Sunday, 26 July 2020

Vegetable and Fruit - Sourcing, Grading, Packing, Identification, Categorization, Source Marking, Destination Marking, Mode of transport, Loading, Unloading, Weight at Packing, weight at destination, source price, selling price

Is it time to build a custom Software solution that handles, Domain Supply Chain Management - agricultural produce and agroproducts, Domain Warehouse Management-, produce and agroproducts, Pricing, Packing, Grading, Sorting, Identification, Categorization, Source Marking, Destination Marking, Mode of transport, Loading, Unloading, Weight at Packing, weight at destination, source price, selling price and also collectiing peels again return to Farmers or Vermicompost unit's when they go again for purchase of Vegetables and Fruits for free, or at a very minimal price? 

The Farmer's today face Multiple problem, monsoon, wind, hales, thunderstorms, storms, floods, Pricing, input cost, output and return are less.  

The Farmers have to work together as a community and society to Solve their Challenges while the dealers, distributors should return then manure often (quarterly, half yearly and annually).  For example the Sugar Cane Pulps, Fruit peels, package paper, hays, straws, Vegetable peels, their wastage have to be returned to the community Vermicompost units for organic manure production.  The same Supply chain Network can be used to return the wastes to the Farmer's. 

The Software solution should be modularized to handle the complete distribution network, along with best pricing at source, optimal pricing at retail, all taxes are paid GST, DIT, TT, Toll Charges,  DSCM,  DWM, Crop insurance, minimum support or guaranteed price, and so on to ensure everyone involved in the complete SCM is happy, Profitable and makes a living for themselves. 

And it should cover the interest of the Farmers, Distributor, Whole sale and retailer's. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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