Saturday 11 July 2020

Sugar Cane Pulps

 Cane Pulps
Sugar Cane Pulps

The Sugar Pulps near the Sugar Cane Extractor or Sugar Cane Juice Make, sold at road side is left as is to be collected by the Municipal Trucks. In this case they simply go to the landfills in the city.  This puts stress for the Farmer's to collect natural manure and incurs a huge cost.The distributor of the Sugar Cane to the shops have to collect the Pulps, skins and peels to resell it to Vermicompost unit.  It would also be good if these Pulps, Fruits skins, Vegetable peels, other organic left overs are collected from various shops, hotels, restaurants and returned to the Farmer's for Vermicompost. The Farmers association should just collect these by weight measured in KGs and give them to the nearest village Vermicompost unit for producing manure to the farms.

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