Thursday, 23 July 2020

Seeds, Oil, Bacteria

The oils extracted from the chekku, or using traditional methods, they don't fry or burn the seeds before extracting oil.  They use the raw seeds, If  we soak them in water they germinate to form new life.  This means the bacteria or microbes or cells inside the seeds still hold life waiting for humidity, water, medium to germinate.
These seeds when used for extracting oil from them then those microbes still exists and come out along with the oil.

If we heat the seeds before extracting oil than it may help in longer shelf life of the oil but the microbes would have been killed in the process.

Therefore, it's better to categorize the oils with visual indicators or icons or symbols in the packing to indicate non-heated oil extraction method, heated oil extraction method was used and so on for the customer's and consumers to choose or buy as per their choice, awareness. 

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