Thursday 22 October 2020

Sweets - Instant making, selection of Ingredients, toppings, choice of sweetness (white sugar, jaggery, கருப்பட்டி, Multigrain Halwa or அல்வா made from Cappai or rage, தினை, கம்பு, cholam etc

The future of Halwa or அல்வா, sweets would be totally customized where in the customer order's the sweet via portals or instore by specifying his Ingredients, fruit peels, fruit pulps, oils, milks, curd, nuts, toppings like ஜீரகம், Cummins seeds, pepper's, lemon, toppings, mixings, the quantum of each of these, and they would be prepared instantly or on daily basis in the shop's kitchen.

They would be prepared from Wheat, கேப்பை or ragee, cholam, கம்பு, அரிசி, கேழ்வரகு, தினை, மாவை, barley,... (from different grains). 

What do we think or say about this idea? 

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