Wednesday 8 July 2020

Financial Software, RPOS, Billing Software - Certified

The Financial Softwares like Billing Software, RPOS, Payments Gateway, Payment App, ERP,  Banking Software, that is build or used by us should have to be audited and certified for tax law compliance.

In order to achieve all of these Softwares have to be based on a Common Framework, Domain OS and SDK bundle that ensure the fundamental principles of Finance is abstracted as hardwares, Softwares libraries and they are meant for Financial usages.

Such SDKs would then be easy to build Financial apps with ease that ensure complete compliance to law of the land, Tax compliance, return compliance, auto tax payment, auto return filing and ensure every citizen in law biding when it comes to financial laws or tax laws automatically with little or no effort from the individuals.

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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