Wednesday 21 October 2020

My Astrology. Com portal

Is it time to create a portal application along with a mobile app, cloud store, that enables the users to avail Astrology, kili joshiyam, palmistry online?

The Astrology Portal could offer services performed by well trained, experienced, expert's who provide the service of Astrology to their client's. 

The Brahmins and Non Brahmins who provide these service's would register on our portal with their Gurukul Details, Certification details, personal profile, Identity like CIN, TIN or PAN, Aadhaar, address, Phone number, availability, date of birth, family details, and so on. 

The Portal would offer these services for the end users or clients.  The end users would also register on the portal with personal profile, Identity like CIN, TIN or PAN, Aadhaar, address, Phone number, time availability, date of birth, family details, and so on.

The portal would be intelligent to handle the service request and schedule the appointments to the requested service, matching the package or plans, records of services availed, completed, bill of material invoices, TDS, GST, all taxes automatically handled by the portal.

So on and so forth. 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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