Sunday, 19 July 2020

Applying Breaks in Cars and Releasing clutch in uphill

Can vehicle's or cars be designed to handle the release of clutch pedals in uphill shall automatically give a slight thrust to the accelator pedal enabling for easy movement of the right leg from the break pedal to accelerator pedal?  This ensures that the vehicle is balanced and ready to climb uphill after every stop enroute due to traffic.

The half clutch and feeling the vibration is so important while driving uphill if automatic slight thrust on the accelator is tuned for the vehicle to stay in it's place based on the angle of inclination enables the vehicle from going backwards or downwards.  This thrust can be mechanical or Electro mechanical or sensor driven electronical thrust.  The release pressure on the clutch pedal shall be converted to thrust pressure on the accelerator pedal based on the angle of inclination to ensure the vehicle remains in it's place until the driver presses the accelator pedal for forward movement of the vehicle.

Similarly, after a continous long drive the left leg which is at rest doesn't quickly move enough when we apply a sudden break after continous acceleration.  In this scenario the sudden release of acceleration pedal, then the pressure applied only on the break pedal should automatically bring a thrust on the clutch as well to certain extent to reduce the flow of acceleration from the clutch plate helping to slow down the vehicle.  This also helps the driver, when there is a delay in moving his left leg which is at rest position to apply thrust on the clutch to change the gear. 

Is this possible to transfer the thrust from one pedal to another pedal based on drving condition or state.? 

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