Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) - Vehicle Registration String Token (VRST)
The Vehicle Registration number logic should include the name of the owner in it.
For example,
TN 59 AA 1234
The current standard of registration number allocation doesn't change in case of resale of Vehicles?
The sale of vehicle would require or shall mandate new VRN number to be obtained in case of resale registration, when the Owner's name is included in it.
For (e.g)
The Name of the owner is Karthikeyan Karuppanan, then the vehicle number could be,
TN 59 AA KK 1234
Every first letter of every word in the name shall be used in VRN. In case of lengthy names with 5 words then 5 characters would be added to vehicle registration number.
For example the name is,
Karthikeyan Murukan Karuppanan Ambalam Kalaiarasi
TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234
We can also add the last four digits of aadhaar number as well to it to ensure that the owner details can be ascertained easily and every sale or resale of the vehicle would require a new VRN to be obtained from the nearest RTO office.
TN 59 AA KK 1234 7520 or TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234 7520
Where in the last four digit refers to the last four digits of the Owner's aadhaar number.
In the future the letters from the owners name could also be a hashed key from the CompleteName, Date and Time of purchase,. Date and Time of Delivery, Date and time of birth, along with TN 59 AA KK 1234 7520 22101975 031525 or TN 59 AA KMKAK 1234 7520 22101975 031525, Captured in the Registration Profile or in the License Plate. The entire license plate number could just be a hashed key or string that includes all particulars of registration and Owner's profile information as well.
The other options to consider are 12 digit aadhaar number, Mobile number that can be part of the VRN, these numbers can he hashed along with CompleteName, Date and Time of purchase,. Date and Time of Delivery,, Date of birth, date and time of birth
TN 59 AA KK 1234 694162137520 (adhaar) 9880920037(mobile) 22101975 (dateofbirth) 031525 (time of birth)
TN 59 AA KMKAK 694162137520 (adhaar) 9880920037(mobile) 22101975 (dateofbirth) 031525 (time of birth)
In the future the availment of services could be based on the auspicious or நல்ல நேரம் ஒன்லி as per the தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம் or regional calendar. The Services would be queued to be handled at the appropriate time of the day, everyday. This would mean the Registration time, delivery time of the car, or any other important documents, IDs and so on would be only be documented, typed, written, issued at the auspicious time of any given day only.
The above numbering pattern or method or approach guarantees uniqueness of the vehicle's number across generations.
The VRN plate would be a digital true color panel display that displays the VRN multilingually, State language, English, and also would be able to display in another state language, English when the vehicle is driven across the border enabling language portability in display across borders using GPS coordinates of the vehicle.
In case of commercial vehicle include the permit numbers as well in the registration plate, the permit numbers Shall be Unique to each vehicle against which permit license is sought in case of different owner, in case of same owner the list of vehicle's against which a permit license is sought and issued.
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