Friday, 10 July 2020

Reservation Policy

Reservation Policy. 

Is this the right time to introduce reservation based on the Financial status of the Family than being based on caste based reservation?

The Financial status based reservation would cover any family members below a income threshold to claim reservation in Education and for Government jobs.  This doesn't Discriminate the population  based on various caste or religion identification rather on one single criteria of Family income to Determine the reservation criteria.  This means that the total available seats or jobs have to be split between lower income family to support them and the remaining seats for rest of the applicants. 

This way we can probably determine the ratio of the lower income population against the other income categories.  This ensures that the criteria and it's percentage can be redefined based on income tax returns (PAN) or actual income, CII, GDP, Cost of living and so on.

Hope the State government and the Republic Government discuss this for implementations.

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