We as human being commit mistakes through out our life and not necessary repeatedly the same mistake. The mistakes that we repeat might lead towards or we end up in difficulty, trouble, and could even land in legal trouble.
The mistake of my lifetime are listed below so far,
As a school student I have cheated or Stolen stamps 3 or 4 times from a store and once from a friend's home, I was caught once by the shop owner but let go by the shopkeeper because my schoolmate akka was working in the Store.
As a college student I had bunked Classes few times and played in the open or in the college ground.
As an employee I have given a different invoice when we had Visited the USA and returned to India to claim the expense settlement. I was upset the policy was changed and the new policy took away the benefits of the old policy.
As an employee we are expected to declare the complementary breakfasts, lunch, or dinner the daily allowance would be accordingly reduced based on the Declaration when on travel this was not followed by many of us due to lack of awareness until a workflow solution was rolled out for usage. Then it was easy for us to declare the tour expenses, claims, allowances and so on to meet the company policies.
I also didn't pay the fees for the type writing class senior level fees because of which that center Operator didn't issue my Senior level completion certificate and my Father was very much upset because of that. I had used this money as pocket money and spent it as a teenager with my girl friend then.
I had once submitted bills from Medical Store that was just duplicated bills or used in the Name of the person requested and had submitted the same for tax claim and fortunately or unfortunately the claim was not accepted.
As an adult we make so many mistakes but we mostly don't repeat the same mistake.
Some times we watch pornography and that kind of becomes a time pass or habit due to loneliness or because of desires and I am no exception to this.
Some times we chat online with hidden Identity or different email ID to hide out details and chat with opposite sex due to loneliness or because of desires and I am no exception to this.
Some times we might loose or flirt talk or approach a opposite sex in office or with our colleague's or with our neighbor's. I am no exception to this.
What we don't understand is that the readability skills of ours about others is taken advantage by opposite sex may be at the behest of someone, that we don't understated, we consider it something and they indicate it was a normal discussion or action. Because we visit their house only to realize that they are influenced by vested interests and power to put us down? I Had to learn hard lessons due to this, either ways it's only men who would to face the music in such situations. So, better we realize this much earlier or we would have to regret situations.
I have used the office Printers to take Print outs to help my Children for studies and particularly workbooks until I reached a point that it was not appropriate to do this or continue this practice. Hence, decided to buy a Printer at home that gives flexibility to the Family Members and the Children to print the relevant study materials. I would used the office printers for few years that include study materials, some PAN CARD, Sale Deed print outs, License Xerox, Certificates, Aadhaar card xeroxes and so on. This is not a ethically acceptable practice in a profession or as professionals hence I would have to regret and pay the debt of this.
I had also once submitted a duplicate hotel invoice to compensate for the inconvenience caused to us due to a sudden policy change in the company. I probably shouldn't have taken this approach but at that point of time, I didn't realize it's not appropriate from the companies ethics and etiquettes point of view.
What we men have to learn is that these are distractions and many a times men are trapped by women and they (women) are in turn influenced by others.?
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