Friday, 17 July 2020

State Emergency - Proactive and Response Team

State Emergency -  Proactive and Response Team

Is it time to create State Emergency Proactive and Response Team, similar to National Disaster Management team and Why?

The National Disaster Management Team is a Special Force created to respond to a Natural Calamity any where in the country.

It employees around 13,788 personnel for ground level work along with administrative work force the workforce strength would be able to reach 15,000.

In my view it's time to create State wise Proactive and Response Team for example (Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team) they all would work as per the framework of Disaster Management Act, hopefully renamed as State Emergency Proactive and Response Team Framework.

This framework shall allow each states to create their own by law derived from State Emergency Proactive and Response Team Framework,  Named as for example Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team.

The states shall mandatorily recruit personnels from across the state and the number of personnel to be recruited would depend on the size of the state, number of districts, total population, district wise population, the ratio of total population of the state to districts population shall decide the number of personnel to be recruited from those districts+ a buffer strength of 5-10% of the total work force. The buffer percentage can be decided based on size of the state and number of districts. 

This ensures a fair representation of personnel from across the state in the organization namely, Tamilnadu State Emergency Proactive and Response Team.

In the state of TamilNadu alone we could recruit around 32*50 to 32*100 with a strength range of 1600 to 3200 distributed across each district.

They have to mandatorily known the State Language and English language compulsorily.  This enables them to be posted anywhere across the world in their career growth.  They should be able to speak, read and write in these languages very fluently.  They would have to appropriately undergo language tests, aptitude tests, logical reasoning tests, TNPSC, IPS exams, IAS, IFS exams for various position with the organization.

Hope all the State Government request and   stress the need for delegation of the responsibility with the republican Government of India, 

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