning as per it's objective or by laws. 

The first point of growth should be cinema in the Respective region, like The Kollywood Chamber of Commerce to Promote Tamil Films.  Then the other state Film associations would also promote their Cinemas.  Each of these associations would focus on improving it's cinema.  

Then the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce should only aim to standardise Cinema within this region, promote technical innovation, adopt Practices, define standards and Practices for Films to have Global reach or Outlook.

But, what we get to see is that of Power, Control, Money, Corruption, Politics taking precedence.. The leaders of these associations have to be technically sound and adopt technology to remove the politically motivated thugs from the power equation completely to ensure it's functioning as per it's stated by laws and objectives only. 

is integrated farming a reality and feasible?

IS integrated farming a reality and feasible?

There are so much when we talk about integrated farming. But, the most important factors Farmers have to consider are

No of acres in possession
Type of soil
Current state of soil or it's quality
Water availability throught out the year
Current state of water or it's quality
Availability of labour's
Family time and Farming time
Cost of produce
Cost of technology upgrade
Selling price
Net profit
Farm pets
Farm pet feeds
Farm land improvisation naturally and sustainable
Family situation
Support from your family member's
Observation skills
Experimentation skills
Optimization and improvisation skills
Tools, Equipments, machinery
Sensors, testing equipments
Bringing life to the soil and Establish sustainability for years to come
And so on...

Now, in order to achieve all these by one single Farmer or his Family is going to be difficult.  Every single farmer can't achieve this by themselves.

Therefore, they have to work together as a society, community, with a focus on diatributing function and role based produces.

For (e.g) the whole village can set a vermicompost unit, one  pond, and measure the input and measure the distributed output.  Now, distribute the cost of these units against their input to output ratio and recover the operational cost.  This is possible if these units operate as registered society or as NGO serving just that Village or near by Villages as per their by laws. They should not focus on profit but to serve and meet it's operational cost.  In the future profits automatically comes.

So, better work as a Team.

Similarly,  the Milk products like Segregated Milk A1, A2, Milk by cow typename like காங்கேயம், segregated Curd, segregated Buttermilk, segregated Ghee, segregated Milk Sweets, segregated Cheese,  segregated Panneer,  segregated Yeasts, segregated lactobacillus, Milk chocolates and so on can be produced in the villages itself.

For example each district villages could come together and divide the demand of each of these products.  There are around 7 or 8 Major produces from Milk that can be produced that would mean we would need production units in Factors matching the number of Products.  These units have to distributed in such way that their produces are concentrated in 8 zones of the District.  The villages in  zone Milk would produce only Milk varities, in Zone Curd they produce only curd and Yogurt, Zone Cheese would Manufacture only cheese, Zone Panneer would Manufacture only Panneer and so on.  They all can collaborate together to Distrubute each other's product in their respective zones. This would mean job created in villages or near by towns itself they don't have to come to city for jobs.

Similarly, every produce can be distributed zone wise with in a district. Like Fish farms breed only certain variety on each zone, Fruit Types, Vegetable Type, Rice type,  and so on.

The District Metro service would then be good enough to distribute the produces across the District and state.

These Society, NGO, Cooperative society from the District villages from various zones then can become client to the ஆவின் Co-operative Society.

It's time for #TN, #TNFarmers to adopt such strategy.